Ask me some bc I'm bored😐


Ask me some bc I'm bored😐

26 12
Well I hope to go to college on a scholarship and graduate eventually. Next I'd like to get married to whoever I'm in love with. And of course after marriage I would like some kids. Lastly we and my wife will grow old together with our kids having a good life
19- I hate when people pretend to e nice to people just to get a laugh, I hate when ppl brag about how smart they are or how athletic they are, and I hate when ppl are fake
21- I find when a girl can be herself around me and not act fake pretty hot. I also like when girls can be their own person and not have to be like everyone else
24-I have a really close relationship with my mom I feel I can talk to her about anything and she won't judge me. I'm not as close with my dad but he still loves to support me in all the sports I play and he is really funny