Sixth collage for this theme! One more... PURPLE!!! So I’m thinking like a lavender for my purple... what do y’all think? Rate this 1-10? QOTD: Favorite holiday? AOTD: Christmas for sure. I LOVE Christmas time but I hate the coldπŸ˜‚


tap!!πŸ‹πŸ‹ Sixth collage for this theme! One more... PURPLE!!! So I’m thinking like a lavender for my purple... what do y’all think? Rate this 1-10? QOTD: Favorite holiday? AOTD: Christmas for sure. I LOVE Christmas time but I hate the coldπŸ˜‚

64 0
AOTD: Christmas!!!! 9.999999/10!
also love lavender β™₯️
10/10! aotd: Christmas for me too!πŸ˜„πŸŽ„
9.5/10!!!!! BEAUTIFUL!!
9/10! πŸ’™ AOTD: Christmas. πŸŽ„
this is really pretty!