I hate making my poetry rhyme. 

No. You know what? I hate my poetry.


I hate making my poetry rhyme. No. You know what? I hate my poetry.

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your poetry is so pretty though, you use such descriptive words and the way you describe things is amazing
then don't! you don't have to rhyme in poems!
^wasn't my point. I know I don't have to rhyme.
but it's whatever
oh lady, thank you
dude your poetry is AMAZING tho
Ah Sakura I hurts me that you feel that way :/ I hope you start feeling better about your poetry, I think it is absolutely gorgeous
I love this woooaahahahahaahaaahhh
^^^ah thanks peeps
you're very welcome I love!!! your!!! writing!!
honestly i wish i could write poetry like you! it's always so amazing and well, poetic
I love ur poems and I'll love them for u ;3;