Chat 😊


Chat 😊

16 8
do ur work
yes why
go sit with some friends :")
like I don't have that many friends tbh πŸ˜”
what about them boys
what do you mean what about them boys πŸ˜‚
πŸ˜‚ talk to them
nah but can I talk to you 😊😍
aha sure
btw I'm Joseph πŸ˜‚πŸ˜Ž
aha I'm izzy
that's a cute name πŸ˜πŸ‘Œ
thanks aha
what do you like to do
as in hobbies or what ahah
yes lol πŸ˜‚πŸ˜Š
I play netball and basketball & I love to draw
I play basketball and lift weights
and I ran but how do you play netball
hahahaha don't you know the game?πŸ˜‚ it's like basketball but you have positions, cant run with the ball and can only go in ur area according to ur position :")
that's sounds like fun tbh
do you play it more then basketball
yea, I've been playing netball for 7 years 😁aha and basketball..forrrr.. 4? I'm pretty sure
Hhaha that's amazing I wish I could learn
ahaha everyone thinks it's girly
go look it up on YouTube, watch a game
I heard about it and it's not girly it's hard
to play right
v v v v hard, especially if you're in the over 16's
that sound hard tbh I would love if you could teach me how to play 😁
ahaha I'm not the best at teaching things
oh it's fine if you don't want to πŸ˜”
it's not that I don't want to aha
I'm going to watch a movie alone
you want to join😊
how am I supposed to teach you :")
nvm do you want to *join me in a movie*
what movie
dunno aha
okay πŸ‘Œ
u pick
action oh scary
action all the way
like fast and the furious 7
that's the best movieπŸ‘Œaha yep that's a good one
I turn on the tv and put it on
and sits next to you
*gets closer*
hey I'm Amber
hey I'm Joseph nice to meet you
Whts up
I'm a loner too