Collage by clear-blue-water-follows


33 12
Just a notice... Your following a hatepage. Unfollow them ASAP! Spread LOVE, not hate!
It says her name on the college too
And your following fangirlism hatepage
Since you are following NJNcub-collabs I just want to let you know that it got hacked and to follow this new account!!
thank you so much! I get my quotes from Pinterest
idk, my password wouldn’t work and every time I would get into the account it would kick me out and it had a message on it or something...
I would like my collages to be featured can you please like them and tell other people to like them?
oh, ik it’s really nerve racking!!😣😣😣
Thorned roses
please remix my latest collage πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜†πŸ˜‰