I don't even feel like shït I am shït rn


I don't even feel like shït I am shït rn

12 0
I'm here for ya if you need cheering up
listen to Johnny boy maybe it'll cheer you up😋💜lol I'm joking I'm sorry that you're having such a hard time😔here's some chocolate to make you feel better🍫💜
it will be okay I didn't see this before I understand now. switching schools is hard i know how you're feeling because I've been given the choice to transfer schools as well for the past few years. I only have a few friends too. I'm sorry this is bothering you. for me I never transferred schools and what was causing me to consider it got a little better after a few years and I'm glad I didn't. but I don't know you well or the situation you are in nor what is behind it but if you need to rant about it I'll be on here more often today for sure and maybe tomorrow. I hope you feel better 💙