APRIL FOOLS DAY!!! This is my day! I'm the biggest prankster! Anywho, Plz Enter. Xxxx


*Click* APRIL FOOLS DAY!!! This is my day! I'm the biggest prankster! Anywho, Plz Enter. Xxxx

128 28
hope u like my entry!🐒
Hey guys!πŸ‘‹πŸ» Just to let you know, the teams are out and the first round just began!πŸ’¦ Check my page for the details!πŸ’• Good luck to all of you!😘 Have fun! Check now because I have assigned roles for a three-person collab in this round, so you could be the starter!πŸ‘‘ Get a head start for your group!πŸ˜‰ Bye for now, tropical-skiesπŸ’Ž
when does this end?
Can I enter?? It's okay if notπŸ’•
When are the results??