


14 0
Are you mad at me
no y?
Cuz of our argument
Chloe I just don't even know anymore
I still want to be sisters I just keep messing everything up Ik and I don't mean to I really don't and I feel bad cuz I'm always hurting you
Chloe ur not okay... what I mean by I don't know anymore is I don't know about PC... cam was right... it's scrèwing with my life
Ik I'm not ok I haven't been myself lately cause of my sister Chloe and now other stuff
I meant ur not messing everything up, not ur not okay, okay look I'm just stressing like crazy and trying to get stuff figured out... I need to delete this app
Aj don't 😞
cuz ur all I need! I like that song, I'll probably stay I'm just not sure yet
I'm sorry sis
thx cam
oh sorryπŸ˜‚ still getting used to thatπŸ˜‚ what's up?
talking to u
lol right?!
yap me and my terrible voice πŸ‘πŸ•³
lol nooooooo
not really I'm in the parade here then goin tubing then shooting fireworks and having a bonfire... Hbu
Lol yesssssss
^Das fun I have NOOO idea what I'm doing πŸ˜‚
Hehe Imma go now bye AJ
haha I was talking to Chris actually but good to know πŸ˜‚
bye ya!!!!
nah Chris ur fine.. I was telling Riley bye
lol yeah! so what r ur plans?!
heck yeah sounds like a good day!
haha okay
Hey can we talk
*pulls up my shirt showing you my bump* I'm pregnant
yeah I heard!
ha yeah
I saw it in Micheal and your post
Oh well Kennedy didn't take it very well
yeah i saw that to... she'll be okay she'll like it eventually
David doesn't even know what to do
okay, ur gonna hate hearing this from me but hear me out.... Kennedy needs to understand that's she's not an only child or the baby of the family anymore, she need to get over the fact that she has a little sister and a new one on the way, she kind of needs some discipline, but I'm not her parent so u can't say anything, but just saying
I understand where your coming from sis and I agree but it's really not my decision cuz she's not officially my daughter yet till me and David get married I agree with you 100% sis I was going to talk to him about doing something about it or seeing if we could sit down and talk to her and fix everything
We have a name for the baby probably
what is it?!
We think it's s boy so the name we picked was Bryce
Yeah I'm getting tired
yeah same
Yeah me and David are going to bed
Good morning
morning... so u wanna go for a girls day out, Kennedy Lexi u me and Ayden, I'll see if I can find Ryder a babysitter but if not he might have to come
Yeah and it may just be me you Lexi ayden and possibly Ryder because Kennedy isn't talking to me or David
Yeah and me and David are getting married tonight if you want to come
Kk I'll see what I can do what time?
Idk whenever bai post it
I'll let you know
Hey girl it's Riley 😌
hey Riley sorry I wasn't on.. what's wrong?!