Please 4 and 3 are my opinions!!! Unless you can convince me that your opinion is better💕✨


Please 4 and 3 are my opinions!!! Unless you can convince me that your opinion is better💕✨

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Kyoya Ootori has a fabulous face, wonderful character development, is the REASON their IS a host club (Tamaki wouldn't have been able to do it without him), and makes thousands of fangirls happy everyday😊💘 AND he's a smartaśś director/organizer of the club✨
Also Lisanna Strauss: There's a misconception in the Fairy Tail fandom that Lisanna is some bitçh just because she's intervening with this whole NaLu affair. I'm guessing you don't like her because she's ruining your whole NaLu ship. Would you have preferred if she stayed dead? To humor you, let's just say she did. The Strauss siblings, and, not to mention, Natsu, would live the rest of their lives without perfect happiness. Lisanna has never done anything substantially bad, or relatively annoying, besides getting in the way of your OTP... Now, if you disliked Lisanna because of her appearance or voice, I'd just call that bull and call it a day. But the whole freakin fandom hates Lisanna's guts because she came back! Dafùq is that logic?! Lisanna's not my favorite character, but I don't hate her either.💘
Also, its like hating Lucy because she's "getting in the way" of Gruvia💕
I once had a dream about Kyoya.DREAM:I asked Haruhi who's baby she's holding and she says it was hers.So I asked,"Okay then who's the father." Haruhi said that KYOYA was the father and he appeared and him and Haruhi were laughing and it was just weird watching them playing around😁.
It was an actual dream and it gave me the creeps every time I see him.
And Lisanna I don't like her not because of the ship she just came back to quick and I didn't know who she was so I didn't like her
NALU is my Opt but Lisanna came and I didn't like her 'cause she just came in and I didn't know a lot about her so I've disliked her 'cause she just came into the story way too fast for me.
Um... right... so not being judgmental or anything I swear but... thats like not liking a food because its foreign to you. "I dislike her bc I don't know much about her". So, like, if theres a new person at school your going to dislike them too??? Ok then.
@MySenpaiAmber //I like debating and arguing; its the only thing I'm good at😂✨
Right, and so you dislike Kyoya because of a dream YOU formulated in YOUR own mind??? Ok. Sounds gr8 m8.
That's true it's just When she came back out of like Erza,Gray,Wendy,Lucy ect. She hugged NATSU.I mean out of every single person there.I mean she KNEW Wendy and Lucy but Natau.I mean she didn't even care about Natsu Dragion.
Kyoya I didn't like but the other host members get to me to.Tamaki:He's weird but has a great sense of humor.Mori:He's okay but Mabey to silent,but when he talks it's weird😂.Honey:My favorite host but has a weird Lolita type.Haruhi:Perfect✨💕.Kyoya:He gives me the creeps but is ok.Karou:My favorite twin😍.Hikaru:He's fine just I don't like his personality when he's alone,'cause I don't like tsunderes!
Um actually, Lisanna didn't know Wendy and Lucy when she first came back. She was presumed as "dead" BEFORE Lucy and Wendy made their debut in the anime. Also, Natsu was her childhood friend. Her VERY best friend. If you had come back from being "dead" for whatever amount of years, wouldn't you want to hug your friend??? Just saying.
Sorry for being persistant.
Honestly it's the EDOLAS Lucy and Wendy even if they look/act different.I mean look there was Erza and Gray but she chose Natsu.I know they were friends and all but I would've just given everyone a big group hug.
She didn't even like Natsu's counterpart which I mean if that was Natsu then she would've liked him too don't you think.
This is going to be a long conversation😂