Mah puppeh is so cute!


Mah puppeh is so cute!

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I'm sorry for coming to this account..
I just..
I don't know, I'm afraid..
I'm so scared..
So scared that I'll never know everything
That I'll never be enough
That I'll never change
And that old account seems so dead
So final
Here you're alive with your puppy and I can almost make myself believe you just left PC
I miss you so much
I want to cry
I won't, but I want to
I don't want to fight this anymore
I want to do things and be someone
I'm stuck on this same old town with the same old problems and I want to go, but I can't and my god I miss you and I miss her and I need someone here because I'm not enough right now.
I just want to stop and breathe for a second
There's this warning in my head
That I shouldn't go down this road with her
My god, I want to though..
I don't know if it's intuition or just fear, that's the problem.
I want this with her. And I want to want this forever with her.
I'm just so scared that I'll be a different person in ten years and it won't work this way anymore
If I'm doing this, I want to do it forever
And I'm in it now
Just... Every time I imagine in the future falling in love with this person I've always dreamed of falling in love with...
It's like a god dámn nightmare
She says I could never hurt her but I know I could and I don't want to lose her and I don't want to lose what we have but I love her...
Everything I've always wanted out of a relationship, I want with her.
I want it so badly, I'm just so god dámn afraid to fxck everything up.
Because if she really loves me the way she says she does... The way I love her...
that's a heartbreak you don't recover from.
I feel like I'm doing something really dangerous here.
You know what?
I think I know now. Talking to you has helped.
"It may not work out. But finding out if it does will be the best adventure ever."
I'll talk to her again.
And if she's willing, I'm in.
In this infinity that we're in.
Even if it crashes in flames, I will not regret this.
Not unless I hurt her.
Here we go.
Here's an adventure I'm ready for.
"I will not regret this. Not unless I hurt her."
Isn't it funny how forever was only a few weeks
Isn't it funny how I'm alone because I told her goodbye
Isn't it funny how I was alone before I said goodbye
Isn't it funny
I'm sitting in my bathroom
Feet on the tub
Wondering what it would be like to type a note and whisper goodbye
She wouldn't get a call on Halloween, but maybe that's okay
Whether or not I take back my goodbye, it's never going to be the same.
Because she always thought she was the exception.
That one person I would never say goodbye to.
"She did that to me."
I thought she was too.
I made that promise to another girl..
Not that it makes a difference.
She'll never read this anyway
Isn't it funny how I'm alone
Dripping shower
So easy to say goodbye
Now my hands are shaking
Of course they're shaking
"I left a piece of my heart with you. And I'm glad it's you who has it."
Isn't it funny how times change
It's not funny at all
It's a dxmn tragedy, that's what it is
slît wrists, scarred hips
Never be enough for anyone
Of course not, why would I
No one loves a girl in love with the sound of goodbye
I'm not even talking to you anymore
I'm talking to myself
Waking the ghosts
Shaking hands
Harder to breathe
Say goodbye
Say goodbye...
This might just be it
This might be my breaking point
I'm breaking, Sam
I'm shattering into more pieces than ever before
This might be it