"The Mighty Fall" - My edit


"The Mighty Fall" - My edit

30 12
Chris. I might have to leave PC. I wanted to tell you first. My mom read through all of our conversations. I'm really sorry.
No! 😭😭
I'm so sad rn.
I can't go.... 😰
God, I don't want you to leave😫 I've been talking to you since I've started PC... I can't do this without you, Lay...
Me either. My mom said we could skype tho
really? does she know I'm not technically allowed to?
yea. She said I could just so I positively knew you weren't a serial killer or rΓ‘pist or something. but I already know that.
Ha, okay
What's wrong?
I might be able to skype so if you read this, text me
oh my god yes
I was eating when you said that but UESSSS
that's my skype name
okay, want me to call?
okay... πŸ’•πŸ’•
I'm calling now
What's your username??
I sent you a friend request
I didn't get it. I just sent you one.
did you get it?
Huh, ok