guys I just wanted to let you know that I do
have depression. I've had depression for a
while now amd its getting worse. I do cut I do
think about suicide. with everything going on
in my life right now its only getting worse.
I've had people tell me that


guys I just wanted to let you know that I do have depression. I've had depression for a while now amd its getting worse. I do cut I do think about suicide. with everything going on in my life right now its only getting worse. I've had people tell me that

23 4
Please don't. My cousin had depression after his twin sister died. He began to talk to people and eventually got through it, and you will to. Suicide is never the answer. If you commit suicide it's only gonna make whoever caused your depression do it to others. Please don't 😭
one word PRAY🙏🏽
God will help you ,with everything so always remember God is always there with you
i'm sorry if the collage i made doesn't help,just know, YOU MATTER.even if others and yourself don't believe it
I love you and please stay strong I'm a survivor of depression and I know you can make it.