Both: :D


Both: :D

6 0
Both: *faints from nosebleed*
Roen: *has blood all over his shirt* Aleu: *has a small nosebleed*
Both: *having dirty daydreams*
Both: *more nosebleeds*
Kyla: *stifles a laugh and wakes them up*
Aleu: *rubs eyes and yawns* Roen: *is asleep already*
Kyla: *sighhhhhh*
Kyla: Roen has special medicine to keep him sleeping
Kyla: *looks at PJ and AJ then Roen* Threesome
Kyla: Ehehehehe...
(Roen likes both of them, Aleu is just there cause she can be XD) Kyla: Threesommmmmme
(-3-) Kyla: Roen, and you both 🌚🌚🌚 FÜÇK
Kyla: You are too innocent...YOU TWO MAKE LOVE TO ROEN
Kyla: Hehehe
Kyla: Cause he loves the both of you
Kyla: Oops