Even then nobody likes her ugly page she has followers but none of them like her posts


Even then nobody likes her ugly page she has followers but none of them like her posts

4 0
lol hypocrite
you have 31 followers and none of them like your posts. they probably all followed you without even knowing it😂
no one likes your page either lel
such hypocrite
such rude
such lel
such doge
such stop
at least she has more likes and more followers and your page has nothing of that soooo😊🙃🙂 I would 🗣stop🙄😊😊
lmfâo obviously you haven't been on her page bc her posts get loads of likes and positive comments:) try again boo
Um . . . YOU are the one with no likes!!!!!
this is lame. stop hatin
her page is amazing!! and I think you have no life to make a Hatepage for someone as talented as her
you filthy hypocrite😏bet you won't dare to mach _another_follower's persona & talent🙅🏼girl🙅🏼❌
yes and I'm sorry to comment this but want to be on safe side if you stop reading this your gonna die, my name is Teresa Fidalgo if you don't post this on 20 photos I will sleep with you forever. this girl ignored and 29 days later her mom died. I am real as well you can search up on google
bet u like a 6 year old with no common sense at all
bc they deserve all their followers and they have amazing acc and they are a lovely per