I cannot hide who I am, though I've tried…


I cannot hide who I am, though I've tried…

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u don't care??
I thought u did. but I guess not I will just leave the stupid world then if no one cares anyways
I care
please don't leave
I need u
and I do care
u said u don't
no that wasn't me I swear! my stupid brother took my ipod! I love you ( in a friend way) and I do care
I'd never say that! I do care about you! please don't leave
*hugs u* I'm sorry. I thought it was u
I'm so sorry kat! *hugs u back* I should have never given my brother my ipod! im so sorry! I feel so stupid. I'm so sorry, you know I'd never say that about u
hey it's ok. I love you and I know u would not hurt me