Ugh he is so...perfect


Ugh he is so...perfect

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-wipes tears- hi sarah
-cries hard into my hands- h-hi
please dont cry sarah
-cries hard- im such an idiot
sarah you arent an idiot if there was an idioot here that would be me
-cries- im so stupid for ever leaving u
sarah im the one that let it happen
-cries- but im the one who left...
but im the one who let you leave and you wanted what was best for Chloe so i let you instead of fighting like i always do
what was best for Chloe was to stay with u -looks up at u with tears rolling down my cheeks-
-kisses her cheek- and wipes tear away sarah i love chloe but it was best for her to know who her real dad is
but he left us....twice
i know sarah i left twice once was i was sick twice was school and i was also sick
but u always come back
i know i dont like talking this way but everyone is getting a new phone soon so hopeful it will work on our new phones
like pc deleted itself off of our phones and wouldnt let us get it back
thts weird
i get my new phone on monday