Why does racism exist?


Why does racism exist?

64 0
this makes a lot of sense
thank u❤️
the same reason homophobia, sexism, transphobia and ableism exist. Some people are a holes.
racism exists because some old guys from hundreds of years ago that they were better and it was passed on through generations. and those relatives of the old guys are now just ignorant conservatives who don't like change, when most change is good
^ and people listened to them
My grandfather on my mothers side hated my dad, because he is Chinese, At airports me and my dad are "randomly" selected for pat downs because he looks Muslim because he is mixed with tons of things. I never knew racism was a thing until i was 12 and people were sooo rude about anything I did that was "Asian"
it's sooo wrong that people can't handle anything that's different from themselves
i really don't understand people at all anymore.
Racism is literally one of the dumbest things ever. Along with sexism and homophobia🙄