One guy walked out and the other 2 went and hid 😂


One guy walked out and the other 2 went and hid 😂

10 0
Fxckin A 😂
lol hey baby see u after school love u
Aye i can meet u at the library when parents get back from the meeting
lol at Johns rn gettin money I think and goin and gettin drinks cuz I’m hot afff
my shirt is tied up in a crop top rn 😂
pfft hey I miss u
like left me alone with all the dumb aśses 😂
Yessss i did and whats wrong wit that
U done it tuesday
well u get along with ppl... no one there likes me lol
just about died in advisory tho
Y what did u do
when Owen saiban and fxcking wes ran all different directions cuz periods came up 😂
like Cowan died it was funny
hey John and I r running down to Marshall’s love u
KK love yea to
well guess it’s just me walking around anyways yea I’m hot ima go outside 😂
k wutever tf ig
Hey do u want me to hang tomorrow
idc if u wanna ig
we r probs shooting anyways if u would even b cool with that
Babe its all up to u do u want me to or not
Idc i mean do u want me to go tho like do u want me to go
Do u even want to see me tomorrow
well I always wanna see u and b with u but I mean ur choice if ur comfortable with it even since Megan and my mom r goin and shĂŻt... just shooting then coming back home to probs ride idek so up to u
I can ask
if u wanna go go ahead ig up to u
But babe do u want me to go like this one is up to u
sorry for bein a bxtch earlier fxcking wes go me so pïssed I couldn’t think straight so by the time u showed up I was ready to kill anyone like at the bus stop I was crying then u showed up so I said fxck it
my hand kinda hurts now tho tbh
go if u want babe like srsly love u I mean I obviously love spending time with u just don’t want u to b put in a weird situation with Megan and my mom like if u wanna
Y does ur hand hurt and babe i can ask in a bit casue even john said that it might be a good idea to hang wit u
okay ig srsly if u wanna... wellll if I get pïssed enough I’m kinda like u sometimes... punch shït hard enough and I cool down
I’m a violent person like in general which probs doesn’t help
Yea so am i lol and honestly i think u should be puntchin me rn
no... I mean no matter how pïssed I get I won’t fight someone like I wanted to kill wes earlier but I won’t srsly
I’m not gonna go punch ur aśs trust me
U should tho i mean at least i wont break
I’m too weak to break anything tbh
maybe my hand if I’m not careful but that’s it
Probs tho
yea well until further notice.... the bus stop works if I wanna just go at something
if u didn’t hear that it was loud oml
Nah i didnt
yea it was rly fxcking loud cuz the board bounced back
oh well
John kinda told me y u were kinda mand
well again, wes pĂŻssed me off and at that point anything coud have just set me off
I like couldn’t think straight
Yea and ik some of it was me
not rly tbh
sure I was pĂŻssed ig something just set me off then I was like a bomb, ready to blow tf up
U sure
Babe is it a bad thing that i wanna kill my mom and dad
yes I’m sure
if I were rly that pïssed at u I would’ve said fxck off and wouldn’t b talking rn and last time I checked I haven’t done that so u good babe I promise
y do u wanna kill ppl now
Well i wanna hang wit u really fxckin bad but my mom has to come up wit every fxckin excuse for me not to go like what would she do if my dad could hang out when they were datin like u would think she would try everything in her power to hang wit him like FXCK UU BXTCH JUST DIE IN A HOLE
Sorry just kinda got carryed away
it’s fine babe oml I do that too.. ugh wellll dunno kinda figured tbh cuz yea
Well idk to this point
told u she doesn’t like me
Yes u did
most parents don’t I’m used to it at this point tbh like I stopped trying a long time ago omlll
pfft... soo ima guess I probs won’t talk to u then till like tomorrow night or some shït
The way i look at it like maybe its a good thing they dont like u cause it gives them and excuse to not come over when were running around the house pretty much naked
Babe yea ig
god that’s tru tho.. ugh k
Yea i mean ig i can try tomorrow or just hope to god she rolles over and dies tonight
well let’s not kill anyone plz and it’s fine like if u wanna go ahead but it’s fine... like I dunno if it made any difference like my entire family except my dad will b out there like not like we would b in a room alone all day
which would b nice but still... I kinda wanna shoot the 45 lol
Lol i mean im lookin at houses in bear lake so that we can do that
lol yea... I wanna b 18 now like that would b good
So how about a 2 bed 1 bath or 1 bed 1 bath which one sounds better
Yes ik babe but might as well look early
So that we can move into there like then and there
tru tru.. I dunno depends on how much room we want
yea like once ur 18 we can b gone like fxckkk Winchester
okay maybe I gotta graduate first
U can do that and i can start movin down ther
yea welll I mean I attempted to see how early I could and my mom said she didn’t give a shït as long as I’m graduated form school sooo unless I find something online for my senior yr but yea
Or just go to school down there cause thats what im thinkin about doin
yea that would make sense.... just gotta get out of here cuz everyone here but u makes me suicidal like wanna die
Yea i mean at least down there i think my uncles would like u my grandmother would teach u to cook and u would fall in love wit my cousins down there
And people up here just make me wanna kill them
I’m honestly surprised I haven’t killed anyone yet... god yea I might need to learn how to cook cuzzz if we gonna have kids ima need to cook
But if im workin nights u can wake me up durin the day just to cook
nah babe I’ll let u sleep... okay just sayin let’s b married for a bit before kids like just so we can settle down then add more
just so everything doesn’t happen all so fast
Yea ik babe
my sis officially made me kinda violent
she doesn’t think we r gonna last like the bxtch
Oh no were goin to last
see that’s wut I told her and she threw a bxtch fit.. god yea we better last I can’t fxcking lose u
Neither can i baby
andd this is where I miss u again
I missed u hardcore today holy fxck
I do to babe
u a bit tired there?
It honeslty seemed like every fxckin jeep we passed like u poped up in my head and the i sarted imagining are life and us havin kid and just every thing
Nah babe im not tired
okay... god lol well I have a serious problem with jeepsss.. ugh yea I rly wish we could’ve like idek just something tbh
Yea ik same and babe i was lookin for u i was goin to get u to go down to death jump so that we could of done at least some thin
god I was bxtching to John walking around town most of the time like yea
Thats what he said
god how much did he tell u
Well idk
like srsly
kinda confusioned... like how much u know that he told u
He told me that u were mad at me cause u guys seen me like 4 times ig on my bike but idk how casue i didnt see u huys
And the way he was mad like i could kinda tell
John was actually pïssed? I dunno he kept telling me that we aren’t gonna last and that he doesn’t know how I like u and shït like he pïssed me off at that point tbh
again I got set off and just started bxtchinggg
And that was today
yea earlier right after we got off the bus
Fxckin a
I was in a bxtchy mood and I’ve been tired all day which doesn’t help
Probs not
sorryyy love u... see u kinda showed up when I was at the bus stop at the wrong time tbh like I cry when I’m alone and I was alone and I was pïssed off enough and stressed enough like godd... my my hand was all red and shït but u know
Im sorry but this is off topic but just amagine this u and i waking up together then get ready for school drive to school together then came back home together cuddle for a bit then change are clothes then go to my grandmothers to have a fire then go back home cuddle fall asleep then when friday comes around just stay in bed and cuddle
Yea i honestly regret not kissin u or huggin u
okay well that sounds hełla fxcking perfect... hey we can drive to school and shït together honestly once one of us gents a truck and license soo yea... idek honestly tho the min u rode off I got up and started walking home I was so fxcking done with everything and everyone tbh
got home, took a shower, then u txted
Perfect timing ig lol yea john said the that u got up right as i took the corber
yea I stood up, said fxck it and went home I was gonna go home earlier but John talked me out of it for awhile
felt bad for bein a bxtchhh to u
Nah babe its fine
Pocatello has a collage
Forgot to tell u about that
good job babe lol... sooooo I honestly dunno if I can go shoot tomorrow
yea good job babe
What did u do
cuz I’m either shooting myself or Megan and yea everyone likes her more than me soooo
Yea ik that babe u told me already
no srsly I’m being abused I’m gettin pïssy again
shoot myself sounds better
No babe it does
Sorry just now figured out that i cant ty[e that fast
it doesss like ur the only one who would sorta care everyone else would think that I finally died
Sorta care babe i would fxck die inside
well think about it... then u wouldn’t have anyone bxtchin at u for drinkin and shït but in dunno Megan kinda took over so it’s either me or her at this point
No babe its a good thing u bxtch at me for drinkin causes i need to stop drinkin and i honesltly hope u now that if u do feel left out and need some where to go just come over here ill sleep out in the camper wit u i dont care what my parents think like they can kill them selfes
god babe see I honestly don’t care that u drink just the thing I don’t like is when u don’t stop urself when u have had a bit too much... god u know I would get out every day if I could but I can it fxcking sucks sometimes
love u tho babe srsly like fxcking love u
Yea ik how u feel i mean ig i cant even just walk to the fxckin end of the drive way wit out some one complaining
Love u to baby❤️
In all honesty im not goin to let go of u
kinda get that on a spiritual level.. see ppl wonder y I take showers often for long periods of time
I do that cause its warm and i love takin showers lol but its better when were doin it together
takin that one shower together was pretty damñ amazing... well that’s good tho cuz I don’t plan on ever letting u go.. ever oml
Thats a good thing baby girl❤️❤️❤️
❤️ anddd I fxcking miss u hard fxcking core rn
I’m freezing my aśs off like cuddling would b 👌🏻 rn
Same baby❤️
Yeeess baby it would
ugh yess ❤️ okay honestly so fed up with Megan rn I would just bxtch for a bit if we were together like it’s hard to keep the fxcking anger in sometimes
I mean im dam near goin free range cause im hot as hellla
god nooo comment lol... my dirty mind doin its thing now
❤️ yes bae and i kinda wonder what megan would do if u left to bear lake wit me
Aye im pretty sure u would enjoy it
she would throw a bxtch fit... she would honestly fxcking hate me but honestly no one should give a shït like she already kinda took my place here I’m kinda just here ig like spend most of my time alone and I try and not talk to anyone unless I gotta so
she can go fxck herself
well obviously I would lol... I think f we were together and like even if it were just u like that I think we would both have funnn
BBBBAAAAAABBBBBEEEE i gota a lil man bun
Yes nothin wrong wit that
godddd lol I gotta see that tbh 😆
I wanna do shït tbh but at the same time I just wanna cuddle and fall asleep cuz I’m tired afff
Lol yee im fine wit either
I think ima start doin this man bun cause the hair is out of my god dam eyes
lol good job babe
god physically fxcking hurts to stay awake tbh goddd
Then baby go to bed then if ur that tired
I honestly would but I canttt
fxcking megan has all my shĂŻt in the guest house rn
so if I stop replying tho it’s cuz I’m laying in my bed waiting for the txt that I can go to bed
and i fell asleep
Fxckin A lol welp babe my dad is complaing becasue he thinks ima forget what B-ROOM to usr
Lol ok babe i mean u can go to bed if u want
Now hes overly ppiisseedd cause i told him that hes one of the reason i wanted to mve
god good job.. no it’s fine I gotta sleep outside again apparently so and Megan stays up until like 3 every god damñed morning so
unless ur tired then u can go to bed babe u don’t have to wait on me to go to sleep first
don’t pïss ppl off baby I don’t wanna have to come get u since u it r aśs beat or some shït
Well if u have to ima put my hair up lol sorry this is to much funn lol
lol good job
anddd I need to make buddies with someone for like a night so I can get out and not b here... Clarkston is too far away for me to get out for like a night like godd
Lol yee babe i think ima go to bed so that people stop tryin to start fights lol sorry babe and ill see if i can hang tomorrow if i can ill probs just ride my bike over there lol sorry babe i would stay up a bit longer but yea people wanna start fight night baby❤️❤️
See i gota camper but people are fighting and i dont think u wanna see that
okay just don’t die babe I love u ❤️ ig I dunno if u can hang out u can if u can’t oh well u can’t just no clue when we r even leaving but yea... k night babe love u ❤️❤️
Fxckin miss u alot baby❤️ Fxckin LOVE u aalllooott❤️❤️
anddd u make me miss and need u more than I should sometimes... k go sleeep babe I think ima b out in a sec anyways love u so fxcking much ❤️❤️❤️