My fAiLeD aTtEmPt At A reMaKe Of @TheCrazyRavenclaw’s CoLlAge BeCaUsE I AsKeD A cAt To HeLp Me AnD hE wAs ToO LaZy tO dO so. (Like the cat in the collage.) If you’re planning to enter my contest, please do the “inspire” theme? I’m almost outta ideas.


Tap🐈 My fAiLeD aTtEmPt At A reMaKe Of @TheCrazyRavenclaw’s CoLlAge BeCaUsE I AsKeD A cAt To HeLp Me AnD hE wAs ToO LaZy tO dO so. (Like the cat in the collage.) If you’re planning to enter my contest, please do the “inspire” theme? I’m almost outta ideas.

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I don’t think this counts as a collage...
I would love to do one! I’ll put one together. Should I paste into the comments on the squad page or here?
Okay cool, I will sometime! 😆
Awesome cat, the bio idea sounds awesome!
sure thing!
Hey there! It’s TheCrazyRavenclaw but you can call me Raven 😁 I love reading, writing, and drawing (mainly cats 😂) and I’m pretty much the human version of a catten 😝 | Does that sound good? Should I add an ending or smthn?
honestly, idk😂
take your time! 💕❤️
tysm btw! 💕💕💕
love it
the cat is sooooooo cute ;-)
I don’t mind any style! even if it’s this type, I love it!!😘🌿