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society sucks. like dรคmn what should you care what I look like? I'm happy with the way I look and I feel confident, but apparently it doesn't matter because in society's view I'm just being a "typical girl" bc apparently we all need to be barbies ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ™„
okay so when is the inauguration happening? is it today or what cause im scared for whenever it is..
it annoys me how society labels people by their looks. for example, I like to wear lipstick. it makes me feel confident. but I've been called "slรผt" on many occasions, and people always think I'm wearing it for a guy. like, excuse me. who are you to judge me, and my reason for wearing makeup. I have poor body image as it is๐Ÿ˜‚ I don't need your shรญtty comments on my choice of lip color.
inauguration is on Friday
really tho ^ it's like really keep your mouth about other people for just a minute and think about how it will affect them before you make a comment
mouth shut* lmร รด i cant type
oh okay thanks no one talks about politics at my school and my parents dont either so i had no idea
ah, well I love talking politics and I swear when people doubt my debate skills they better take a seat cause I'm about to lecture them long and hard.
same ^ i will literally argue my head off about anything i believe strongly enough in. i was talk about LGBT+ stuff to my friend and she kept saying something (i forgot) and i was like BOI FIGHT ME I KNOW ABOUT 100 TIME MORE THEN YOU and then i proceeded to tell her about everything i know which was gr8
Why can't we all be equal? It's not even that hard a concept to wrap your mind around. Equality. Where we all live together in harmony no matter what race, religion, or sexual preference. I am currently reading The Autobiography of Frederick Douglass because I think he is SUCH an inspirational man, and I want more insight into his life. Unfortunately, most of it is horrible. The things they did to those slaves, who deserve just as much dignity AS ANYONE ELSE! WHY? WHY ARE THEY DIFFERENT. GIVE ME A GOOD ANSWER! (sorry for ranting, I get carried away ๐Ÿ˜‚)
I know a lot of people won't care about this, but Troye Sivan is coming out with a music video on Inauguration Day and the song is about being part of the LGBT community so yeah. it's called Heaven and I really recommend it๐Ÿ™‚
and I guess that proves that no matter how hard anyone tries, that the LGBT community and people cannot be broken I guess you could say.
and we are all one and we stand united together and we stand up for one another
I feel so awkward because I live in D.C. and I feel a little scared of a) what may happen at it and b) what he will do
@scgzubaj IK I can't wait!
and ^^ yeah, I get it. we are here for you
i don't support trump at all but he is a very smart man, in my opinion not a very good man at all and he's a clown but he built a successful company one can only hope he can use those skills to help our country's growing financial problem
*i don't support trump as much as that paragraph makes it sound like I do, I'm disgusted by the things he's said but I'm just saying there's one thing we can hope gets better*
I'm could go on endless rants about this but I just want to say this. it kind of irritates me when people say,"give him a chance" because, of all people, why would you give him ANOTHER chance? he had a chances to apologize for all the things he has done, but he didn't take it. why would you want him to have a chance IN the White House? I'm sorry, my friend group is really torn apart with this election and I just *sigh* don't even know why it's affecting so much :/
it seems like "equality" is something we will never have. The President's a sexist and racist, and there are so many more like him.
so many like him
i also hate the people who call each other 'BOCES' at my school justbecause they said something supid
I think trump is a smart man and has a heart... if you watched the inauguration you know what I mean. Also if someone is here illegally it's not that hard to go and get registered as a citizen. I know someone who had to do that