credit to @SGCzubaj 's sister for these often overlooked facts about miss hillydizzle and why I'm rejoicing that she wasn't elected


credit to @SGCzubaj 's sister for these often overlooked facts about miss hillydizzle and why I'm rejoicing that she wasn't elected

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and I know my acc isn't the most positive, happy place but nah
Hillary: banning weapons in order to stop violence (it's worked in a ton of other countries) Trump: is racist and sexist and is unfairly treating an entire religion
trump also has gone bankrupt multiple times
I agree with you that Hillary sucks but let's not over look the facts here
^idk if this is true but apparently trump faked bankruptcy so the government would give him money
^ok BUT bankruptcy is a good way to protect your assets. all big business's do it
^exactly, he did it strategically, he saved money by doing so
Needed to send this to a friend, we're having quite the debate, thanks!
see, while trying to point out hillary's flaws, you're completely ignoring trump's flaws. he IS rasict, sexist, homophobic, plus he makes fun of disabled people. there's tons more. you can't do that, point out all of one person's flaws and none of the other's. it makes it seem like trump is an average American and Hillary is Satan which is completely unfair and untrue. they both have extreme flaws, and you should make a note of that.
cmon why can't I only write a few sentences I swear I'm not trying to make these entire paragraphs, I was only going to write like two sentences.
oh also btw I'm not in any way calling you homophobic, racist, sexist, or anything like that just for supporting him.
this was making a point because most people only point out trump's flaws. it goes both ways.