Youngjae edit for Kawaiipanda212345! Hope you like it!


Youngjae edit for Kawaiipanda212345! Hope you like it!

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thank you 😊 it's really cute
Dang it >_< I blush real easily so when you said that my cheeks turned hot a bit
....maybe just a bit *looks at the floor*
hehehehe πŸ™ƒ
kind of he likes to compliment my stories but every time I try to start a conversation with him he won't answer so I don't have my hopes up
i mean he starts conversations with other girls or guys and I'm just like talk to meh pls ;-;πŸ˜‚
yeah but it's oki if he rejects me since I least get rejected by my crushes........but then again my crushes were jerks
*I always
it's oki!
haha....Idk maybe I come off weird to him if I comment on every single one of his posts....but I'm just trying to be nice >_<
you know that I'm not the outgoing type right?
lol πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚I just realized that I made that edit for you and I am blessed by the 2nd sunshine Youngjae
yeah I won't do that >_< but I will be myself tho β€’^-^β€’
I might blush a whole bunch but I will be myself β€’^-^β€’β™₯️
yeah don't worry I will β€’^-^β€’β™₯️
yeah πŸ˜‚but it's oki β€’^-^β€’β™₯️
I'm curious do you have a crush on here?
ahhh ok
awwww how adorable don't worry I know how you feel >_<
lol πŸ˜‚but same tho I am also the loudest with my friends and btw don't tell Jungkook I love him 😳β™₯οΈπŸ˜‚
lol πŸ˜‚and thx πŸ˜‰β™₯️
but don't worry I relate so much to you on that so o know you said you never had the courage to talk to him but did you at least say hi to him?
awwww how adorable you remind me of when I was in 7th grade I use to be like that but now I'm I don't mind if they sit by me bc I can "try" to talk to them
awwww but here take my advice be friends with his best friend and boom you will start to talk to him
ok β€’^-^β€’ I wish you good luck β™₯️
hahaha thanks β™₯οΈπŸ˜‰