So this is my last post for a while because I'm going on holiday! There's no wifi but I'll be on again when I'm back. This quote is a Josh Hutcherson quote so hope you like it.


IMPORTANT CLICK OR READ COMMENTS So this is my last post for a while because I'm going on holiday! There's no wifi but I'll be on again when I'm back. This quote is a Josh Hutcherson quote so hope you like it.

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So this is my last post for a while because I'm going on holiday! There's no wifi but I'll be on again when I'm back. This quote is a Josh Hutcherson quote so hope you like it.
Omg I love this quote😍 Your version is so much better than mine wasπŸ˜‚ Have fun!!πŸ’—πŸ’—
I though to add something too,but I don't know what.Any suggestions?