Can you understand me I'm different I not like everyone else perfect ok I'm very wrong my face totally I not perfect en my oyes or fake my real oyes are green ok if you don't understand don't remixes me 😞that just my feelings


Can you understand me I'm different I not like everyone else perfect ok I'm very wrong my face totally I not perfect en my oyes or fake my real oyes are green ok if you don't understand don't remixes me 😞that just my feelings

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I here for you like ur here for me
are u ok πŸ’–
I'm ok love πŸ’•
en thanks πŸ’•
oh ok πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ™ƒπŸ™ƒ
thanks love πŸ’•
I luv green eyes btwβ˜ΊοΈπŸ™ƒπŸ’–
awe thanks πŸ’•
no prob πŸ’–πŸ’–
I understand
thanks πŸ’•
girl no one is perfect! we all have imperfections! even the ones who seen like they're perfect aren't flawless
I know πŸ’•
awe thanks love your pretty don't worry πŸ’•
your welcome πŸ’•
you look beautiful I have Browns eye green is even better
awe haha πŸ’•
love yourself the way you are. if someone wants you to change, they're not good friends
awe thanks love πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•
ur perfect the way u r
awe thanks πŸ’•
thx for following me
you welcome πŸ’•
it's good to be different and not follow the crowd . That is what makes u individual
Be yourself as everybody else is taken
thanks πŸ’•
awe thanks πŸ’•
you look cute in pics
bye talk later
ok en thanks πŸ’•
u r cute no matter what just be yourself
thanks πŸ’•
and don't let anyone tell u different
ok thanks πŸ’•
girl, u r gorgeous! and u don't have to be perfect, perfect ppl end up all messed up so don't worry about it
thanks πŸ’•πŸ’•
I do understand you
thanks πŸ’•
I told that person she was wrong do not worry
I have blue eyes