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Marlee would NEVER do anything like this so I suggest you stop hacking xoxo-me-and-you and stop blaming her so many people are against you we know she would never do that
liar!!! shining-seas would never do this.
you need to stop it's not funny!!
yes!!! I don’t know why you would think IM doing it.
can you go away? your content is not better. think abt it. pöop is your icon and this isn’t even aesthetic or pretty.
you’re obviously doing this to get attention so I’ve concluded that you’re 5 years old and a huge wannabe! let me know if you need help with reading your picture books! :)
are you shining seas tho? bc you are following her and her extras. usually hàtepages don’t do that
Whoever this is stop she is a kind person and thanks to u a bunch of people got mad at me so just go away you baby!!!!
look all these people are against you so just stop!!
I’m so confused?
What? Ok this is not only grossing me out but if that’s your pöop go see a doctor that’s a abnormal amount of pöop. This is also rude just leave pc pls! Now time to report you 😘
spams the report button*