Collage by Peridork


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I'm so sorry for you. I know you don't want pity and I know I'm not exactly your friend or a presence on your page but I really care about you and I don't want you to be upset
if you ever need to vent or cry to someone I'm always here and I'll always listen and try to help
try writing what's on your mind in a journal, trust me it helps, and please don't hurt yourself in any way, always know that people care
What happened *hug*
well I'm not going to say sorry, cause everyone's füking sorry. but I sincerely hope that you feel better soon and that life treats ya better in the next two weeks
sending u my turtle love 💚🐢
I'm sorry, but I can't help you from here -my friends older sister.
if I could launch myself to where you are I would hug you and tell you it's alright and you're a beautiful and wonderful human
Hang in there, friend. Do you want to talk about what's going on? It's totally okay if you don't want to, but if you feel like you want to express how your feeling, sometimes it's good to have someone to vent to. ❤️️
Aww I'm sorry! *gives air hug* To be honest same. I am a gymnast going through a stress fractured ankle, so I feel you. Just be happy, sometimes even do a fake smile around no one! Do what makes you happy! And know that we support you, and push out the negative people and thoughts!
I'm sorry❤️I hope it gets better