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*hugs* oh god stary... i'm sorry... i wish i knew what to say... i...i'm so sorry...
I'm sorry.
i'm sure she doesn't hate you, though...
stary, that... no. you love each other, right? you shouldn't break up...
...Stary... do you really want to break up with him, or are you doing it for her...?
...I love Alice(as a friend), but... I think you asked him first... you shouldn't break up with him, in my opinion, but... it's up to you, Stary. do what your heart tells you to do. I know Alice won't be sad forever, she has great friends like you there to cheer her up. do what you think you should. I... I think you should stay with him.
^ is Alice the problem? cause if she is... ik who she is, date him,just date him
re/ ........alice never really had me.....i don't think so...... (i just messed everything up...)
No...It's not you
if I don't answer my Mon cane home
re://*hugs* i'm so sorry, Stary...
......i just mess everything up.....
re://alright... I'm here for you if you want someone to talk to, k?
re/ .....please stop lying to make me feel better....we both know it's true...
re/ ... *cries in a corner* iv'e lost two girlfriends in the past month......how pathetic is that....
re://no problem at all.
re/ ....same......now i don't know what to do.....you're telling me to be with alice and alice is telling me to be with you...i feel like toasty rn...
re://ok. *le huggles tighter* no more sad
re://I will literally not stop trying to cheer you up until you're not sad. I will, because I don't want you to be sad...
re/ toasty, admin's first boyfriend...
...fine....but i don't want you to be sad...
^fûcked up my life and other plz lives over a boy... I hate my life..