*singing* this is really bad da dada da

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⭐️👉boop👈⭐️ ~Trees *singing* this is really bad da dada da Check the comments

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I made an art account with my fren fren Freya (@howtoeatpizza) and it's called @-FoxPizza-ART so it'd be great if you'd follow it, but you don't have to I guess. Freya's art is👌though so you might want to. Hey frens what's your favorite book? I need some new books to read. I love you frens💜and also A Fever You Can't Sweat Out is a masterpiece
AFYSCO is awesome
two of my favorites are Finding Audrey and The Unexpected Everything. I think that you'd really enjoy them!
Starters by Lissa Price, The Blackthorn Key by Kevin (something I forgot), The Maze Runner, The Lunar Chronicals, ect
I have tooo many favourite book, they won't fit here😂