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Chat page

110 4
do u like Lawry_yolo_101
thx for like stoning to my idea
soz auto correct it auto corrected listening to stoning
haha ok
tysm for the spam!😀😀😘
welcome 💖💕😘
your a really cool collagerz 😋
haha thanks you are too 😊💯💕💖
I think that on one of collages you made said if we follow you you will follow us back but you aren't following me
ur account comes up with opps , and the collage is on my other account 😊
wait no nevermind now , it allows me
Hi guys follow me plz lol
he needs more followers !!!😊
I like cheese 🧀
I'm just curious, what other apps do u use?? I only use pic collage but I want to use other apps
I also use phonto
I have just spent ages following everyone that you follow!
I tried in following him , it won't allow me
omg the follow everyone thing worked! I've had like 20 follows in like 30 seconds
haha congrats !!💖💖💕💕😊😱😱😱😊😊💖
but it's weird because I follow everyone that you follow and I only follow like 500 people but you follow thousands
haha yeah
I need followers im da lowest lol
it's ok , u will get more !
please Follow me everyone!
please follow me
could more people do my q and a collage!
follow both of them !!
how do u co-own an account????
katt please answer
idk what that means
do u mean joint or more then 1 account?
don't worry
lol ok
how do get so many followers? can u give me some tips?
idk I just try to be really creative in the collages and posts and like and comment nice and helpful tips on other people's posts 💕😊
anyone on 😑😑🙄🙄
hey Katt I like your chat page. mind if I do something like your chat page. I really like it and I have a contest on my page. by the way i changed the name of my page it is:THE-2-HORSE-WHISPERS.
I mean my account
cool and sure !❤️💖
haii kattster! You're doing so good on your collages! keep up the good work, girl!
thank you sooo much !! ✨