Jeff The Killer


Jeff The Killer

15 0
3:25, Princess?
Kate, Princess. I'm here sorry.
I can't come to America though.
Come to England?
I'll try
I couldn't stop thinking of you at all today. Not even for a minute.
Me too❤️
I really wanna kiss you in real life
So do I <3 <3
I wanna kiss you/french kiss you for a very long time
Yeah, same. Please come to England some day.
*Hugs* Baby.
*Hugs* Angel
Why're you online rn?
Food Tec project
Great ^_^
Hey, I told my friend about what you said xp
What did he say xP
Nothing really :/
Lol why sad?
Idk, lol
Tell him that I said "Hi"
Lol. Anything else? Because he'll probably just say hi back.
Idk what els to say
Okay :P
I trust you more than anyone that I know ❤️
So? :)
I got a surprise for you💋
What is it?
First close your eyes while I get your surprise💋
Lol alright. *Closes them*
*Goes in the living room then grabs your surprise and comes back in our room*
*Sits next to you*
Kate? *Smiles*
Open your eyes
*Opens them*
*Gives you 12 roses, a heart shaped box full of chocolate and some wine*
*Kisses you*
Did your mum say anything about Kik?
Not yet
She's sick
Oh. I'm sorry.
She's been sick for about a week now :(
Idk y though :(
Oh :/
*Tears up*
Princess, I thought she pîssed you off.
She did, but she's still my mom *Tears up*
Oh, Princess. She'll be okay :)
I hope so *Wipes tears away*
*Hugs and holds back tears*
I wish I could meet her.
But, I got a dog
You told me you're allergic to dogs
Yeah, I have a dog too but I just put up with it.
What kind of dog
American bulldog.
I got a Pit Bull