I hate justin


I hate justin

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is he even relevant?
ah understandable
honestly the numbers would probably be reversed
and anime fans aren’t just preteen girls
yeah I’m surprised he’s still around, though he would be obscure by now
it’s a shame how wealth tends to go to idiots or people who only care about themselves
like honestly that money should go to charities or fund schools
DO A BACK FLIP😂😂 that is horribly funny
eep hehe Connor bear hugs me every chance he gets! he's a giant teddy bear
I'm terrified to talk back! ;~; Connor's like that though. he'll put out his thoughts and argue if needed even if no one wanted him to talk. and God forbid someone talk shît about me or his mama! he once got suspended for punching a guy who said his mom was a dumbfucx
but then he does all he can to make me feel important and loved and he cries when I sing cause voice is "just too beautiful"
yes yes
Connors supposed to get taller.. I'm 5'..... on the dot..... I'm a short scared Mangle... and his mom is more of a badàss but also the sweetest person ever and an overprotective loving mom and she adopted me when she met me. she looked at me when Connor introduced me and said "this child is too pure for me not to adopt. you're mine now sweetie make yourself at home"
hehe his mom came in when I was over one night and asked if I wanted to see embarrassing baby pictures and I love to see those so I said absolutely and it didn't bother any of us. he just sat there while she and I talked about when he was little vs when I was little and it was great. though last time she did laugh at me some but it wasn't in a mean way really
lol very
all she does when I'm over is fuss over us or go to her room to play violent games with her online friends. they all call her mama kat (cause her names Katherine) and one of them is called Jesus for some reason so Connor and I will be cuddling then you just hear his mom yell "DÀMN IT JESUS"
*sigh* I gotta pack to go to my dads tomorrow... I don't wanna go but I kinda have to...
heh.. we used to be super close but recently we kinda drifted... maybe cause my depression just makes me not want to be around people and when I'm down there he thinks all I do is text Connor. I mean, by now he's right but... I don't know I just can't explain all my shît to him and I don't know why... oh wait... nm I remember.... he's a baby boomer and very...."traditional"..... he wants me to take over the farm and go to college (even though he didn't) and didn't look at me or talk to me after I came out as trans and gay to him and his girlfriend... his girlfriends super cool about it though!
my parents were never married but he's always insisted on being part of our lives no matter what but no one in my family is actually supportive... they just want me to do what they want and that's it... but dad.....he says he wants me to do what I want but somehow twists it to make me think I'm not quite right and that makes me wonder if mom was right that time she was yelling at me saying he brainwashed me....
my mom hasn't worked in years... she takes money from dad and her dad too....
no no it's alright. I love hearing about you loving your ma
I'm sorry. I'm just kinda falling if you know what I mean... I might go to bed in a while
if I don’t reply I am passed out I haven’t slept properly since I was on medication for it when I was 6
I normally do to but today been extra
maybe you should sleep