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congrats !!!🎉u won first place in my contest !!! u can choose from the 1st place prizes or all of them ofcourse !🎉🎉🎉👏👏👻👽✖️⛄️ lemme know what u want from the prizes 💕😄💘
hey heres a tip : so if u want ur words to look more tumblr-ish then dont move them far apart .. keep close together and that way they might look messier thats good 😘
another tip is to use the filters : fade and clamp if u want a more grunge look
and also if u want to make things look brighter u can use this png i will remix 😘
some apps that come in handy are : phonto and rhonna 😜
if u want cool grunge pics get them from an app called we heart it 👽
those are my tips hope i helped lemme know if i did, also ur shoutout will be the caption on my next post and the apm is done 😘😘👻💕❤️✖️👽👏