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ok get as mad at me as you want but this makes no sense. you can’t use male pronouns but identify as lesbian. a lesbian is a girl who is attracted to girls. you’re not a girl if you use he/him pronouns (correct me if i’m missing something here i’m not trying to offend you guys but i know i will but if you can comment anything explaining this that’s even halfway reasonable maybe i’ll consider it but right now i believe whoever said this is just completely brainwashed by tumblr oh my god)
i could go into a rant about the whole “there’s more than two genders” concept but i feel like i’m going to offend so many people on here but if you really want to hear my thoughts about it i can just tell me if you would or wouldn’t like to hear
i sound like i rant a lot and i guess i do but honestly i like sharing a piece of my mind, so others can share theirs. i like seeing from other people’s perspectives, i feel like it will make me a more educated, thoughtful, and empathetic person
not only do i think that about myself, i think other people should do it. so many people are stuck in the “i’m right and no one else is” mindset, and it bothers me. i just want to have educated conversations with people, so we can possibly come to an agreement on how the world works, and if we can’t, then maybe we’ll learn something along the way. i’m just trying to make the world a little bit better
am i really ranting about ranting jeez calm down
yeah dude I agree with you
he/him means you identify as male, she/her female and they/them as other
so if you identify with he/him pronouns and like girls, then sorry but you’re not a lesbian, you’re straight
I can sorta see the they/them lesbians bc Ik some they/them people see themselves as more feminine but idk
yeah i guess i can kind of understand they/them being lesbians. i personally don’t believe in some of that stuff, but if that’s what some people do i respect their choice and how they choose do identify with their gender and sexuality
if someone has a problem just tell me i won’t be mad, and i’m not trying to upset you, i’m going to speak my mind no matter what. i just want to educate people. seriously if you don’t agree with me, i want you to tell me. i want to hear your side of the story. i want to be educated
I’m actually really glad to see some people not “brainwashed by tumblr” Which is a great way to explain that mindset by the way. I try to be accepting of all people but that doesn’t mean I have to understand or agree with them. It makes no sense what so ever to identify as a male but say you’re a lesbian. I honestly just don’t get that whatsoever. Like that completely contradicts itself and I’m glad people(like you)actually see that.
I just hate that people blindly will go along with whatever Tumblr preaches and no even question it. There is a point where all this stuff just goes too far
yes exactly, i will respect what people do and i’ll treat them equally, i just don’t agree with them. i want to meet someone who actually thinks this and have them explain their reasoning.
Yeah me too! I honestly just want to know because I don’t really understand and I like to be educated on this kind of stuff. Also, I’m pretty curious too.
i agree