Me and my bro lol going to jump on tramp sis is also coming but not shirtlessLOL


Me and my bro lol going to jump on tramp sis is also coming but not shirtlessLOL

14 1
that's funny
are you even on people been talking to you
I know I said whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy and no because I was outside on the tramp
what you doing
nuthin much
cool me nether
I'm actually outside making a garden lol
is it nice outside there
is raining here
not anymore
it's poring out here
Josie is in the hospital that's what her sister said
she stabbed her self with a knife
do you ever look at your texts 🀣😊
yes and why did she do it
omg I wish she was here right now like irl so I could hug her and squeeze her in my arms cuz I love her
yea she is awesome
yeah is she really in the hospital though
I don't know really it doesn't make sense
same but I just posted something about her u see
I saw it's so sweet
how old are you because she turned 19 so
I'm 14 almost 15
oh cool
I'm 13
I want to talk to her and not her sister
same nice I'm still fourteen till next year though
I liked her profile pic before her sis took over it
sorry was watching the walking dead
are you still there
the walking dead lol my mom watches that and yeah
it's my favorite show do you like it
yeah but I'm in bed now
I am to but I don't want to sleep
I can't sleep
lol same I get up more energetic when I get less sleep is that weird
you bout to go to bed
yea me to it's is weird but who cares
I'm going to bed at ten
at 10:00
or in ten
or eleven
at ten or eleven
oh it's 10:25 now
we're do you live
in Kansas
where you at
Michigan kalamazoo
you there
dang that's far away from where I am πŸ˜‚
do you go to school
ur literally the only person that I'm talking to
your the only person I'm talking to
what time do you get out of school
really I get out at 2:30
well when you get out do you want to talk
I have nothing to do
I have soccer practice and I'm on spring break I'm going to a friends then getting picked up to go to practice so after5:20 kk
I have baseball tomorrow to and I have to clean my neighbors house
really that must suck
yea kind of but I get $5 bucks an hour
oh nice
yea then I have dance on Wednesday so I'm going to be so tired
yeah we have practice every day except Friday and the weekend
ow that has to stink
so is Josie actually on
yea I found that out I think it is her I'm so confused
and yeah it dose I'm usually sore by the third day
I don't know if she is mad at me because she won't talk to me now
idk she's not talking to me ether
maybe something is wrong
yeah I need to know
I just asked but she might answer tomorrow
just let me know when your going to sleep
but I can't sleep now because of Josie if she is mad
hang on brb
I can't sleep till I know she's ok
well I feel bad
dam one hundred and Five comments
do you want me to stop talking
no it's fine it is just that I've never seen that many comments on one of my posts
oh yea
well Josie's profile pic is back to normal
my cat is still in my bed
she might be in bed
oh lol
yeah I saw that and I'm happy
we can talk to her tomorrow
but she still won't talk
well maybe she might
so you really like her don't you because you seem to care about her
yes I do
she might talk to me tomorrow and you because it is really late
is it twelve there
yea maybe but I don't want to get my hopes up
11:14 pm
ok just wanted to know cuz when it's twelve there I'm going to bed
I'll let you know because that is when I'm going to bed to
πŸ˜‚ lol
I might change my profile pic should I
I don't know what to do though
I don't know it's up to u
I know but I'm bored and want to do something
ok change it to this
go to the remixes
you made me laugh so much
or just stay with that one because it's cute
oh thanks but I did it because I wanted to see what it would look like
I'm laughing so hard
I meant of the girl lol
I know but I wanted to see what it would look like
but you have to admit that this is funny
yea it is because it has me and my lil bro in it
there I found one
flexing πŸ’ͺ lol
oh my god stop I'm laughing and my parents don't know I'm still awake
what you doing
just listening to a music live stream called pixel radio
have you ever listens to skrillex
yeah u gonna look it up huh
there's this on called first of the year with a video and it is awesome
cool I'll look it up
are you a popular kid at school
or just another person at school
kinda but I'm a nerd because I know what to do with πŸ’» so yeah omg it's in live with your body
I'm a nerd because I draw in class but I have a bad temper tantrum with teachers
I yell at them when they are subs. and I hate subs.
Josie is talking to me
same and same
well I stop talking and let you guys talk
well you said for me to tell you when it us 12:00 so it is 5 min. before
and thx
well have a nice night and Josie to
sorry doing homework and really bored
oh lol
what you doing
are you on
how old r u
me or him
what well hi anyways
hey what you doing
watching a tv show
yeah what are u up to
did she want my age or what
I don't know πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ
but I'm about to go to softball
I'll talk to u later bye
oh Josie's in I think she changed her pic so yea because I helped pic it for her but yea bye
hey u on
yeah now I went to soak because I sprained my ankles
oh my god how did that happen
soccer and jumping on my tramp with it already sprained
and you still went to soccer not smartπŸ˜‚
I have to if I miss more than to practices than I'm cut
two lol
oh makes sense
yeah that's why but today I didn't have it so I just jumped on the tramp and that didn't help
well no ok that one was your fault
yeah it kinda was that's why I went to soak
well hope you feel better
yeah I do
but pin still kinda shoots up my legs sometimes
pain lol autocorrect
yea well I'll talk to you tomorrow because I have a headache bye
bye hope ur headache πŸ€• goes away and hope u have a good night 😴