~Kaneki X Hide~
-Tokyo Ghoul-
+See You Again+
//i honestly... dont know what to do... i feel like cûttïng again.. haha wait... already did...\\


||TAP|| ~Kaneki X Hide~ -Tokyo Ghoul- +See You Again+ •Ash1349• //i honestly... dont know what to do... i feel like cûttïng again.. haha wait... already did...\\

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Ashy! Why?! Cutting doesn't do you any good!
Ash, If you ever need to talk please do. I'm here for you. we all are. never forget that 💖
g o r g e o u s. gorgeous
and please stop cutting yourself it won't make anything better if you ever need to talk please know I here
ash, i don't talk to you much (i wish i would) but i hope that you don't cut hun! please take care of yourself! if you ever need any help we're all here for you ^^