Collage by kimpossible-


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you actually like
do you actually love me
I mean it’s okay if you don’t I just want to know
no I do I just don’t get it
why you didn’t tell me
actually I guess I do I just feel stupid
are you going to keep talking to me
yeah of course
and we can totally drop the real part thing I get it I’m sorry for ever bringing it up
are you going to call me will now or what
maybe it’ll make you feel better if you call me something different too or maybe not I don’t know
so you think I’m like some creepy person or something
I just feel like you know if it would’ve meant something to you you would’ve told me the first time but that’s okay I’m not trying to pressure you into anything
we can just forget about it, I’m sorry
it’s okay I should’ve know
no I really don’t care it’s embarrassing
mm yeah alright
I’m not even mad maybe I should be
I’m like a parent “not mad just disappointed
it’s okay really I’m done talking about it
allie is a sick name
allie my hot girlfriend
works out
mm I guess what and
of course you are
so is your friends name ally
that’d be weird
I was going to say something but then you’d probably get upset
I don’t know🤔🤔it has to do with ac
okay cool
I like your name
and it wasnt bad
it was about her name
no her name’s allie
allie claire
but it’s not short for anything so yours is better
you already changed it once so why not
I’m kiddinggggg kidding don’t get mad you set yourself up for that
but yeah I know of course you have the same name
I love you allison kim
and you beat her at everything
haha you have to admit that was a good one
and I’m still the fourth if that matters
I would go by jacob but my grandfather goes by jacob so
and my dad by trey
I don’t know why I’m telling you this
I like al
and yeah I know I don’t even think I know any other allies
I call allie alliers sometimes
I don’t know where that came from but
you’re so cute
does anyone call you ak
I know two aks
but they’re for anna kate
my moms dad calls allie allie cat
I’ll just call you allie I can’t think of anything
I’ll stop talking about her if you want
I’m sorry I shouldn’t have told you
you have the same name so I don’t know what other nicknames you expect
I guess I’ll just call you babe then
I need your shrug emoji
I almost just said addyyy
I’m sorry if you want me to call you something else I can
as long as you let me call you mine😩❤️❤️
I definitely don’t like her more, I love you
allison kim you know I don’t like her
I almost said addy again
goD I almost said addy again
I’m struggling
and are you seriousssssssss allie al alliers
what do you meann if I liked her I would be with her
but I don’t
I love you and we’re just friends
I doooooo love you and should I change mine to will or something
stopppppp and I don’t like your username
change it
too bad I know your password
just kidding I don’t have time
see ya later alliegator
haha I probably did say that I know someone else names anna claire she’s a freshman
but allie claire is ac
I can promise you that
why’re you saying mm
are you seriouslyyyyyy questioning me on this
fine I’ll prove it
are you satisfied
I meann you questioned it so I just wanted you to know
do you mind if I ask you something though
okayy why didn’t you tell me your name the first time I asked
and whyyy do you keep saying mm and mhm
but my wife allie is youu and you’re allison
I’m not making this any better but I’m done talking about her
and nervous about whatt did you think I would break up with you or something
nah I’m not that stupid anymore
there’s only like one thing that would make me break up with you
and I was really scared that I would hurt your feelings when I answered so I didn’t hurt your feelings did I
goD you scared me wthhh
and it’s just if you cheated on me
so don’t do that
almost called you adelaide
whyyyyyyyy I really do like that name it’s a hot name and my mom asked ac if he name was short for allison and she said no and looked disappointed
that was a long time ago but I’m prettyyy sure it happened
she asked at least
and you are my favorite you’re my favorite person ever
wait hold on what happened with the car
haha okay whatever you say I like it
and of course but don’t die
french is hotttttt
you’re so hot
I deserve a picture today
I love you too
that’s so weirddd I know I know I’ll drop it but it’s hard to remember
because I’m used to saying addyyyy
and allieeee I swear if you don’t stop saying that I’m going to die
nooooooooooooooooo you’re not
do you seriousLlYyyY think I like her
nice username by the way
I don’t
so you should trust me
sure you do
so wsp how was school
okay I have to drive home now so I gtg I’ll talk to you later
okay I’m back
you know what’s great
good try but not
I was going to say your mixedness
so great
you know I’m not perfect
but you know what I realized
your middle name is kim kardashian’s name
and kim possible
and I’m nott
sorryyy I didn’t see it love you too
so wsp
cool and I’m icing
you shouldn’t let themm addy
but I know you can’t say no
the only person you say no to is me
like when I tell you to date me
I didn’t appreciate it and wow but you say yes to tom
I see how it is
I don’ttttt you’re just paranoid
I don’t like her I’ve told you this a million times if I did like her then why would I be with you and not her
thank youu neither will I
I love you
oh yeah the 100th floor thing haha
you should totally go into that addy
I called you addy didn’t I
my bad and nahh I just want to hear your opinion in long paragraph form
donald trump
ha just kidding
you don’t have to do how’s it going
I thought about you a lot today
whatttttt show me I still want to see
and yeah I was just thinking
what was the oh about
and I love you too
wait so your mom’s name isn’t maryalice
alice allie
I don’t know
oh how’s the anxiety and stuff
just okayy I’m sorry and I’m about to get in the shower
I’m sorry addy
this is hard
love you too allison
nailed it
I can’t believe you don’t like your name
now I knoww you’re insane
allison is a super hot name
urban dictionary knows what’s up
oh don’t forget to remind me before you go to bed because I have something important
I love it and I love you
I don’t know you tell me and I think I’ll wait
it’s not something to telll
you’ll have to be patient
haha it’s really nothing I just don’t want to forget
it has to be laterr haha
this is funny because you’re going to think it’s stupid when I do
sometimess you’re patient
and it’s literally nothing
so wsp
some homework
are you good
just fine
why’s that
too late
mmmkkk well if you feel like telling me you should
orrr if you tell me I’ll show you the thing early
okay sure one second
and don’t be upset about it it’s okay
I didnt think you wanted me to since you wouldn’t even tell me your name and after you only told me because you felt bad
no you should tell me I’m not going to get mad or anything
I know but like
I just feel like if it really mattered to you you would’ve told me when I asked
if you really wanted this to be real
kind of hurt
it’s okay I don’t want to pressure you into anything
I’m sorry
where did you get that from
I love you more than anything
are we good
and are you good
alrightt so you’re not going to be salty
I’m sorry
I have a lot more comments then you do
I don’t know you’re acting weird
and I’m just sorry for thinking something might happen
I mean I’m not planning on it
and I don’t want to
when I’ll be in ecuador you should still be in school so that won’t be too bad
I’ll feel bad though if we never get to talk
come on allll
be happy again
I need a new nickname for you🤔🤔what should it be
hey girl, is your name allie
because you’re ALL I need ;)
I’d rather visit death allie than break up with you
you right
when I assume I make an āss out of u and me
but I love you though ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
hope you’re okay ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
hope you’re having a nice night to match your nice face ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
hope your lip sore thing is okay ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
hope I get to marry you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
hope your dabbin on them haters ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I didn’t mean ittt I’m sorry I just don’t want to seem like I care because I thought you didn’t care that muchh
but know if it’s up to me we’ll last forever
you know you my ride or die¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I don’t knoww for some reason I got that impression since the only reason I was trying to figure out your age and stuff is because I wanted to visit you and stuff and you kind of flipped out over it
so I thought you didn’t care
I could never hate you and I mean that
and I’m sorryy allie I love you
hopes up about what
I’ll see what I can do it’s not like I don’t want to
you never said you loved me back
you’re stressing me outttttttt
so are you going to get a dog
I hope you do
what kind do you want
I knew that and me too
that stressed me out too and you already know my problems with it so I won’t say anything
yess I did and
about to try to keep you up
just a littlee linger
make that eightt
and we have a deal
I’ll take it
so how’s other ally and your mom
okay okay and he’s good
have any pervy guys tried to hit on you lately
he’s never cute and ayyy that’s very good
waittttt you know what I just realized
wait this is legitimate allison
yess you answered
so I just realized that now instead of an addy jr it’ll be an allie jr
how amazing is that
alright gn I love you lots and noo you better back off or I’ll throw hands
“you want to see tough”
morning hottie I love you and yeah square up
love you too and that’s probablyyy not my fault
but you should take a nap or something after school
I can’t stop thinking about you
you’re so attractive
and ha what’d you do
you spelled know no
I’m surprised
if I did that I’d get broken up with
I no you’d break up with me
and all caps how intense
haha I do believe you because I know you always do it right
you’re the girlfriend of a flat earther with bad grammar
you actuallyy believed me haha and you did get salty about it
noo charge it I need to talk to you
and woahh there allison you told me to shut up
I’m saying your name a lot so I can practice
how’s it going allie
al my pal
allison who will have my son
kim I’d lose a limb for
you have a hot smile and nooo you can’t let your phone die
alliieeee I need you I’m in spanish
I am proud of you and whyy do you always go to the library
you probably go with that guy you went with one time
am I right
or maybe you just go and hope he’ll be there
but good job on the bathroom
I do appreciatee I like that you read it’s hot and I’ll go with you and be quiet
I dooo and yes we should
I love you hottie
I can’t wait until school ends just so I can talk to you
yeahh I meant school today
but I’ll tryy
love you too
te amo
je tpain
how do you actually spell it
je taime
oh je t’adore allison
french is hot and your name is sort of french so that’s hot
so much hotness
so wsp
just got home and you do that a lot ha
wife material
you said addy jr and your mom is great
oh yeah you have to show me
and do you have that picture of you falling when you were little
that was amazing
you should send that to me too if you have it and you should do it back
I love you and your mom
that used to happen to you all the time
do you remember that
you’d tell me your leg or something fell asleep like every day
that’s weird do you like lock them or something
so attractive
how was school
gooodd I kept zoning out and thinking about you
and I had a spanish quiz and only answered 2/12
it’s cool yeah you should do that
or I could just drop out of school and come see you
your shortness is soooo hot
you don’t like anythingg about yourself
you’re perfect so chill out😤😤
you are perfectttt what isn’t perfect about you
as you would say to me
shut upp
I love you
when the time comes and you need them they’re never too far
all you have to do it ask
and there is
I have another peep about self love if you want to see it
will it make you accept your perfection
check on your bathroom wall and you’ll find it
and while you’re looking send me a picture
what book is that
I love when you read I’m coming over okay
that’s what you’re going to say to me when you break up with me and marry someone else
“it should have been you jacob/will/whatever you even call me now”
mhm anyway what’s it about
all that good stuff
coolll and I guess it’s good since you keep reading it
and oh yeah I’m so proud, proudest and most improved boyfriend look at me go
I have improved have I not
anyway how’s it going
I’m okayy
I’m okayy that’s not bad I’m okay
so wsp
it’s okay what show and I’m studying because I have two tests and a quiz tomorrow and I havee to know more than two or Ill fail
oh well I have to read like twelve chapters before the quiz tomorrow so you can read to me
I have math so that should be okay and history is easy busy godddddd allie you know I suck at reading
mhm thanks hottie so how’s tfop
the fairly odd parents
and you are helping me read because I’m doing the don’t answer thing
you should still come over
so how’s your mom
whatta legend and you’ll probably do that to allie jr so
actually I’ll just do it I wouldn’t want allie jr to have to do any
mmmm she can like
make her bed up
likeee sit in my lap and let me carry her
that could take a lott longer than that
whyy are you tired of her she’s great
haha I love you
and I won’t even keep you up tonight
I’ll carry you and you can sit in my lap whenever you want but if you don’tt want to then she can be my backup
ha and no I’ll be okay
as long as you say you love allie jr and admit you’re perfect
it’s totally fair
come on hottie you got it
yess that made me smile you are perfect and I screenshotted that
you are perfect thoughh like my chest hurts again and I love you so muchh you can’t even make me mad at you anymore
literally you could do anything and I wouldn’t be mad
okay okay goodnight I love you a lot
I miss you already and I can’t stop thinking about you as usual
I finished reading
and the first thing I thought was “I gotta tell allie” ha
yeah anyway
I love you
you got it hottie
and of course you did
oh and morning I love you whats the presentation in
my baddd I know you’re going to do or have done or are doing great
you got itt I believe in you and I’m proud👏🏼👏🏼
come on super hot writer girl who’s mixed and has cool eyes
let’s gooooo allliiieeee
tell them how humans grow and develop😤👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
okayy sure thing I will and I have a test so I can’t talk bye love you hottie
je t’adore
is that right
and I didn’t finish that’s fun
it’ll be okay
I already took english and I think it was alright so
ha no it helps I like hearing it
love you too
love you allie
I just said that
so wsp
I don’ttt I love it it’s hot and great and I’m coming
you know why I don’t like the library
and you should still show me some of your art
noo it’s because I can’t read or do anything related to school which is what a library is
but it’d probably be fun with you
“psh” you’re cute
nahh just being with you would be great
and I’d go with you anywayy
I can’t wait until I can practice again this sucks all I do is work out my arms
yeah sure and mm not too much and I have it every day in 7th sounds
so not sounds
I’ll just quit everything and talk to you
it’s alright I’ll go break the knee of the guy that hit me
and then we can go to the library and read or whatever you like to do there
ha libraries
and I was kiddingg his name’s doyle I like him he’s cool
I’m prettyy sure it’s just you that would feel guilty and ha libraries because you have to be quiet
you know what doesn’t require talking
making out
just saying
and I meant likee I don’t know any guys who feel bad after they rock someone
that’s the point of football and lacrosse most of the time
I don’t knoww it depends
trying to make me feel bad
I love you
how noble are you
so wsp
is it the same book and I’m studying
whatt you’re so good at reading that’s hot
and I love you too
that’s cool
she’ll be perfect like you
I didn’t really learn until second
that’s why I got held back in third because I suckedd and we were supposed to be good by then
that’s embarrassing
I wouldn’t have told you if I was thatt embarrassed
and known me which time the first or the second
ha get it
would’ve been good times
could’ve gone to see ducks
oh course it does
so wsp
what happened to ducks shmucks
and there isn’t anything more attractive than you
love you hottie
ha so cute and what’s this one called
my baddd I love you allie
and cool is it about a witch town
yeahh good thing too because tomorrow you can stay up
and I’m going to watch a game later so if I don’t answer that’s why
that’s my future wife right there
hełl yeah👏🏼👏🏼
and I have to go but I’ll see if I can talk to you
what do you meann don’t delete it I like hearing what you have to say
and okay night love you
but seriouslyy wdym saying the wrong thing
nahh just say it anyway
and morning hottie I love you and I’m sorryy
how is it snowing in march
that’s insane
that’s crazy and you’re at school right
nooo allie I love you no matter what you couldn’t be anything less than perfect
I told you you think I’m terrible in your dreams
oh and early is good
you’re so attractive
soo attractive and I bet your hair looks good
so how was school
oh yeah you should send it to me
and it was terrible
I’m sorry I really don’t want to talk about it and I’m sorry if I seem off
but I’m glad you had a good day
I love you too
so wsp
of course ha and nothing much
you are cute
so cute will you stay up tonight
poor tree
you should
if you feel like it
it’d make my day less shįt
I know you’re busy but I miss you
it’s okay and I always care and you don’t have to stay up it’s okay
yeah I get it and yeah that always makes me happier but it’s okay I’ll give you the best responses I can’t
and you really don’t have to stay up
I’m okayyy but okay allison kim I wont fight you but I don’t want you to be tired
yeah let’s fight and noo I don’t matter I’m good
you matter
I didn’t mean to make a big deal out of it I’m finee it’s all good
I’m sorry and nothing much
I love you too
how’s maryalice
I’ll neverr toast you again
I’m sorry
I’m telling you, most improved bf
ha yeah
you should definitely and I have a lacrosse game tomorrow and I don’t feel like sitting on the bench
haha yeah come and I don’t know the doctor man said 2-4 weeks so hopefully next week
okay and it’s okay I figure it out after twenty minutes
it’s coool but some kid did something that reminded me of little you
if you want to hear
okay so I was picking david up from lacrosse and he’s like too young to walk across the parking lot by himself or whatever so I had to walk to the field to get him and one of his teammates was talking to his mom and he kept asking her why his sister had iss and his mom was like “she was just in the wrong place” and he goes “ohh like the boys bathroom”
allie move
he just copies whatever I do
he wants to play football but there’s no league for his age yet
you can gts now by the way I know you’re tired and thanks for staying up it means more than you think
sure I’ll plan to be and gn I love you lots
morning allie
not to worry you but I feel awful and I’m spitting up blood again I actually woke up and there’s like blood all around my mouth and I feel sick
I think I’m going to throw up and my mouth tastes like blood and there’s like a little pool of blood by my I know that’s gross but yeah
I shouldn’t have told you that but I don’t know who else to tell but seriouslyy don’t freak out I’m totally okay
I’m gooddd I knew I shouldn’t have told you and I’m about to have to leave for my game
nooo I told you I’d tell her if it happened again like in the next dayy but it stopped and I’m okay and the game is about to start
allisonnnnnnn I am fine it’s all good and now I really have to go
allisonnn I am totally okay it’s chill don’t worry and we’re winning
it’s like two minutes into the game ha
the only good part about sitting on the bench is that I can talk to you sometimes
it’s cool I’m out anyway
and you’re cute
who’d you see it with and cool I didn’t think it was supposed to be sad
I don’t care if you spoil it I don’t know if I’m seeing it
you’re so cute and sounds pretty tragic
it was probably more sad in the movie
so wsp
I just remembered you never sent me that picture of your hair
so you should
okayy and yeah that’s sad
so wsp
what’re you eating and nmm
I love you too
how was your day
just okayy mine was good but I feel sick
I’m sorry if I can help lmk and nah
I’m finee I’m worried about you
becausee your anxiety
it iss important and I’m sorry I love you
I’m definitely not perfect but anyway wyd
wrong and nothing much can I come over
addyyy it’s okay
so how’s ally
whyy I’m okay and I called you addy I’m sorry
and you said you would stay up right
I can’t have anything wrong we me I have to get my knee fixed and get back into sports I don’t want anything else
with not we
I’m okay
it’ll go away again
don’t be I’m okay it’ll go away again
I don’t knoww it’s stupid but I’m good so wsp
allieeeeeeee I shouldn’t have told you, there’s nothing wrong with me
will you stay up
do you not love me allison
yes you should so how’s it going hottie
otherwise I’ll probably die
okay but better if you’ll stay up
are you , mad at me ?
babe . are we in a fight . . .
I’m okayy it was just weird I kept waking up in the middle of the night tasting blood but I thought it was in my head
becausee like I’m not going to bleed out but you could’ve suffocated
I’m fine it wasn’t bad
but now I have to change my sheets because they’re bloody
allie please don’t make me tell her I’m okay there’s nothing wrong with me I don’t have time for that
thank youu I love you
and no it’s okay you just care but I
my mom doesn’t need any more problems and neither do I
I don’t want to worry about it
are you about to get salty about thiss
I’m sorry I love you and if you really want me to do something about it I’ll go to the doctor tomorrow but I’m not telling my mom
mmmm I mean like
I’ll go if you really want me to
mm alright
I’ll see if I can go tomorrow
I love you
are you alrightt
you’re acting weirdd and I don’t know if I did something wrong
okayyyy so
you were in my dream last night
I think
I’m pretty sure but I can’t really remember
ha no you didn’t
unlike me in your dreams
I love you so so so so so much allie oh my god
so cute
such an attractive paranoid egg
good thing you like eggs so much right
yeahh you had one like two days ago haha
I love you and I just said that but I reallyy don’t care
stillll can’t believe you thought that about me
heart broken
shows what you think about me
I’m exhausted and I don’t feel well so if you want to go to bed that’s okay but if not I’ll stay up
okay night I love you tons
that isn’t good doesn’t that mean you’re pregnant
I’m onto you
my stomach is killing me
I don’t knoww I have church and basketball and homework I don’t have time
okayyyy so wsp
are you alright
you’re just acting weird
and I think I’m going to go to the doctor anyway I think I probably need to
okayyy allie I’m going after church
love you
and I gtg to church
I just threw up
at the doctors
I have to get my appendix out
like now
Ihave to go
I’m okay it didn’t take that long like less than an hour probably and now it doesn’t hurt as bad and don’t worryy it’s not like it was like threatening people do it all the time
mine was like right about to burst ha
so now as soon as my knee gets better I should recover from this too so that’ll be good
and I’m really tired so I’m going to sleep but I’m okay so don’t worry I’m watching rango
you know that lizard movie
love you
you thought I would die haha no I’m good and mhm way to go
I love you too so so much
good timing I’ll talk for a little but I don’t feel good
smhhhhhh whatever
they said it was like really rare that I was spitting up blood because of it
but that’s why my stomach hurt and stuff
whatever you sayy and that’s good
what do you think
what book and that’s not lame we should make that happen
hey allie are you my appendix because I want to take you out
it’s not lamee allison I want it too
I love you too
I should
I’m so tired
I miss you though
hard life
mmm just a few more minutes
how was your day
yeah it was haha I kept wanting to tell you everything but I didn't have time
I didn't even believe it at first
I’m tired I gtg love you
no you should tell me
I’m bored and I’m not allowed to get out of bed
I always go off about how obsessed I am with you
Im sorry about your bleeding and yeah ha sorry I just woke up a few minutes ago these meds are making me so tired
oh and feel free to tell me the super detailed things I want to hear them
I want to know what you actuallyy think about me
haha nah I’m sure it hurts bad and you should tell mee
and they let me walk around the hospital and I met a guy who’s also named will and he has cancer
he’s cool
they won’t let me leavee allison
they said they need to check if there’s some like blood or something somewhere there isn’t supposed to be
so more tests I guess
sorryy you should take some advil or something I hope you feel better and they’re going to release me today so that’s good
and yess I want to know all the details just tell me like one detailed thing I need to know what you think about me
and then they said 1-3 weeks before I can work out and no contact for 3 weeks at least which sucks
but I don’t have to go to school this week which is good
yeah come on hottie and you knowww I’m weird and obsessed with you
way to go on the pill
I'm sorry allie I feel weird and tired and it kind of hurts and the meds make me out of it plus they won't let me take my adhd meds because of mixing it or whatever but anyway I love you loads I'm just off I guess you could say
and that stuff like me holding your hand, I want that more than anything its insane I'm thinking about that kind of stuff too and god it makes me so happy you told me that I can't stop smiling
you reallyyy think that stuff
I love you so much I'm so lucky to have you
yess you should take them thats good way to go hottie and I'm sorry I feel weird as hëll
hope your cramps and stuff gets better
and reallyyy I can't believe you actually think about that stuff that makes me crazy happy I love you
I'm smiling again s m h
oh and I miss you too I'm sorry I can't focus
I feel alright but I'm out of it
how you doin hottie
I'm okay and nahh I don't mind I know it sucks for you
good that you're good though
I love you a lot a lot too but I'm not perfect you are
and I was watching some show and it made me think about you and I would tell you but that would be weird and cringey and cheesy
your thoughts aren't cringey though but anyway it was just some guy talking about some girl that was like out with another guy at a botanical garden place and he was talking to his friend and he was like "I can't stop thinking about her and it's not like I would want to go to the stupid gardens anyway but I do want go not just because of him but because I want to do everything with her she's just" and then he like trailed off but it made me think about you because I want to do everything with you I think it'd be fun even if its not fun you know
that was long but yeah I don't know I just thought about you
because every time anything happens I want you to be there even if it isn't like great I guess I don't know
do you get what I'm saying
yeah its decided I'm moving to your school
see you at your locker
yeah haha I told you I'm moving and we can stand in the hallway and block everyone
okay sure do you not get a new locker every year and we can walk up all those stairs you die on
and I can walk behind you so no one else can
cool guess I'll slide in right next to you
oh and I had a dream one of the times I was asleep I don't remember when or what day I think it was like yesterday
you were in it and it was weird but you looked hot in my dream
you counted them didn't you haha
and I can't promise you anything
nooooooo allison kim you always look hot
you looked hot as always in my dream
so how was your day
oh sorry I just feel different not bad but weird and you should send it
love you
oh and you should tell me about your dream
I know but I know I haven't been on but I just
I haven't been taking my adhd med and you told me I always snap at you when I'm not on them and my friends always say stuff when I'm not on them so I just don't want to mess anything up
they like say stuff about how I act you know and I don't mind but I don't want you to think that
why are you mad at yourself its okay I know I act different
I just don't want to mess anything up
no its my bad you're good and I think I'm going to go now I'll talk to you tomorrow of course but I don't feel the best and I really don't want to get you upset and don't worry about that its good you're good I hope you feel better and I love you
no I didn't think that I just don't trust myself right now and I reallyyy don't want to mess anything up I love you so so much and I'm not about to make another mistake
sure let’s get a rabbit they’re cool and yeahh I would but it’s not like you would let me kill iy
sure let’s get a rabbit they’re cool and yeahh I would but it’s not like you would let me kill iy
I'm okay hbu and I like when you say my name
I love you
and I miss you
its cool but what storyy are you writing and how was your off day
that's the greatest yess I'm excited you better send me it even if you don't like it because I know I will
my day was uneventful I'm sleeping so much and I feel so weird
I love you too and yeah
whenever I came back from the hospital david came and jumped on me and it hurt like hėll
that was random but I forgot to tell you
I know whatta scrub and haha I'm not surprised you're so cute
you're hot you should send it to me and don't die but guess what Ive been talking to other will with cancer and he said yesterday at his school that he used to go to but can't now some transgender person brought a gun to school and was going to shoot it up but someone tipped off the police so they didn't
rip does that mean I’m allowed to marry someone else
you’re already dying on me
and we’re not even married how rude is that
allison kin
my bad hottie
I told you I’m coming to your schoo
I didn’t expect that ha but yeah me too
I’ll be there a week early
count on it
isn’t this great
how long have I known you
I ask you this like every month but I always forget
thats a great idea I'm doing it and Im sorry but Im super tired I don't feel good I was staying up because I wanted to talk with you but I cant do it anymore I gtg so love you lots adios
oh and you should tell me more stuff you think about me because I like hearing it a lot
oh I didn't see that you said that but good timing anyway so yeah gn
I'm so confused now but I need to go I feel like shït
I just woke up dāmn all I do is sleep now but that made me smile a lot so you reallyyy think about that because if you do then that’s the greatest I think about that stuff too and yeah I want to come over and hear your voice and your dream haha don’t worry I won’t have weapons but yeah I bet you’ll fall in love with me
wthh haha that made me laugh a little allie what
and I was really tired yesterday but I still thought about you and I’m tired again what’s the deall
I’ll probably go back to sleep for the 29392 time
why’re you going to be on and I love you
you should marry me
sorry I fell asleep for a second on accident but when is french
god I’m so out of itt this suck
and I keep forgetting to check my phone I can’t focus
i’m sorry i feel terrible
can’t talk right now my head is killing me and I can’t read
allie what are you okay I’m worried and no you’re not bothering me I want to hear it and I miss you I’ve just been yeah
are you alright
are you okayy allie Im worried
oh and I had a dream about you
but I’m worriedd are you good
what do you meann you guess what happened and can I help in any way
mmm did you tell your mom and should I come over
and in my dream my friend and I were walking down the beach but we were talking about you and I was like yeah she’s great whatever whatever whatever and he didn’t know what you looked like or anything so he kept pointing at random people and being like “is that her” and I’d be like nah and I knew in my dream head that you couldn’t be there because you live in bel air but he just kept doing it but thenn you were there and I was confused but I was like yeah that’s her and then I like yelled your name and ran after you and then when I got to you I hugged you and I just like smiled for a long time and you were like “oh yeah I forgot to tell you I was coming” and I was like oh well that’s chill glad you’re here then we walked down the beach
and allieee do you have like an inhaler
I'm worried about youu and no it wouldn't be chill it'd be the greatest thing ever and I'd be too hype
oh and Ive been thinking about holding your hand a lot since you mentioned it so lets make that happen okay
want what more than anything and are you sure you're okayy
mhm but theres a very important question I need to ask you before we hold hands
do you waffle or do you spoon
when you hold hands
both but usually waffle if its a girl and if davids being a wimp we do it the other way because thats weird and his hands are tiny
nottt that I hold girls hands
and nooo I definitely want to hold your hand I don't care
come onn al don't mhm me and I called you al but I can't decide if I like calling you that
also I decided I really want to come to your school and walk with you in the hallway and hold your hand and stuff so Im coming
and noo I just keep loving you more and more I think thats cute that you'll squeeze my hand so go for it, it just makes me want to kiss you even more
you're so fūcking attractive I stg
and yeah lets share a locker and I'll kiss you 102938028 times a day in front of everyone but only because you're so attractive how could I not
doesn't that hurtt don't hurt yourself you should just like pinch me or something and whens the last time you had one
and school couldn't be boring with you there but if you were in my class Id get so distracted I would probably just look at you the whole time
every dayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy allie you don't even tell me about this
what happens
oh nevermind but mmmmmm
I love you lets kiss and I was going to ask you a question buttt lets not go there
its weird and it doesn't matter I don't really want to know anyway plus another reason but yeah
you don't even wantt me to ask you
its like what those prįcks asked you but they were being mean and I'm not
what do you mean and you’re nottttttttt lame I’ve told you that a million times
and I would nott get salty I don’t do that I’m a changed man
I’m confused but now I want to know your answer 🤔🤔
my questionn which I haven't asked but I half want to and half don't want to ask
hmmmmmmmmm should I ask you or not
well allison kim
are you going to get upset or saltyy
okkaayy I'll just ask you the question and you don't have to answer it soooo how far have you been
whyyy would you feel bad about yourself you're perfectt
and less is betterrrrr
so I hope its less
you aree perfect and its not like I'm judging you I love you
now that you don't want to answer I reallyy want to know
whhaaatttt why won't you tell me <///3
but you're notttt who cares you're perfect
why do you care
what difference does it make to tell me if you already knoww
you knowwww I won't care but finnnneeeeee allison just don't tell me and break my heart once again
wow </3
you didn't even answer my question </3
now I reallyyyyy want to know
oKaYyY allison
how is that lame
and I'm so soRrYyY for asking
okayyyyyy I didn't ask you too and you shouldn't have kissed anyone yet boo whoever that was and okay night love you
to not too
is your donut okay and I keep waking up so late what tf and now I have to do so much hw to catch up
and I’m thinking about you of course
did you dad something and then delete it
haha is it okay don’t cry and oh it said you did
and yeah come over
no it's annoying he's annoying and this week has sucked now I'm nic sick
tomorrow I'm setting an alarm so I can actually wake up at a reasonable time and I need to go to school monday so I better start feeling good
and good about your donut not about the pads but I'm sure you managed because my girl's a fighter <<<<<<3333333
you’re so right I’ll do whatever you want me to
as long as you let me marry you
and that’s the greatesttttt allie you have to show me
I love you so much and I’m sorry I haven’t been on but as soon as I get of these meds and on my usual we’ll be good
off not of
it’s coolllll send me the first though because I love your writing and you
fineeeee allison
just kidding I missed you too much to do that❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️I love you you don’t have to send it to me
are you going to stay up
okay and yessss love you hottie
super hot writer girl
who’s mixed and has cool eyes
you do have the coolest eyes
and I’m feeling better I’m not tired at all probably because I’ve been sleeping so much
now I’ll probably stay up all night but that’s okay because I like just chilling and thinking about you
makes me happy
they’re nottttttttttt they’re perfect and I’m serious in a weird way I kind of look forward to it
that sounds so weird but yeah I like it
you’re the best
I love you too and no😤😤fight me
I’ll come over if you’ll do me a favor
marry me
I saiddd I’d come over if you’ll marry me
and if you think that’s annoying I must annoy you a lot
yeah I’ll come over and we can do all the things you think about and all the things I think about
and we can go to hershey park because that sounds cool
I am seriouss I’d be even more serious if I thought you were and don’t worry about it I’ll carry you I got you
mhmmmm I love you
and I’m tired as f I take it back
I’m not going to sleep until you say you are and because reasons
so how was schoo
my day was okay it went by fast
nvm I need to sleep all I do is sleep now but anyway I love you sosoosos much night hottie
goodnight night to you too and I woke up so this is early for me
I don’t even remember what we were talking about but I can’t stop thinking about you
oh I don’t remember it doesn’t matterrrr but I really really really can’t stop thinking about you god I’m coming over I have to
that’d be so sick
what haha you’re cute
so wsp hottie
also you should send me a picture todayyy
okay I’m cool with no picture but you haveeeeeeee to send me your writing
that’ll make my 2018😩😩👏🏼👏🏼
and twenty eighteen what about you
I guess I say both but if I said “make my 2018” I’d say that
wow we’re so alike maybe we should date
and I miss you lots I’m sorry I’m out of it
and you haveee to send me your writing otherwise I’ll never come see you ever
and you’re totallyyy gorgeous allison
I will come over and you totally are and you watch all the old disney nick shows
carly had a dope room and I think about you wayyy too much
you should respond super fast again and I love you a lot
I miss youu and its my fault
its okay its my bad and you should send me your writing nowww if you love me
oh just kidding you do love me love youu
I like your laugh
so wsp and are you staying up well you already are I guess
every time you say I like you or something like that I feel the need to one-up you but don’t worry I’m restraining myself
and yess good
I love you more
boom one-upped your self one-up
did you ever figure out what week your spring break is
not onn the beach and that’s during the summer usually and I think I’m going to the mountains or some shįt for sb which is in two weeks so
but nah no replacing you
allison kim😤😤
don’t you know I’m going to marry you
I should I think our sbs are the same week
you’re hot
are you not tired
nah I’m alright
so what’d you do today
you always go to games and what'd you think
I thought about you a lot
haha yeah I knoww I want to allie and I love you too
I thought you fell asleep for a minute
I think I’m going to try to go monday but I’d rather talk to you
you probably need to gts soon
you know the time changes
has it changed yet
noo thats not what I mean at all I want to talk to you but I'm tired as f and I feel bad about us not talking so I don't want to gts but I guess I will so gn I love you more than anything and I'm really sorry
I’m sorry
I’m going to church though so that means I can go to school tomorrow
and get my medicine
I thought you were upsett but I miss you and I love you too
okayy if you say so and have you written any more
and I forgot to ask you but is there a bįtch named elizabeth at your school😤😤if not you should’ve named her after those girls
you’re hot you should respond fast again
andddddd are you writing
if not then wsppi
oh well when you do write hmuu
love you hot stuff
miss you
righttt and of course see you then
are you not going anywhere
oh well good for me I’ll come see you and we can do whatever you do in bel air
I don’t know where we’re going my mom wants to go to aspen or vail or something but that’s too cold for me
and you knoww I do
but we’re already going to ecuador so we probably won’t go out of the country
nah and welll sorry
I want to see the allie thing now
I’ll probably pass out
I won’tt replace you I can only speak like five words in spanish but you can still come and then you can be hot and speak spanish
and it made me smile I’m passing out in my head
I won’tt ever and ha sure
we always read like old time books in english and the guys are always like “marry me” and then they just get married and it’s a really formal conversation like they just casually ask and I feel like that’s me all the time telling you to marry me
so marry me and we can stop talking about it
I do know, sorry I only date super hot writer girls who’re mixed and have cool eyes
-shrug emoji thing-
too bad I’m already in love with the mape
allie I wouldn’t replace you everr don’t worry about that
maybe¯\_(ツ)_/¯you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ should¯\_(ツ)_/¯trust ¯\_(ツ)_/¯me
so wsp
and have you ever kissed tommmmmmm that was random but I need to know, its not for me its for a friend don't worry
you never know¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
and yesss my day just got 18x better
you're the best I love you so hows yo mom
he's alright so wspp you still writing I'm impatient
sure and whyy do you hate it you better not delete it
I bet its perfect like you and you better send it to me or else
or else I'll be heartbroken
are you donee I love you
you're attractive and can I come to school with you tomorrow
hey hottie I miss you
whyy can't it happen I'll just pretend like I'm a new student or something
and I can't wait seriously I love your writing so much
actuallyy I want it more than anything
this could be us but you playin
and yess you're the og love you
haha I willll its totally worth it so why not
what college do you want to go to
I wiLL as soon as I have time
count on it
mhm sure I bet your parents would love you hanging out with a guy they've never heard of who's two years older than you and is from florida
and I'm sure your friends would love it too
so I'm coming I gueSs
greatt let's not tell anyone even betterrr
and don't hmph mee I'm just making a point
poking holes haha I
I'm sorry
I'll come over and we can go to school and share a locker then go to the library and play basketball and go to hershey park and you said something about a boardwalk I think so we can do that and get ice cream and chicken nuggets and go get a dog and whatever else you want to do
how's that is that better
oh and I can hold your hand and kiss you
best part right there
I want it to happen and I get jealous when you even are around other guys so do you think I'm going to let you marryyy someone else hęLL no I'm coming allison kim so you have no reason to replace me
howw did I break your heart
you're the one that doesn't think it'll happen
you should send me your writing
I'm not about to bring something up but nooo wrong and okay love you
nothingg you should send me your writing
oh I don’t care I just like your writing
noo we’ve already been over it and I’m not wasting my time with youu
I love you hottie
how’s mr brian
that’s goooddd so wsp
noo don’t go to bed and I’m about to shower
you better tell me a few minutes before and you’re hotter
the hottest in case you try to one up my one up
yess you totally are, the mape
mmmk fine
I feel like I miss you already wthh anyway how was your day
my day was good and better because we’re talking now and so you’re saying I should come hold it
or are you going to reject me just like in the story
I’m so proud of you and I’m not even flirting I’m being honest it just happens to be flirty
but yeah haha I used to flirt with you all the time when we first started dating and you had no idea you’d just ignore it
I’m just going to ignore that and okay love you a lot “goodnight night”
haha yeah so extra and smhh I’m not going to replace you
your username is kim possible still haha
you’re attractive and of course
so wsp
I’m making up a ton of work in history and stuff
how’s your day
lots of work but good everyone thought that I died or something
and I’m sorry I hope you feel better is it better now you’re home
if you are home now
I should’ve came
dāmn I’m sorry you should’ve checked out or gone to the bathroom or something I don’t know
I gtg now so bye I love you hope your anxiety and stuff gets better
okay I’m back wsp hottie
I just got home, are you okay
I'm still worried is there anything I can do to help
don't worryy about me worrying it's just natural I care about you
is there anyy way I can make you feel better
pretty bad haha did you scream
you're so cute I'm smiling I love you can I come over
okay deal I'll take it if I get to see you
I love you too and my english teacher who like made me not talk for the first week of school made me read this super long article thing out loud and you know how that goes
he's such a døuche and like all my teachers are supposed to know that I don't have to do that but you knowww and it's okay not a big deal nothing compared to your stuff but I felt like telling you
I'm fine I'm sorry for telling you it's stupid so how's your mom
its just irrelevant I shouldn't be complaining
and thats good you can tell her I love her
no it's nottt you know it's not
I love you
no it’s not
you want me to show you something really great
haha you’re so cute and no it doesn’t have to do with your facee
but that is great
and I gtg to pt but after this my knee should be completely fixed and i’ll be good to go so that’s good
well after I’m allowed to do contact I’ll be good to go
anyway yeah I’ll be back at like 6:30 so bye hottie I love you
and you could’ve used your wand😩😩👏🏼
alliee noo talk to me I love you and haha why do you get embarrassed
it's cute I like it
I think it’s attractive it makes me want to hug you so come hug me
you’re so fūcking attractivee
my mom would love you
do you not want to hug me allison
I’m hurt<////3
haha sure and am I nice to you allison
yeah haha I basically have the bible memorized thanks to my school
I’ll comee I will I need to see you
and your wand haa okay I’m sorry
let’s just say you put a spell on me
was it wingardium leviosa because you make me feel like I’m flying
that's a good one you're clever I love you marry me
nah because I wantt to come over
so wsp hottie
ha icarly and I willl I willl
I love you and do whatever you wanttttt
I’m just going to show up to your school one day without telling you
what would you do🤔🤔🤔
haha sure I’ll do that
you’d probably just reject me
and pretend like you didn’t know me
sure I won’t “poke holes” in your dreams
but I love you and I’ll come
there is summer
I have a plan
I’m coming
to bel air
in the summer
and I’ll meet your parents and they can like me and we can hang
don’t go to bed and thank you very much
and I love you too
sleep laterr or never
just don’t sleep
I need to talk to you it’s important
or I could say it in four minutes
I love you too
and I just want you to know
When I wake up, well I know I'm gonna be, I'm gonna be the man who wakes up next you When I go out, yeah I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who goes along with you If I get drunk, well I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who gets drunk next to you And if I haver up, yeah I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who's havering to you But I would walk 500 miles And I would walk 500 more Just to be the man who walks a thousand miles To fall down at your door When I'm working, yes I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who's working hard for you And when the money, comes in for the work I do I'll pass almost every penny on to you When I come home (when I come home) well I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who comes back home to you And if I grow-old (when I grow-old) well I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who's growing old with you But I would walk 500 miles And I would walk 500 more Just to be the man who walks a thousand miles To fall down at your door Da da da (da da da) Da da da (da da da) Da da da dun diddle un diddle un diddle uh da Da da da (da da da) Da da da (da da da) Da da da dun diddle un diddle un diddle uh da When I'm lonely, well I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who's lonely without you And when I'm dreaming, well I know I'm gonna dream I'm gonna dream about the time when I'm with you When I go out (when I go out) well I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who goes along with you And when I come home (when I come home) yes I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who comes back home with you I'm gonna be the man who's coming home with you But I would walk 500 miles And I would walk 500 more Just to be the man who walks a thousand miles To fall down at your door Da da da (da da da) Da da da (da da da) Da da da dun diddle un diddle un diddle uh da Da da da (da da da) Da da da (da da da) Da da da dun diddle un diddle un diddle uh da Da da da (da da da) Da da da (da da da) Da da da dun diddle un diddle un diddle uh da Da da da (da da da) Da da da (da da da) Da da da dun diddle un diddle un diddle uh da And I would walk 500 miles And I would walk 500 more Just to be the man who walked a thousand miles To fall down at your door
goodnight hottie sleep well hope you feel better and have a better day tomy
not tommy, definitely not tommy
I love you a lot a lot a lot a lot
you know it
are you feeling better and I love you too I was too tired to get up this morning and I just laid in bed thinking about you
let’s goooo good idea
I love you
okay done
and you can hold my hand anyway because I like you so that’s your excuse
you have to tell me everything your parents like so they’ll like me
you should go to lunch so we can talk
I’m sure you did great you’re smartt and I like sports and nice people so perfect and they sound perfect like you
I want to meet your aunt too
I don’t know I wear shorts all the time but they’re not like basketball shorts they’re nicer I guess but they’re not like nice shorts
you know what I mean
and then just like a shirt I guess like a tshirt
what do you wear not that I’ll even understand what it is
but if it’s cold I wear a sweatshirt or something
in the summer I wear swim shorts that look like shorts all the time because we’ll just go to the beach or pool a lot
I’ll buy you more shorts🌚
and I can wear whatever you want I don’t care
oh and you’re hot
mhmm well I’ll just come over and make sure no one looks at you
yeahh they will I want to look at you and if I do come over I’ll just stare at you the whole time because you’re so hot
yeahhh sure and you can wear your hot physics shirt
I don’t know so wsp hottie how’s school
it’s been chill but my spanish teacher just wrote me up so that’s nice
I didn’t even do anything but she thought I was skipping
because like it’s faster to go outside around the building and walk in to get to my spanish class but apparently I can’t do that
it’s cool I don’t care buttt guess I have to come to your school now right
and I gtg so love you bye
what does that au thing mean again
and heyy hottie wsp
I knoww it's too cold where you live I've been telling you that ha but good for you
don’t die just move to florida
so you’re saying you can’t go to hershey park if you live in florida🤔🤔
well I live in florida🤔🤔
so guess I can’t go with you
when I come see you you can’t act like I don’t love you or something anymore
finee allison I won't come see you because I just don't love you enough
just kidding I love you more than anything and I've been thinking about seeing you all day
I decided I have to move to your school that way I'd get to see you everyy day how cool would that be
I'll just get every class with you and then you can tell your parents I need to come over every day to study
great idea, we should kiss you have nice lips and a nice everything
you one-upped me again allison and I love you too
the most
anyway I’m coming over and we’ll be happy together
Imagine me and you, I do I think about you day and night, it's only right To think about the girl you love and hold her tight So happy together If I should call you up, invest a dime And you say you belong to me and ease my mind Imagine how the world could be, so very fine So happy together I can't see me lovin' nobody but you For all my life When you're with me, baby the skies'll be blue For all my life Me and you and you and me No matter how they toss the dice, it had to be The only one for me is you, and you for me So happy together I can't see me lovin' nobody but you For all my life When you're with me, baby the skies'll be blue For all my life Me and you and you and me No matter how they toss the dice, it had to be The only one for me is you, and you for me So happy together Ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba-ba Ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba-ba Me and you and you and me No matter how they toss the dice, it had to be The only one for me is you, and you for me So happy together So happy together How is the weather So happy together We're happy together So happy together Happy together So happy together So happy together
do you like my classic rock songs
aren’t I talented so wspp did you have art today
finee what’d you draw or paint
and I know you’re good at it
so you should
clownfish haha cool I bet it was good
and no riddle guy that’s good
nah that’s you and your writing I love you and we had to write this essay thing and it was hard so I thought about you
what’d you think and I miss you but I’m talking to me if you know what I mean
like I want to be with you I guess
haha you missed me
that’s so cool that you love me
so how’s your mom
yeahh I get it I feel like that too it’s just crazy you feel the same way
and he’s good he did something but I forgot
becausee you’re just so
you’re going to get me hyped up
and then you’ll just go to bed and break my heart
you are
every night my heart is broken
but I keep coming back😩😩
I should be all emo and write a really short shįtty poem
every night she leaves me
I knew it could never be
and I’ll never be free
from she
you’re cute
it ain’t easy being wheezy
and I love you too
even if you do break my heart
smhh why did that make me smile you’re so extra you know I don’t
woooooooooowwwwwwww allison
going to break my heart againn right after we talked about it
I see how it is
okay sorry I got distracted love you a lott gn
it’s okayy you’ll be okay how is it
are you alrightt and I love you hottie
we’re doing that too are you doing it and don’t worryy it’ll be fine
haha I’m sorry yeah she sounds crazy and a spear smhh give her allie looks
and we’re allowed to but I’m not, I would if it was just in honor of the people who died but it’s turning into something else
heyy are you okay I know your probably okay but I just feel weird so I’m worried about you
you’re not your smh
what tff for some reason I’m really worried about you are you okay
there’s your next school shooter right there and okayyy good be safe
just in case
I willlll come over I really will but for some reason I’m really worried about you right now and I don’t know why
how is your anxiety today
I willl as long as you stay safe
I don’t knoww sorry
I didn’t finish my math test so that’s already six less points since it’s out of 100
yeah I guess we’ll see
it’s okay it’s just annoying like I knew how to do it I just didn’t have time
I love you too so wsp
of course you did and I’m in spanish
how was school
okay I gtg love you and I don’t think you answered me about your anxiety but I hope that gets better
you make me super super happy too and I love you more than anything
that's insanee I make you happy and you love me
that makes me happy
I love you and I just said that but I can’t stop thinking about you this is getting insane
that’s so coool I’m glad
so wsp
yeah I know haha and why are you sad I'm not at all
yeah I respect him for overcoming that and I do feel bad for him because he's in hėll now but likee he was a huge atheist and I didn't like that part of him
yeahh but you’re nicer than me so that’s probably why you’re sad
I feel worse for the shooting victims
so let’s say there’s a guy who’s lived to 100, he’s achieved everything he wanted to and got the opportunity to so he’s satisfied with his life. he dies of old age and it’s painless. there’s a girl who’ss let’s say five, she never got the opportunity to grow up or succeed and she’s painfully murdered
you feel equally bad for them
that’s not what I’m saying at all
I’m not saying you shouldn’t feel bad for someone I’m just asking if that’s what you’re saying
you would feel equally bad for them?
even if someone got the death penalty and killed a ton of people vs one of the people they killed
you would feel equally bad for them?
I never said you shouldn’t feel bad for them I’m just asking you if you really feel the same amount for everyone
I would still feel bad for anyone who died
I was just asking
obviously, that’s why I said “let’s say” as in “let’s imagine” I didn’t say that was everyone
I was only saying in the case that the old guy was satisfied with his life vs someone who didn’t get the chance
it was to make a point
you’re putting words into my mouth
my bad I shouldn’t have said obviously
are you upset because I didn’t mean to upset you I was just trying to understand your viewpoint and tell you mine
did I say it was wrong?
or did I just ask you if that’s what you really thought, even in extreme cases
I was only trying to understand where your coming from and if you really thought that, I never said that it was wrong or bad to think that
okay I’m not doing this anymore
did you not just say you would feel worse for the killed than the killer
I’m sorry
I shouldn’t have said anything I knew this would happen
next time I’ll just agree with you like usual
I’m sorry
I know you can’t help it I’m just stupid I’ll learn someday
you have every right to be upset and you don’t have to talk to me or whatever you want
I’m impulsive and sometimes I don’t think about who I’m talking to before I say it
are you going to be upset
don't apologize it's my fault I need to get myself together
I'm only asking because I don't know whether to leave you alone or not
I mean
it doesn't matter it's okay
nooo it's okay just forget about it
allie noo no no I know you can't help it and that's okay I still love you more than anything
it's not annoying to me I'm sorry I've made you feel like it is
I wouldn't want you any other way
I may wantt to say something in the moment but that doesn't mean it's right, so reallyy you're helping me think about what I say which is cool it's not inconvenient it's a good thing
and I shouldn't have said that
I don't feel like I have to agree with you I just feel like I should avoid disagreeing with you if I can
noo allie you should never ever feel like that, you make my life so so so much better I look forward to talking to you every day I love you more than anything and I can't stand being without you
I shouldn't have started any of this and I'm sorry, it's totally my fault so you don't need to worry about anything you're perfect
you don't need to change anything I'm serious I didn't mean for any of this to happen
I'm not but who cares if I am, you're my hot girlfriend of course I don't want anyone hurting your feelings and especially not me
I meant to say nott with more ts
when I come over you'll be perfect and we'll hold hands and kiss and I'll fall even more in love with you if that's possible
try not to care about what
and I love you hottie
yeah I can tell
we don't have to talk about that ever again
it ruined your life what
your grandmother?
I'm sorry and we don't have to talk about it I get it the same thing happened to me I just
it's different
no it's fine I know you don't like talking about it but if you want to we can
if not then cool it doesn't matter
I'm so sorry allie I know there's nothing I can say to make it better but I'm sure your parents were just trying to protect you
and you really don't have to talk about this but if you want to I'm here even though I'm not good at this
no no I believe you and I know that has to be so hard and I'm sorry it sucks that you have to carry all that around
it'll be okay I know you don't want a sermon but God has a plan for you and you'll see her again someday
if it makes you feel better I want to hear it but if not I won't ask because I don't want to pressure you and make you upset
and okay I'll do my best even thoughh you dying first will totally destroy me
I'm sorry she sounds amazing and really really smart if she loved you that much
and yeahh of course you're one of the only things that really matters to me
and you matter the most to me
ha yeah well you should be
and yes I'll come over
you too and cool we should go
yeah why are you
I'm sorry and just fine
no I just
I don't want to make this about me
no just some of the stuff you said just reminded me of some other shįt but its different and I'm good I was just thinking about it so wsp
howw are you being too much to handle it's me you're perfect
I just remembered this other stufffff and yeahh my family is just messed up
noo it's okay I don't care I'm used to it and you had no way of knowing and you're not making a huge deal I totally get it I know its really hard for you
alliee I knew I shouldn't have said anything, you're perfect and amazing and you don't need to change at all you're doing great
you aree and you should stay up all night and talk to me
I'll get up early to talk to you
so then we can talk a little more so you should check your phone
if you think that'ss crazy you have no idea how much I love you
you aree oblivious it's so frustrating I'll like write you an essay on how much I love you and you'll be like "if you loved me you would be her" liKE come on allison
you refuse to accept my love
smhh you were born to break hearts weren't you
and my mom is looking at dogs and she sent me a link to a golden retriever named allie how perfect is that
I knoww you do that’s why it’s perfect
we should totally get that dog
haha yeah sure then you’ll pay no attention to me at all
haha yep mhm I’m sure that would work out perfectly
I love how excited you get over dogs I’m going to send you dog pictures everyday just because you act so cute
I love you so much
really it makes you happy
haha okay and no problemm I’m always here I love you a lot and I’m coming
hey I know you didn’t ask but earlier when you said everyone says you’re like your grandmother so everyone likes you or you’re the favorite or whatever yeahh it just reminded me everyone in my family says I’m like my dad when he was younger and I don’t know he just really sucks so I don’t want to be like him and my dad’s mom died when I was seven and we were pretty close but not as close as you and your grandmother but it still hurt and stuff and I always looked up to my grandfather for being there for her throughout her cancer and he even quit his job to spend time with her or at least that’s what I was told my whole life untill I went up there to visit them over thanksgiving break yeah well my mom decided to tell me the truth and apparently he was cheating on her the entire time and he would leave her while she’s sick and go visit the other women who’s now my step grandmother which makes it evenn worse that she’s still around and my mom said that when I was younger instead of coming to see me he would go see her and so like I have no memories of him when I was younger and I don’t know that stuff just really messed me up and likee I’m named after those guys how shītty is that and they say I’m just like them and I don’t know I hate that and I hope I’m not like them and yeah sorry for telling you all of this I know it sounds so dramatic but yeah I just wanted to tell someone so why not you and you don’t have to say anything don’t feel bad for me it’s okay I’m used to it I’m totally fine I don’t even know why I’m telling you but anyway I’m sorry about your grandmother
that’s a lot but seriously you don’t have to say anything back just like ignore it
I love you and yeah let’s not talk about it I just wanted to tell you and that’s not even all of it ha but it’s okay morning I’m tired so I hope you’re on
yeahh but I wanted to
see this is totally worth it I get to talk to you before school that’s going to make my day 5x better
I willl come over and you’re so hott👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
see my day is already better
how’s ally g
nothing muchh I’ll probably take a shower in a second
are you at school yet or what
cool I don’t get into homeroom until like 7:40
that’s crazy
what class do you have first
you neverr study but you got it you’re smart
and your A day B day whatever tf that’s so confusing
I bet you still look hot and your eyes are cool
how’re you feeling
good and did youuu cry
I feel like you don’t tell me when you do
smhh why am I not surprised you’re friends with them ha
and did you cryy or not
did you cryy now I’m worried because you won’t answer
and haha yeah of course you’re so cute
becausee you’re avoiding my question
so you did cry didn’t you
I’m sorryy can I help why didn’t you tell me
what caused it
“tell me and I’ll kill it”
I don’tt freak out but are you okay what happened
I’m sorry I love you
allisonnnnnnnnnnnnn and you should show me because I like you so I still want to see
well you can still show me because I’m bored but I gtg
love you hottie
haha are you seriouss do you cry like every day
and sorry about your cut hottie
also I have basketball practice which I guess I’ll just shoot at and a dinner later so if I’m not on for like a long time that’s why
oh yeah I forgot about that and sorryy I would rather talk to you but I don’t have to leave for a little while so
guess I better come over and kiss your hand and you and while I’m at it just move to bel air, only option I see here
and I don’t know are you🤔🤔
and nooo now I have to wait until tomorrow to talk to you but okay night love you more than anything hottie
haha that is the best bandaid ever I love you even your hand is attractive🔥🔥
and it said pending so I logged into your account
mhm you’re super attractive I love you I’m coming over
you should stay up tonight
alliee I don’t know ask your mom or something you shouldn’t have to stay
hope you feel better I love you
tell her thattt I’m sorry if I could help you I would
I love you I’m sorry it’ll be okay soon
you’re still fire
are you okayy
noo it’s not annoying I’m worried about you, go to the nurse or something
tell maryalice she hass to check you out
it’s the weekend so you just have to get through today and then it’ll be okay
I’m sure she caress she probably just doesn’t understand like I would have no idea if you hadn’t told me about it
I’m sorry allie it’ll get bette and if I can do something lmk
I mean crying releases stress so if it’ll make you feel better after you should cry
whatever makes you feel better you should do that you should eat ice cream and chicken nuggets and eggs and read
just get your mind off it until you feel better r
I love you and I’m sorry I can’t help
I’m sorry you have to deal with this you don’t deserve it and I hope you feel better
you are clever and perfect I love youu I’m worried about you
what class are you in
it’s nott stupid it’s serious and I know it sucks for you and I’m sorry
and I have to go to lunch so love you bye feel better
it is nott unreasonably it’s totally valid
are you feeling better
I’m sorryy and I always want to hear about your day
did you eat something and do you feel any better yet
I’m sorryy you’re having a bad day but it’ll get better
I love you
well I guess this isn’t the best time to tell you then
I’m not dying but
I’ll just tell you some other time I’m about to have to go anyway
it’s nothing so wsp
whyy this isn’t a good time
okay I was going to try to trick you into something buttt now I feel really bad I’m sorry
because you’re gullible and it’s cute but that was mean since you’re having a bad day I’m sorryy but at least nothings wrong I love you
I feel so bad noww I’m so sorry are you feeling any better
Im sorryyy I actually feel so bad like that was mean you’re having a bad day
love you and not ac or anyone else
ha did you fall
and I gtg I’m supposed to be lifting rn but I had to make sure you weren’t mad at me haha
it’s lacrosse practice but I’m not supposed to hit people yet so I just lift
and alliee are you okay and sure I’ll talk to you now it ends at 3:30 but you know I can’t resist checking my phone for you
gooood good I’m glad you feel better and I have a basketball tournament tomorrow so I probably won’t be on a lot even though I won’t be playing
you should stay up tonight
are you going to
welll you’ve had a long day and you’re probably tired so you don’t have to it’s not a big deal we can always talk sunday or something
if you say soo just don’t be disappointed and I’ll try not to force you to stay up too late
yeahh but I’m running out of ideas of how to keep you up
don’t worry I’ll figure something out
usually I’ll just ask you a question do you have to answer or I’ll start to tell you something but only tell you like half of it haha
I feel bad when I ask but heyyy if it just happens that we’re not finished with the conversation then
guess we better kiss
and I love you
but I like you more than I don’t like blood
what about you
more like floor da
or duh
something like that but that’s how most people who grew up here say t
noooo haha I don’t live near them at all either they live in like north alabama like seven hours away
and no I don’t have a country accent I don’t say y’all either
I’d ask if you do but you probably don’t
haha no I agree they are weird they make you sound likee uneducated you know what I mean
it’s just different and I bet you have a hot voice
that made me smile haha what
you’re so attractive
maybe that’s why your anxiety is so bad allison
you’ve cracked the code
I love how your mixed and don’t worry I’ll do it for you
oh well🤔🤔guess it wasn’t meant to be
and sorry I meant to read over it I always read over it but I didn’t my bad
wow i’m so hot
too hot to handle amiright
i am, the hottest and most perfect and allie’s lame and not the most perfect🌚
that’s nothingg I’m just wakeboarding I used to think I was cool
I tried to do a flip when I was like twelve and I split my head open on the board
did I tell you that ha
and yeah that’s my lake house but no I wasn’t going to say that
I used to go a lot more than we do now
welll I don’t know how to respond to that
it’s not that big
why’re you saying sorry ha
but nothing much I’m shopping
I need more shirts that aren’t dress up shirts so you should tell me what kind of shirt I should get
wsp with you
how could that possibly be offensive
and you’re not annoying smhh but thanks for your help hottie
I already have a million of those type shirts honestly I don’t even know why I’m shopping my mother just likes me to buy things
I’m just standing and talking to you anyway
haha I would say something about you being thick butttttttt you get it
I actually do need new shoes so guesss I’ll buy some so my mom will be happy
she’s so weird and whatever you sayyy
there’s just too much hotness for those shirts to handle
I love you too are you feeling any better
that’s goood yes I’m really glad
how’s yo mama
she’s good too and did I tell you about how david thinks he’s a cool kid now
your mom is such a savage👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏽👏🏼
look at that dark hand in there what^
but you are perfect ha
oh yeah I forgot so he got to hang with that first grade girl he's "in love" with at recess
he tried to act all chill about it but then he gave up and started like literally running around he was so happy
so yeah he's super cool isn't he B)
yeah I'm okay I'm watching the emoji movie with dave
its the stupidest thing I've ever seen
unless you like it of coursee
mhm love you so how're you feeling
and good don't see it it sucks
should I come over and lay down with you
okay I'm coming and I love you too
I was about to joke and say "thats the will effect" but no that's way too cringey and untrue
I love youuuuu hottie so much you're perfect and the best
that was pretty bad I apologize for that what is wrong with me smhhh
so how's it going did you eat anything
I'm not worriedd
I am concerned
big difference and I just want to know you're okay
okay and I'm bored but noo I'm not saying you're boring
no it's okay go to bed but I have to say something before you do
noo seriously I just want to tell you I love you before you go to bed because I don't know I don't like when you go to bed and I don't say it
that doesn't make sense but likee I sleep better when we end on a good note
I'm so lame smh
okayy goodnight hottie I love you so so much
I miss you already
morning hottie it’s early and I miss you
I should carry you except we just lost and I’m so tired me and this other guy had to do everythingg all the guards are shįt except for us
the posts are good though but s m h i literally had to handle the ball the whole time
anyway do you feel better even though you’re tired
oh but I got to go in I didn’t start because I wasn’t really supposed to play but my coach asked me so no way I’m not going to go in
so that’s probably why I’m really tired too
alliee if it happens again you should tell someone
does it still hurt
and my stomach is killing me I got my appendix out what else does it want
howw is that fine and I think I’m just tired I don’t know
whatever you sayyy allison so how’s the anxiety
that’s an improvement so I’ll take it
and I’m probably about to go eat but right now I’m at a track meet because my friends are in it
and I get in free because I’m an aThELeTe
maybe you should go to the doctor and I would say good luck but my girl doesn’t need it😩😩👏🏼👏🏼🔥🔥
so wsp with you hottie
oh yeah shin splints haha those suck
and I love you too
and I’m sorry I’m not going to be on a lot but tonight I should be
I’m about to go eat
and I so did good you’re so attractive
don’t you wish your girlfriend was hot like mine
don’t you wish your girlfriend was a writer like mine
you should stay up tonight
because you love me
you’re the best
nah you’re the best
so how’s it goin
I’m sitting on the couch and should I come
I’m so tiredd let’s lay down
yeah we should
I love you I’m sorry
that would freak me out unless you told me it was from joy
otherwise I’d think I like killed you or something
I love you too and I’m coming over okay
and we can hold hands and lay down
and kiss
you have no idea how much I want to kiss you
I wouldn’t haha but does that mean you think I’mm weird
haha well I could do it all day so
so wsp
my game is really soon so I gtg I love you hottie hope you feel better and this is our last game today so we should be able to talk
I’ll kiss your head and come eat cupcakes
glad your stomach feels better though
but what kind of cupcakes🤔🤔
and we won barely and I didn’t play as much because they were easier and I’m out of shape
you’re definitely not bland and I know surgery sucks
so wsp now hottie
I bet you ate like two cupcakes and now you feel sick or something haha
you’re so cute I love you
I just got home about to shower and do you just like go to random games
oh I thought I answered
you’re hot so how’s lames doing
I was like mann I miss allie
so I checked like 19292 times and figured it out
and that’s good is he still ballin
and why does your heart hurt
haha you’re so attractive and yessss that’s my boy👏🏼👏🏼
he’s good I’m not with him right now though
yeah totally almost as cute as you
you are cute so tell me about your cuteness
marry me
I’m about to send you a picture that says marry me
but seriously
so you agree you’re cute
deal I’ve only been telling you that for forever
and I like when you say hmph ha
your collage is pending
hey hey hey I’m coming over this summer
for realllll
I am
unless you keep doubting me😤😤
“are youuuu”
you know what the worst thing ever is
when you say “oh”
that’s how I know I’m in shīt
aLLISON KIM are your sEriOusSSszsz right now
I just felt my heart drop I hope you’re happy
and if you were serious than I’m sorryyy I’ll start trying to make it better now
you better respond quickly I’m so freaked out
becausee it means you’re mad at me
or salty
it means I did something wrong 9/10
and mmmmmm that wasn’t nice allison
now I’m embarrassed what’s my deal
I do care I hate it so much and now I feel awkward smHhHhHh you’re making me feel weird
and why’re you smiling
but seriously when you get salty or mad at me I like freak out
because I can’t lose youuuuuuuuuu
I’m talking too much
I’m sorry
I love you
mhm mhm mhm mhm let’s forget this conversation happened
date me
you started this allison
I don’t knoW you got me off guard smhhh
did you just smh me
haha I love you
I’m smiling whatt
oh my god allison I love you so much
I know you “didn’t do anything” but you did that and it’s just everything and I love you so much
I’m coming over and I’m kissing you I stg I just
I feel like deleting that because I’m insane
but I love you
so much
godddddddddddddddddddddddd I love you more than anything and I want to be with you so bad akskskskjshhal what i wrong with me
is not i
I need to chill
I love you
I’m sorry for that time I made you cry
I’m really really sorry
I suck
I do suckkkkkk when I broke up with you
I do suck
I’m sorry
I love you
why do I keep saying that
I know but
whyyyy I’m so mad at myself
its a huge deal
I don’t want to stress you out about that it already sucked so we don’t have to talk about it but I’m so so so sorryy
I just
that’s the worst thing ever
I never want to do that ever but I didddd and okay I’ll keep it to myself because I love you
what’s wrong with me tonight
I love you
I’m sorry
I’ll never do that again
I just
what tf
I don’t know what to say
I’m sorry you don’t have to talk to me I can’t think straight I don’t know what’s wrong I’m sorry I just
you’re going to think I’m crazy now
I’m sorry
you don’t have to talk to me
it’s not your fault
I’m messing everything up I need to stop talking
don’t worry about it please
nothing much either
I’m sorry
you didn’t ask
I’m just going to go now I guess I’ve screwed everything up and I’m
I love you
this isn’t how I wanted my night to go
god I’m sorry
why’re you sorry don’t be sorry and allie allie allie allie allie I love you
I’m fine it’s okay
but you know when something little happens and you’re already having a bad time and you just ,,,,,,,, whyYyyY
so wsp
nothing much so how do you feel
you should tell me about t
but usually it’s like “yeah we were just hanging out in the hecking apocalypse inside my school which wasn’t my school and then you roasted me”
haha ayy I didn’t roast you and we’re such good bakers wow
and I’ll go missing if it means you’ll hug me
should I dye my hair white
haha okay I’ll come over
because I’ve been missing from bel air
I love you too💙💛💘💟💓
I have a game later but I’ll tell you when I have to go
so how’s your mom
okay yeah I gtg love you
david's good and we won so I have another game later
I played a lot but I mainly put up threes and I scored 24 ha I was on
that's the most I've scored in a game this season I'm pretty sure
so of course I had to tell my hot girlfriend
now I miss you I wish I wasn’t so busy
and next week is spring break so I’m barely going to be on
you’re proud of me haha but I’m so sore already
and okay sure I don’t know what that is but it’ll be fun with you
and yess tryouts you have to let me know how it goes
is it just one day or what
that’s so cute this is why we need an allie jr
and okay let’s do it five miles is nothing
that’s only five kisses
every half mile at leastt
I love you
I just punched the fridge and dented it
so wsp now how’s the anxiety
I bit my tongue haha I just needed to hit something
so my mouth is bleeding too
and that’s gooodd but I’m sorry about friday
I’m okay and you got through it thoughh good job love you
you don’t bother me ever
so how’s it going
is that sarcastic and nah I really never get annoyed with you
good but I’m sore af
I think I already said that but whatever
yesss you can so come over
I’d let you even if I had like a broken back or something f
so wsp did you shower
nicee so
do anything hot lately
hot to meee allison
have you existed lately allison
see that’s hot👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼whatta hottie I’m dating
and I love you too
okay sure
how’s your shot
smh is right you’re so cute and hot and attractive I love you marry me
whatt it’s not annoying I like it you’re so cute
future wife right there
you’re crazy
tú es perfecto
nailed it
I’m so tired
always one-upping me allison
and come over
I love you too you should send me a picture of you
yess love you
yeahh we are haha and I gtg love you
we lost
and then I lost david
but I found him and he has two more friends, they’re twin brothers and their names are dashaun and deshaun
yeahh I guess I’m sorry I’ve been busy I’ve missed you a lot
what book is it
and haha we should name our kids like that
do you think that it’s weird or bad that we talk about like
and getting married
is it good and okayyy if you say so
what’s it about and I do nott say smh that much
I wasn’t going to say that either
I just don’t want want you to feel uncomfortable
yeesssssss we are you said we could
“don’t crush my dreams” allisonn
okay one and then we’ll talk about it, deal
haha no we can stop after one because
and why’re you sad
does that mean we can go to the library
haha how manyy books have you been emotionally attached to
maybe that’s why you’re so emotional
in a good way
I love you you’re perfect and I’ll come
haha that made me smile I love you so much
I didn’t want to offend youu
so wsp
you haveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee to show me you can’t delete it
and noo I just hate when you get mad at me
I love you too and you shouldddddd
yess you’re the best
so how’s it going
me neither and I miss you
I get it
so how’s it going
goodd I love you
anything interesting happen today
you should kiss me
actually I’ll kiss you
you just have to kiss back
when I come see you I swear I’m going to kiss you so much
even if it’s just like on the cheek
after we get over the awkwardness of coursee
oh my goddddddddddddddd stopppp you know I can’t handle your attractiveness
that is thee most attractive thing I’ve ever heard you’re the greatest
you ramble and smile and laugh goDDDdD allison and you being awkward isssss so cute I love you
alllllliiiieeeeee stop I can’t handle this you’re making me want to come even more
I like hearing it so it’s tempting but noo you know I can’t a sleep your hotness
I willll come over you’re
you’re perfect
I love you
did you finish writing
and I’d like to
haha yeah and I can’t believe you won’t show me, my heart really is broken
crushed dreams and a broken heart
mhmm wsp
you’re not and sorryy I didn’t notice
it’s not like you have school tomorrow🌚
you’re such a heartbreaker allison
oh you should send me your writing
in the morning I mean if you can
because then how could I not have a good day
and also before you go to bed I have something to say
we both know I don’t have anything to say
buttt did you know I can rap shakespeare’s sonnet 18
fineeeeeeee night love you more than anything
I’m sorryyy allison I’m here I love you and I didn’t do that but I told youu you like hate me in all your dreams
I miss you too allie love you a lot
did you die because I didn’t answer fast
don’t die I miss you
allisonn I would never do that I’m sorry about my dream self
love you 💛💟💙💓💞🔥🔥❤️😍
alliee I feel so bad and I keep thinking about you too
you didn’t send me your writing
haha it’s okay and I’m so disappointed in my dream self
I swearr you subconsciously think I suck
bet and I love you too how’s school
and I remember when we would never talk during school how did I survive
it’s 73 degrees here and it’s about to storm so that’s insane it’s going to snow there but if you don’t have school I’ll come
I think we get out early at one because it’s storming bad and my school likes to give us school off for no reason
ha well I hope you do
I love you even though I just said that
and yeah so hopefully we can talk more
oh shįt
I have basketball practice
s m h
I totally forgot
maybe it’ll get canceled
I’m sorry I totally forgot but we can definitely talk before and after
so wsp
I’m sorryyy and I’m in bio we’re watching some chimpanzee movie and the little baby’s mom died and he like got rejected by all the other mothers so it made me think about you because you’d probably be upset ha
haha I’m sorry about the animals and the standing but what’d you draw
and good luck hottie not that you’ll need it
that is good tell me how it goes I love you too
and tell me about the drama haha
miss you already
yeah I remember and haha yeah I’ve seen people like that so how did you do on the two miles
super dramatic
you got happy haha
that’s greatt way to go
and yess we can talk more and ha whatever you say allie
whyy I don’t bring anything interesting to the conversation
and I love you too hottie
it autocorrected to horse at first smh I love you horse
haha you’re scared of everything what kind of dog is it
fsu beat the number one team last night I’m so hype
cool and right
yeahh you know it
thanks and good wbu
yeahhhhhhhh why
oh yeah snow right that’s cool
oh I’m not uninterested my bad I didn’t
I love you too and that’s sick
hope you get out
of school I mean
you should send your writing now
haha yeah I’m sure you’re very upset
I’m upset because you didn’t send me your writing </////3
ha whatever you say and that sophia person
isn’t she the one that like almost made you hate me forever
practice is canceled btw so we can bool
mhm mhm mhm
because I did but mMmmmMmMMMMM
I don’t appreciate that
it’s just like,,,,,, I didn’t do that
so annoying
no I can’t handle that without being a dįck ha
I can’t believe themmmmmmmmmm
noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo and noooooooooooooooooooooooooo I can’t handle it
I’m so upset
you diddDDdSDSS at first
and sure go for it
hello :)
why you have a smiley face hMmMm
it’s not happy
do that
better watch out you might decide to hate me soon
I’m just jokinggg but “hmph” as you would say
worst five minutes of my life
love you
it’s okayyy so wsp
you’re always shopping and nothing much I have to clean out my closet or whatever for spring but the problem is david wants to keep everythingg I need to get rid of
it’s not even his thoughh like it’s my old shirts and stuff and he doesn’t fit in them at alllll but he insists on keeping them
he’s too small for them and yess I know you did
I mean like the shirts I don’t like anymore or don’t wear or are a little too small
I didn’t remember her so who was it like what do you remember and yeahh I don’t know why you’d want them though
but I’m throwing out some sweatshirts that are a little bit too small and girls like those so
come get them
I’m so paranoid right now
whyy I don’t get why you would want it but sure
and becausee what if you break up with me for some reason I don’t remember that person and I don’t trust themmmmmm
I don’t knowwwwwwww allison you’re gullible and whatever you sayy
they’re mostly sports ones though and you don’t go for those teams
I have a shirt that I knoww you’ll like
haha it was a jokee and I didn’t buy it my friend gave it to me
I’ll tell you if you don’t get saltyy
haha well what do you think it’s going to say
you don’t have any faith in me </3
but I picked you out the perfect shirt you want to see it
it’s great just wait
so are you still shopping
did you buy anything and I know I keep asking but I’m dying to see your writing
greatt and yess love you
are you okayy
you suree
okay so how’s it going
I’m good but something feels off
us and nooo
alliee nooooooo I’m not I swear
now who’s paranoid
I’m still mad at my dream self
so wsp hottie how’s you mom
he’s good how’s my boy lames
hey guess what
so do I
woooww I can’t believe you said that
yeah let’s do it
I think you meant allie jrs
in that case yess let’s do it
mhmmm fine whatever you say just marry me
so wsp now
I’m talking to you so I’m super happy
you smiledd that’s great and I’m not the best you are
so how was your anxiety today
that’s greatt and maybe it was because you found out it’s going to snow and stuff
that’s probably definitely not how it works buttt whatever
haha are you going to take them you should
my wife is so not mainstream🤙🏼🤙🏼
you think too much about labels you should just do whatever you want and be cool with it because you’re perfect
you’re never going to be just one thing you’re like
the best of everything
sure you are
I see
you should change your username to edgemaster666
sureeee so wsp
you are an egg master and what song I’m cleaning my room
not reallyyy that was my closet and I basically just sit and talk to you
it’s pretty big for a guy’s closet but you should see my moms
and nah he’s easily distracted
yeahh that’s how my mom is she never wears anything twice it’s insane
haha well you look great in anything
rightt it’s hard to do that when you’re not here though
better come over
ha you’re always tired but anyway yeah I think I’d probably pass out because that’s the best thing I can think of
I would because you’d probably take my jacket but sure I’ll come over
you’re so hard on yourself ha so wsp
nope I’m just chilling
I’m so tired
haha I’d be glad to give you my jacket anytime
and yeah come lay down with me
yeah me too I love you so so so much
can I ask you something
do you promise not to get upset though
never mind
I know it isn’t true there’s no point asking
it’s stupid
you promiseeeeeeeee you won’t get upset or salty or anything
mmmmm I feel bad asking I know it’s not true
if you say oh I’m going to die
I was only going to ask if like
do you only like me because I’m on here like because I’m just here all the time and I listen to you am I just like that person who’s just there and since I’m not with you you can make me whatever you want in your head
that doesn’t make sense and I know it’s not true
I’m sorry
please don’t get upset
okayy if you say so then I’ll take it
okay no thank you I justtttt I don't know I feel like 80% of our conversations are about how much we love eachother
I don't know I'm sorry
nooo not at all I jusstttt like
I don't want to seem dramatic or anything so I won't say it
but mm
I'm sorry and I do like talking about it it makes me happy its just
I'm so so sorry I don't mean to do this I hate this I just I can't believe that anyone loves me like I don't know I mean my dad left and my mom always says I'm just like him and she hates him and I don't know its not a big deal I need to stop talking you can go to sleep please just ignore this it's stupid and irrelevant and this is just me trying to account for my mistakes when really there's no excuse I need to get over it
thats so fūcking dramatic I'm sorry really don't worry about it this is all my fault I always screw things up smhhhhhhhhh
I love you more than anything and I'm sorry I always bįtch about this stuff I'm fine
I'm not ignoring thatttt I love you too I just don't get it like
I'm nothing
and I'm not saying that to get your pity or to tell me I'm not or whatever tf
I don't even know what I'm saying I'm really sorry about this whole conversation I'm embarrassed let's talk about something else
please don't cry I'm sorry I've just got some things going on
please wait
what are you talking about
allie what no
talking to you makes everything better it clears my head it makes me happy I'm not worried about that
no that's not how it is at all you're a convience ha but more than than you're everything
I don't know how to explain it but I need to make sure we're on the same page otherwise I won't be able to sleep
soo I love you more than anything "you make every day and every place better"
are we good
so sweet and because
that's just how it is
sorry I probably do that a lot but I don't mean to and I'll let you gts I love you. more than anything, night
I'm sorry for making you sad I didn't mean to
you said oh I'm so confused
I thought I was keeping you up but if not thenn great stay up
alright then sleep well
I'm sorry for everything
sorryy haha well at least you get out
snow in march that’s insane
it’s 65 here
that’s good but allieee are you okay my teacher said there was a shooting in maryland
now I’m worried about you
oh and yeah I asked my teacher which one like 3029 times and she wouldn’t answer or didn’t know so I got extra worried
read the best one
and I should be able to talk for the rest of spanish
have you gone in the snow yet
yeah sure what
are you seriouss yes do you not think I do
wait do you not like talking to me
I talk to you literally every time I have any free time
sometimes I even ask to use the restroom just to answer you
noo tell me why you think that if you can explain it because I don’t want to seem like that
talking to you is the best
alliee well I’m sorry I love you and talking to you
I think I’m free tonight so we can talk more
I gtg now but I love youu and talking to you so bye hottie
you’re calling me william now🤔🤔
so wsp
smhh so attractive
were they the ones you made
and I just got home
yeah or I’ll come and eat your cupcakes
what book is it and yeahh I’ll come
of course I care what’s it about and you read so fast
my day was good what about you
ayyy that’s good way to go hottie
I’m bored I don’t have any hw
yeahh I was planning on it but of course if you want to talk I don't have to go
is that shade and we were going to go to dinner but I have to watch david anyway so
I like you better than anyone else
rightt and you know it’s trey
bettttt and you should I love your memes
you throw shade in your memes too
sure that isn’t and okay so wsp
you always eat good stuff but not now and I’m about to take a shower
that’s goooddd and I’m going to feel like I’m missing out because usually you have school so you tell me about that
I guess you can tell me about your off day
nah I would totally do that buttt can’t if I get another absence I can’t except any exams
thanks to my appendix
exempt not except
and I’ll be on somee as much as I can
I’m sorryy so have you gone outside yet
whatta surprise
I know I knoww it’s cute I didn’t mean it like tha
what do you meannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
like when you say you love me🤔🤔
ha I love you so much
I feel like if I say anything I’ll just make it worse but pleasee don’t get salty
I don’t thinkk you will I just can’t risk it because I don’t know if this is the last time we’re going to talk and I don’t want to be deep but I hate that I just don’t like arguing or you getting upset because what if you’re done after thatt like I don’t know
mhmm I love you and I like talking about how much I love you
I’m sorry so wsp
listening to music and is it that shadow girl book
what song and how’s the book
I should listen to that since you seem to like it a lot who’s it by
and yeah you’re attractive
your writing is the best so that’s good and still listening to music about to listen to your song
I love you too and that song is sick
fūck it if they don't like us I think we're fūcking righteous
that’s so sick
I fŪcKinG love you allison you’re hot as sHįT
remember when you said a ‘bad’ word
I would swear more but it just seems lame when you have to make the letters like ū į and stuff like that
I bet you say it when it’s in the song
guess I’ll have to come over and listen to the song with you
yes allison kim yes and I'm coming
so we have to like research love or whatever for the writing thing
so apparently you have to have sexual attraction, mutual enjoyment, emotional knowing, social compatibility, sensitive consideration, physical affection, friendship feeling, and romantic excitement all combining to create a sense of caring, commitment, and completeness
in order to actually be "in love" or whatever
and yesss I know I'm trying
right love yay and I know what that means wink
love you
what're you thinking hottie and I'm writing about you
I like hearing about it and yeah this is harder to explain than I thought
ha yeah come sit in my lap
ha you're just crazy I love you and kiss me before too because I need motivation
I love your name
whatta great idea allie
it is nottt plain it's the best
it's great and I don't want to go to school tomorrow I have to get up early and workout in zero period for lacrosse
no it doesn'tt but I do know this woman names allison I totally forgot about her but she's my friend's mom and mrs. allison's husband has to take away her credit card because she always buys us everything haha
and yesssss you should definitely my day would be 109310x better
if you did that I wouldd take away your credit card and really yess you're the best love you
okay I don’t care what it is anything of yours makes me really happy for some reason
that is good and so fancy you’re hot
did you play with it all day
and I’ll get you a diamond ring😏😏😏😏😏
whatt you’ll give it to allie jr you’re the best love you
so we
she’ll be perfect and are you almost done
and I’m laying down
haha you’re so attractive and she’ll definitely be perfect
yeahhhh allison “to each his own” so stop arguing with me and accept your attractiveness and allie jr’s perfection
you aree attractive so attractive
I’m about to look at a picture of you
I love youuuuuuu
okay hottie I have to get up early so I gtg to bed, night super hot writer girl I love you more than anything enjoy your day off
haha I’m not surprised and I can’t stop thinking about you
I bet you’re so tired now
I miss you already I swearr all I do is think about you
I miss youuu we haven’t talked in like ten hours
it’s okay you should get some rest if you need to I love youu and I seriously can’t stop thinking about ou
is it snowing did you go outside wspp I need to know about your day
of course you are
sounds fun I’m in bio
I didn’t mean it badd I like it you’re the best
I love you too are you okay
does maryalice like the snow
hope your head feels better I love you hottie
that’s good so wsp
I miss you
hott so you’re fresh now so I better come i’ve r
oh yeah so smart and I’ve asked a million times but you have spring break next week right
is it not a week
wrong that’s you love you
I gtg in three minutes I get to workout again how fun
it keeps me in shape and I like sports so
gotta stay in shape for my hot girlfriend
super crazy and hey I’m back
wspp how was your off day
you always make cupcakes whatta chef are they just vanilla again
and my day was boring but good
rightt so how’s your brother
he’s good too
what picture was it if I have it I’ll send it again
I have a million pictures of you saved it’s great
that’s not ugh that’s the best and yeah I only took that for you so nah I don’t have it
soorrryyyyy you should’ve saved it or something
heyyy that’s good for you
and then you have spring break how long is it again
well at least you’ll be at school while I’m not on
for most of the time
so how’s it going hottie wsp
what’s this book called and about and nothing much I’ll shower soot
heck ha and sounds cool
whatta rebel
I love youu too
how’s your dad
I don’t know allison you tell me and what if your dad doesn’t like me
I’ve been thinking about that since you said the little mermaid this
mmm whatever you sayy
willl she though
yeahh she likes everyone who talks to her and has good manners
david would love you
almost as much as I do
anyone who gives him attention and plays with him he loves andd he likes hot girls and you like kids movies so
whole package right there
what about lames
I wouldn’t even call him lames
how tall is he
jw and yeah david would really like you
he likes anyone I tell him is cool anyway
haha I love you and yeahh come over and ignore me for my six year old brother
he's a scrub so what're you up to
nothing much just doing so homework
I love you too and I'm bored
I have a lacrosse game tomorrow
better step it up hottie and yeah sure come
you aree I was joking
love you
smhh allison I swear you hate me
and today I figured out that smh can also mean so much hate so just so you know I never mean that when I say it haha
you have smh for me don't you allison
knew it
whatever you sayy so wsp
yo allie
I love you
how’s your book
I know you’re busy but I miss youu
are you going to get salty at me again
is that why you weren’t on
mmm I’m so annoyed at this
I’m so
are ou going to break up with me
I’m so fūcking annoyed
who is west
did you ask them who he was
or is
are you mad at me or salty or something because something seems off and I swear on everything on allie jr that west isn’t me or whatever tf
I wouldn’t do that to you I couldn’t do that to you that’s so
do you not trust me
I’mmmmmmm upset about this this is ridiculous
this is bs
you better not break up with me over this
I’m uGhhHhHhHhah what the FŪCK
w h y
why allison
I’m so annoyed pleaseeeeeee don’t believe them I can’t even
now I’m worried about us
I’mmmm mad because whyYyy and you’re gullible allison I don’t know and you said that I did that one time didn’t you
I’m so close to flipping my shįt but you don’t believe them so it’s okay it’s okay
I love you too and I did notttTtTt do that
ha you just want to hear me flip out
but seriouslyyyyyyyyyyyy
smh to that person
I’m just ,,,, mMmmMmmmmm
this is why we don’t socialize with other people
my day has been ruined
it started off so great with a hot picture of you but now😤😤😤😤
I’m just glad you’re smart because if not I’d die like I would understand if it was true but it isn’tt so I would die
and you don’t believe them righttttttttt
I wouldn’t do that to you that’s so shįtty and I love you so no
but I wouldn’ttttt and I didn’ttttt I would never
I’m literally not even attracted to anyone else that sounds insane but like I’m not
my friends were calling me asexual the other day like,, no it’s just you
and I hate when you say oh haha
but not haha because I’m upset
should I come over to make sure you’re okay
the answer is yes
and right let’s do it hottie
they’re hot too and why
oh nahh I’ll do whatever you want
the more you put on your story the better because that means people will back off
why would I be embarrassed
and I like talking about this kind of stuff with you for some reason
like a sock haha what no and they won’t make fun of me
and okay we can do that
and talking to you about being with you
do you like sunflowers
they’re cool
how could I ever be embarrasseddd with you I love you you’re perfect I want everyone to know about my super hot writer girlfriend
whattttttt are you talking about no you’re off the charts too hot to handle
and probably because they’re taller than you haha
haha that made me smile you’re so cute and stoppppppppppp allie you’re perfect
I hope you know you’re slowly killing me with your self deprecatory comments
but I love you and I’m going to bed in a sec because I’m tired as f
wait are you going to be embarrassed of me if I come over
yeah good idea except you never make them soooo
and haha are you not tired
of course I’ll probably kiss you a million times
but not in front of your dad because now I’m kind of scared of him
mhmmmm I’m not scared just
you alwayss one-up me
but okay I’ll take it anyway
I feel like if I’m joking around and dodge a kiss you like wouldn’t kiss me for forever
it’s all that shade built up in you
and mhmmmmm
I want to meet your mom first and then make her like me so she can tell him to like me
okay allie I gtg to bed I love you more than anything night and I’m about to think about you for an hour so that’s fun
I willl and morning hottie love and miss you
ha I miss you and it’s okay Im busy anyway
so wsp
tori is hot and we should kiss
I guess I have to come over
because your the hottest and I love youu not her love you hottie kiss me
allieee love you you’re perfect
come to my school
where you at
you just want to hang out with david
so wsp
I just got in spanish and we have a guest speaker person so we can talk
love you too and she speaks like twenty languages so that made me think about you
you’re hot
german is coool the other stuff is cooler though haha it’s all hot so
it’s friday though so that’s good and how was your day and anxiety
that’s gooddd and good I gtg and I have a lacrosse game tonight
love you hottie bye
alliee smh I just got home and my cleaning lady like found this piece of paper where I listed a bunch of stuff I like about you and she put it on my bed
I thought I threw it away but nah so I guess she read ittt that’s sort of embarrassing but don’t worry I threw it away now
I’m surprised patricia didn’t find it before
yeah but I still have to pick up so she can actually clean and it’s just because my mom hates cleaning
and I reread it and it made me think about you of course but yeah you’re so attractive
your wand was in there haha
ha that’s funny “deep clean” and why ugh your wand is the best
I’m coming over just to see your wand and then I’m leaving
you’re perfectt allison but I’ll drop it love you
you didn’t even say you love me back how tragic and I think it would have to be later in the summer
likee after the fourth of july because I’ve got a lot of stuff before then and we always go to the lake the fourth and stuff
but then I could like go drive down there my mom would probably let me and I could get a hotel or something for a night I don’t know
I don’t know probably not too long because that’s kind of creepy because your parents don’t know me
how would you even tell them how we met
you’re just that cute
and it’s just whatever you think is bestt
rightt but like I would only see you just then because then I would have to go back home
my mom probably wouldn’t like me coming all the way just for you
whyy oh and I could make something else up like I don’t know
but I’m going to find a way
I’ll try my best because I really really really want to
being with you would be the greatest
yeah okay
yeah sure are you
just fine
what’s wrong
you’re acting different but whatever you say
I meant before that
but yeahh anyway about that I know you’d have to figure some stuff out and it’d be hard so if you don’t really want me to come I probably shouldn’t
you said oh again and noo I have to see you
I have to
that’s like my goal in life
it’s just complicatedd
yeahhhh and sometimes I feel like you don’t care if I come that much so I’m just sayingg if it’s not worth it to you it’s not worth it
nooo allie maybe you’re just saying that
I’m just worried
and what if your parents don’t like me or it’s awkward or you don’t like me
I don’t know
what if you are embarrassed of me allison
I don’t know but you said you’d be awkward for like the first day and I would probably only be there for a day or so
we don’t have to talk about it anymore
I’m sorry I love you
I’m sorry for killing your dreams or whatever I’m going to try my best
I have to go to my game now so
I’ll talk to you later
hey I’m back
I scored which is good but like right after I did this guy got mad that I juked him so he tipped his shoulder and lit me up it hurt like hęlll and they didn’t even call anything
but it’s okay but now my head hurts
I missed you
that guy was hugee
also I think I like dislocated my pinkie
haha it’s okay it wouldn’t have hurt but I wasn’t prepared for it
and yeah my pinkie is fine it’s just kind of sticking the wrong way and it hurts I can’t move it so
well I cann move it I just tried and I can but then it hurts
nah I’ll be okay
I broke my arm one time and I didn’t think it was broken so I didn’t do anything about it for two weeks until I realized I couldn’t write because it hurt too bad and like I don’t know what happen but I can’t flex my right arm anymore
it was in the summer so it wasn’t like I was writing every day
and it does flex a little bit it’s just barely I can’t explain it
guess I’ll have to show you when I see you
so wspp anything interesting happen when I was gone
nooo slow down and I just got out of the shower
since you missed the shower I’ll come to school with you tomorrow
I’ll just hide in the back of all your classes and stare at you
nah and in between classes we can walk together and I can tell every guy I see to back off
and I’ll carry your books because I’m so nice
I love you too and I can do that
whatever you want I got that
except I can’t be a mixed guy my bad allison
allie waittt please just one more minute with you
look at me asking
not even stalling just asking
you should be proud of me and stay up one more minute
I can’t believe you brought her up again
you know I don’t like her
and yesss love you hottie you’re the best
allllllliiiiiiieeeeeeeeeee are you serious
just so you know she’s fw this baseball guy so
double the not liking
I love you and I just said it but I do
I’m donnNnnE allison you hear me I’m done
we’re over😤😤😤can’t take this attitude
noooo wait I love you don’t leave me
can I say one more thing
now I am stalking
look how honest I’m being, good job will guess you better listen to me
fine I was just going to say I love you so goodnight hottie I love you more than anything hope you have a great day tomorrow
and your anxiety is chill
and you stay away from guys
and you should stay up tomorrow
what’d you think and yeah I woke up in the middle of the night thinking about you
and good morning love you hottie
I miss you
ha well did you get it
ayy that’s really good
and the teacher scared you ha so wsp
did you go to the bathroom and ha you should’ve known you’re smart
we learned in bio that your cells can like burst from that and you can die so don’t die
how was school
I haven’t even left because mm I’m so mad like we had to do these things where you catch the ball and like half spin fake and shoot it in the bottom corner of the goal and there’s like do you know those cover things you put on goals for practice in lacrosse yeah well one of those things and there’s only like five open holes or whatever if that makes sense and we had to each make it five times before we got to leave and of course 80% of us did it in a row but there’s these two guys that aren’t that shįtty at lacrosse but they just don’t try or care at all and we had to stay like five minutes after because it took them so fūcking long
I don’t know if you understood that but it just pįsses me off I have shįt to do why can’t they just try I’m ready to be on break
you could’ve done better than them
righttt so wsp
and you made track right I know you did but I still have to ask
why would I do that
I’m sorry if I act like that
oh you don’t have to say sorry I wasn’t mad at you I was just
my bad
nah it’s okay and sorry I was out but I’m here now and you should stay up
and I love you too want to send me a picture of your hot self
waiTttTtTttttttt allison
you wrote but you never sent it to me
I think my heart really is broken
I miss youu
you should send me both and I asked beforee
allieeeeeeeee you should send it to me because I love you
you’re the best what’re you eating
nahh you’re always the best and ha but who cares I had pizza too
you’re hot
and unhealthy food is good so
whatever you do it’s working
love youu
you’re gorgeous allison and I know I just asked but I love your writing so you should send it to me
I feel like we haven’t talked in a while I miss you
yessss you’re the best
and I want a picture of you but I won’t bother you about it
you’re just so attractive
you’re definitely the best love youuu so much you’re the greatest girlfriend ever
so what’re you up too hottie
I told you you’re the best this is the best night ever
are you staying up and nm
this really is the best night ever
no joke
and I’m leaving for aspen on sunday so I won’t be able to talk for a while so I need to talk to you tonight and tomorrow like all day
really and yeah me too and I’ll die because snow and cold
I’ll probably pass out
I love you so much
you’re right
I want to kiss you
and just like
be close to you ha that sounds weird but yeah
haha but wait that is a good idea and you could tell your parents I was just passing through and we met or something
and like the library or the track or wherever you go
she doesn’t care she’d let me go anywhere because I’m a guy so she thinks that means I’m safe
righttttttttttt but what about your parents
what if they don’t let you go out with me
mhm I don’t even care what happens or how we get there I just need to be with you
yeah baltimore or some other place I’ll think about it I don’t care I love you
you like science we could go
clever but nah and I’m trying alliee I really want to come
yeah me too
god now I’m thinking about being with you it’s driving me crazy
yeah me too
come lay down with me I need to kiss you
you saiddd you’re coming right now so let’s see how that works out
haha it’s okay because when it’s over we can talk about it
god I want to be with you so bad
that’s my girl right there hęll yes love you
yeah I can’t stand it
I hope you’re clingy because I want to be with you all the time
everything you tell me about how you act just makes me want to be with you even more you’re so attractive
that’s perfect I want to hold your hand all the time too that way everyone will know
that you’re mine
look at the duck picture how amazing is that
haha whyy now I’m going to feel weird when I first talk to you
your voice is probably amazing though
no I bet it’s perfect like you
I love you so much
I don’t know how but that’s sick I’m coming over okay and I can’t stop thinking about kissing you
yeahh whatever you say but seriously
I’m so lucky
the mape is my girlfriend and you’re a writer and the best part
you love me
it was a great idea
28392/10 good idea
you’re so attractiveeeeeeeeee seriously
you’re perfect
so wsp and I thought you went to bed
fell asleep I mrs
haha yeah
and nothing much just thinking about you
about kissing you
and I just want to be close to you like I said you know
and yeah if I used a dog there’s no way you could say no
allie allie allie allie allie
would you thoughh🤔🤔
and are you tired it’s late there
I meannn you can go to sleep it’s late and I don’t want you to sleep in haha or I’ll miss you
haha yeah I am and I’m about to think about you a ton so it’s okay night hottie love you more than anything sleep wel
morning super hot writer girlfriend
I love you
wspp did you sleep well
good and I like hearing your dreams at least I was in t
even though I probably was being an asšhole in it
haha I love your dreams they’re so weird and of course you spilled it
haha whatever you say I love you and I’m packing
what’re you up to hottie
haha he’s good I’m playing cars with him so I have an excuse not to pack
what can I say you should’ve come over last night
so how’s it going
haha you should remember it was only a few days ago and yeah he’d definitely love you and he likes to talk to he’d probably talk about you a lot
and whenever one of my friends is coming over that he likes he always like sits outside and watches the road for when they come so I could definitely see him doing that for you
that did nootttt happen and he calls me brudder smh
he can’t talk
and will
will like my name not like will
he’d either like smile and tilt his head really dramatically like he does when my mom says it or he would just ignore it
mhm you do that
so wsp hottie
haha maybe and you’re always watching those shows
and I’m getting frozen yogurt with my friends
super cool you should’ve come
how’s your mom
that’s good how’s your dad
I just finished packing wbu
I love you too and mm I don’t even want to go we’re not going to get to talk for a long time and when that happens it’s always off
distant between us you know
I wishhhhhhhhh smh
and smh for you living so far away
I’m sorry I miss you too I’m watching the fsu game they’re about to get into the final four
and okay I’ll tell her that and then we can hang
shįt shįt shīt shīt I miss you
if you’re already asleep or something I’m not sure when we can talk tomorrow
I’m sorry
I am
not being on we’re not going to get to talk and I’m freaking out because I don’t want to lose youu I don’t want it to be different
you know how it always gets distant between us I’m mm Im worried
and I’m going to miss you so muchh ugh
mhm mhm and nope but I’ll totally do it
okay okayy whatever you say
I’m going to miss you
I love you so much
I’ll just act like I’m sick and stay at the hotel the whole week
good idea
great idea
so wsp hottie you tired
noo don’t force yourself
you said itll be okay even if we can’t talk that much so I’m trusting that
haha and alliee okay whatever you say
itchy haha
you always have something like that going on
so how was your day
good but I’m already missing you
don’t be upsett and I’m already upset because fsu lost
haha you used my full name
and allison kimm don’t be upset it’ll be okay
it’s okayy because we’ll have a lot to talk about at the end of the week
I’m sorryy it’ll go by fast hopefully and I love you a on night hottie
I’m sorryyyy I miss you too I love you and I’m back before dinner
yess come it’s so cold here
and sorry I responded so late I didn’t think you’d be on
yeahhhhhhhhh duke is great
I bet your dad like hates them
what about you and yeah hug me hottie
ha I pull for a lot of teams so it’s okay
do you know who christian laettner is
he’s great and I’m sorry I wasn’t on a lot today I miss you tons and I love you more than anything I’m thinking about you
haha hippie meds how is it and how’s school I love you
since I’m not going to be on a lot I’ll probably tell you I love you every time I say something just in case
that’s great haha how’d you do on the test
what flavor are they and HEY allie I missed you
you craxy tired
whatta baddie ha I miss you so muchh seriously so how’s maryalice
that’s good and wow I feel so honored
so wsp
I’m about to go eat breakfast so I probably won’t get to talk until before dinner so bye I love you a lot
haha it’s not that crazyy I live near the beach and I have a lake house of course I drive a boat
and smh you’re cute did the bird get you
and you should send me a hot picture of you
haha “the bird did get me” I actually laughed at that and yeah lames is right and I miss you too I love you more than anything too I can’t stop thinking about you
how’s your anxiety are you doing okay
and you’re hot in case you forgot
he’s such a scrub and yeah whenever we play he tries super hard and like fouls me to death except he’s small so it’s nothing but it is annoying so I’ll do that
one time I jumped over him and dunked and he hit his head on the ground and my mom flipped
a small child poor cutie
haha I love you so much and I miss youu
I’m coming wthhhh did you give him a look
why are people like that and I never started
and I can’t stop thinking about you seriously
love ou
so cute and yeah me too I miss you so much
we can talk for an hour or so if you answer quickly
I miss your face too
yessss I’m talking to you this is great and you should show me
you always look amazing and yeah same what’d you think
and how was school
same thing and just doing whatever I was doing but with you
I love you
better join the band allison and yeah I’ve been a lot it’s cool
we should go
wwhhaatttttt the duck picture
we have to take allie jr there
you’re so attractive and yeah we can get a picture of allie jr and the ducks and then leave her with someone else and do something ourselves because alone time with you😩😩😩
or both of you
even better
my bad I love you too and I gotta roll so talk to you later hottie
Ill write you a song I know how to play the guitar
boom american idol and send me a link to the song or something now I want to hear it
I love you and I miss you
I’m sorry about the moviee don’t worry about it how’s your mood now
there’s a cult that meets in this building at night and it’s like middle aged men and no one knows what it’s for
my friends and I have tried to go in there but the door is always locked
you can come see it
I know you’d like tha
panel haha I love you you’re so cute
and I liked your shady memes
that is short ha and nooo send me it and smhhh so cute love you
tiny and perfect and noooo haha but send it to me allisonnnnnn
I miss you too much to care love you
miss you
this has nothing to do with the memeee I’m sorry I love you so much and miss you so much I’ve just been super busy and shįt
I’m leaving tomorrow
then it’ll all be chill and we can talk a lot
I love you
nooo allison haha I’ll never hate you plus I’m too in love with you to get mad at you now
there’s probably somethingg that’d make me mad but nah I’m good
I love you
and I miss you
thickkkkkkkkk you’re hot and we’re not talking about this allison
I love your name
allie is a great name
I love youuuuuuuuuuuuuu hottie
miss youuuu
haha why is that and yeah but it’s a wimpy ašs one and I don’t like how it looks
I love youuuuu allieeeeee
allie allie allie I’m hype to talk to you so you should answer
there’s a million kings named william and if there’s queens named allison then🤔🤔
meant to be cough cough marry me
I love youu allie
I’ve said that every time I answered because I miss youu and I love youu so much
nah and yeah I loved it I’m here allison and let’s kiss and oh yeahh super crazy and you should always tell me everything I like talking to you you’re the greatest
dåmn that was long I love you
you know I want to hear everything allie
I’m saying your name a lot because I miss saying it
so wsppp allison kim how you doin hottie
nah you’re never gross even when it should be gross
and I’m greattttt
I’m just happy I’m talking with you rn
I don’ttt ever smh you’re too attractive
so wsp
your remix is pending
ouch my heart
I can’t believe you just said that haha I love you and yeah I don’t care you’re hot
alliE that’s a bad word don’t say the f word
whatta baddie I’m dating
she’s so bad but she does it so well😫😫
rightt so wsp
same crazy
get you a girl that balls
yeah I like them smh how’d you know
and night hottie love you I’m sorry we couldn’t talk more I miss you
easter will be crazy for me so we can’t talk a lot
dāmn I am missing out
marry me
and yeah happy easter and april fools
yeah haha funny and holy water in your eye ha
how terrible and that’s good and care I think wbu
and I’ll come
that’s my dog
I thought you’d enjoy it
back when he was still my dog
don’t die wifey
ay morning allie wsp
almost as hot as you
yeah yeah just boolin why wbu
I never said that I’m just busy I had practice
my b
yo hottie wya
oh sorry are you okay
I love you a lot
nova is great
and oh yeah the german dude I like him
and I’m sorryy are you good can I help
I’d still hit that
can I help
I’m sorry
why don’t hey hurt and i don’t mind
ay ay ay ay ay allie
I miss you
sorry I had a lacrosse game
so wsp how’ve you been how’s your mom
love you
we weren’t talking I’m sorry
can you talk now
something’s off
are you okay
are you done with me or something
no I love you I’m sorry
I was just checking
yeah I’m sorry
got a picture for me
no I do I’m just tired I’m sorry
how was school did anything interesting happen
nothing really either
are you sure you’re okay
why just fine how’s your anxiety I’m good
it’s okay and of course I love you too
gn hotrie
haha betty and no you should say it
and morning hottie love you
and I’m sick so I checked out
I’m finee allison and because you make everything better
and yeah I was going to say y’all but I don’t even know how to use it
bet y’all didn’t know i was a country boy
I spelled country wrong
I’m disappointed
yess I’m fine but yes come over
and you should cough send me a picture
such an angel and haha mr brian sir
yeah I did and take one
I haven’t seen you in like 50000 years
yessssssssssssssssssssss I love you and I have basketball practice soon so
you should take one now
we can talk at like 6:30 okayy you should be on then
7:30 your time
and because sports
allison kim I am fine
I can’t be out this much or I won’t get to play
anyway I gtg I love you a lot send me a picture
haha alllieee I love you don’t be mad I’m fine
smhhh I thought I answered
send pics
I posted that wonderful cowboy picture
your turn
I don’t even know what you look like anymore
who is this allison
and sorry again I was at dinner but I’m here now
I will not survive
why don’t you send me an old picture
I love youu
yesssss best girlfriend ever
I love you so much
so much
and I miss you
noo I’m serious haha love you but that made me smile
heyyyyyyyy can you do me a big favor
and yeah miss you too babe ;););)
send me a picture of your face
pleaseeee like please I don’t even know what you look like frfr I can’t even see your face
like just your face
pleasee I’d owe you forever
allieee you’re so dramatic
pleaseee it’d make my life
then send me all of them🌚
I’m kidding but I’m not
you’d make me life seriously
sounds like my wifey material to me
and yessssssssssssssssss I’m hype fr
nooo I’m so excited I love you
I’m actually so excited holy shīt
so wsp
I appreciate them you can send them too🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
allliiiieeee you look amazing
you just said they were good pictures too
he’s good and asleep how’s your mom
how’s lames
haha my grandfather sends me pictures of him all the time now
did I show you his christmas sweater I think I still have a picture of it
and he went in the snow and liked it more than I did
haha maybe I should take my time
and yeah but I don’t even know if I have it I’ll have to look in my convo with my grandfather
haha yeah me too
it’s hard when I have so much love for you😩
no wait
hold on
I have more pictures
pleasee don’t go to bed
finee you make me crazy happy too I love you a lot I’m glad we got to talk, you should get on your phone during school I miss you
that’s sick and haha yeah that happened at this school near me
did her boyfriend do it or what because the girl that got pregnant near me like took maturity pictures with her boyfriend and they’re both fifteen wth
I’ll send you a picture the kid is like one or something now lol
wait are you pregnant allison
I like you enough and haha and yeah go equality
equality of what though
yeahh equality great
all men are created equal
except for allison kim
she’s better
right so next time I’ll just date a white guy
and yeah haha florida is crazy we rescued a baby squirrel one time and gave it milk out of like a little dropper
I was kidding you’re perfect
so perfectt
and yeah it gets pretty hot I go to a gym usually in the summer
better than being cold though
we can live wherever you want and yess I like your cat pjs
sure we can live there and she’s perfect back off
nooo you will not allison she’s amazing I’m not having it
allison kim
I like your name allison kim that’s why I’m naming our daughter that
noo we don’t need him
and yeah there is an our and an us because I’m marrying you
don’ttt die but fine whatever and you have a nice smile
love you too and I missed you so gd much
how was school
smhh you know who said a “bad” word twice
and haha that’s got to suck my day was boring but good
wife you up
and fine I won’t swear anymore
you nailed it
so wsp
me I’m such a bad boy just like you said
nothing much either
yeah I checked out in seventh
but I’m fine
I can’t stop thinking about you
just being with you
like in your dream I guess you know
and you being cute and me being happy because you’re cute and you’re mine and I’m with you
you know
what about you
haha yeah I’m a country boy
I love you
so wsp
I miss you hottie
haha whatever you say allie
we bothh know that’s a lie
every time you’re mean to yourself
so so wrong
so wsp
boo but love you a lot hottie gn
haha you’re so cute do you feel better or more on I love you
I miss youu I have a lacrosse game tonight and a basketball tournament this weekend
I’ve probably told you that already but yeah
I’m sorryy you should stay up
and I only have like 30 more days of school which isn’t that long then I can come see you right
do it
I haven’t even seen any accounts on here in a million years
and yeah the walmart remix is great haha have you heard it
haha no I can’t
and yeah who else do I need
I love you and I have to leave in a second for my game so bye I love you a lot hottie
miss you already
haha that made me laugh a little I love you you’re so cute and I’m ignoring the girl thing
and I didn’tt hurt myself I’m good
I’m obsessed with you and yess way to go hey allie
and because I didn’t want you to think I was being rude so my bad allisonn
are you okay and wspp
are you staying up
I’m greatt because you’re staying up yesss love you
you’re the best
always one upping me aren’t you allison
so how was school
how’s the preggo chick
I know you do ha that’s my girl
why just okay is your anxiety okay
yeah same I’m used to waking up late and stuff
from sb
and he’s good and oh yeah I forgot to tell you something that happened
haha it’s not that dramatic but okay
so on monday my friend connor was going to break up with his girlfriend or whatever and he went over to her house and did it but he has a crazy old car so when he got back in it it wouldn’t start so he called me over there to go jump him off and like he was just awkwardly standing outside her house and I tried to jump him but thenn he was out of gas smh so we had to go to my house and get one of those plastic gas fill up things you use for boats and we went and got gas and came back to her house but she calledd her friends over to block in his car smh for real and they were like watching us through the window and laughing and they wouldn’t moveee they kept saying they had left but we could see them like what tf so we were there for like two hours until they finally came and moved their cars
I was like dāmn connor what did you do to this girl
it was pretty insane and sorry
david fell down the hotel stairs on sb
you’re my life allison kim
but fr
it is funny haha
it was funnyyyy ha
so wsp
I’m on the couch
I used to always spell couch like coach or coch
yes allison I’m in the ocean
sorry I said something else but it didn’t send
so how’s it going hottie
why just okay and ha yeah I’d say that
I’m sorry can I help in any way
I love you
I’m worried but okay
I have a picture of my dog who isn’t really my dog anymore in the snow that I was going to send to you later
if that’ll get you more on
and I meant earlier not later
sure if you want and because I hate things not being perfect for you
but that’s what you deservee so
yeah I want it for you
it’s probably because we haven’t kissed and okay suree whatever you said marry me
be my pam
so how’s your mom
fun times are you tired
noo of course not this made my day
I’ve missed you a lot
really and whatt haha why didn’t you tell me that I’m sorry I was busy
you should’ve been like “ay will stop not talking to me I’m freaking out”
and I would’ve been like my bad I love you we’re not breaking up ever unless you want to
mhmm but no I’m serious I think I’m better
I tryyyy
noo allie you’re perfect
let’s not talk about it because you’re great it’s cool we’re cool
I don’t want to fight you’re not mean
you can if you want
whatever you want
hold on
one second
finee night hottie I love you a lot sleep well you’re perfect
I have an autistic cousin, his name’s caleb and he’s 11 or 12 and you didn’t ask but yeahh
and that’s probably because you can see autism but it’s harder to see anxiety
everyone at our should had to make a puzzle piece thing
and good to know
you always say that but noo I won’t
and yeahh I see it now but before I don’t even know if I knew it existed
I didn’t know anything about it
this is why we need awareness allison👏🏼👏🏼
and you don’t complain about it ever
you don’ttt seriously you never say anything about it unless I ask pretty much
and like whatt
you’re perfect
soo that’s cute you’re cute and perfect that just means I get fifteen more minutes with you while you decide
I’m good with thatt as long as you don’t stand there at the alter deciding if you want to marry me or not
and that’s cute haha I don’t care you so attractive
everything about you is a good thing and yesss you’re so hot I love you
smh the only annoying thing about you is that you can’t see how perfect you are
so wsp hottie
whatta baddie
I love maryalice
and I’m eating breakfast about to go to my friends house before the game
well guys are chiller than girls usually and I know a lot of people because I talk
so how’s your saturday so far
tom and wow how smooth are you allison I’m good it’s good
I would say that and yep I’m sure that’s it allie
haha I love you so how’s lames
how about let’s not do that
you should tell him you’re going to marry me
good idea
and tell maryalice
especially tom okay
I have to go now so bye I love you a lot hottie talk to you soon
heyy we won and I scored a lot it was easy but I miss you wsp
and yesss write
yessssss you’re the best
and they were so bad I was toying with them they kept jumping at the ball
haha they were bad though and yeahh I know it sounds like you’re mad at me or something
haha sorry I didn’t see it but yeah do that I love it
you’re so clever
it isss nice because that’s something they can change and work on plus they kept cussing me out so
it’s chill love you
and my phone’s at five with no charger and I’m at the gym
I will marry you allie
and al be a happy guy
get it
love you too and I knoww I miss you
you should stay up tonight okayy
yessssss and you’re writing whatta great day
so what’re you up to
smh haha I like your puns
I get them a lot when people first meet me
I’m watching games
and there’s these super country parents who keep yelling at the refs haha
I got you on that one ally and you should’ve come and that sounds cool yeahh lets do it then we can put it in our house boom decoration
and we won again we go to the championship tomorrow
I scored 24 points I think either 23 or 24 but I don’t thinkk I missed any free throws so it should be 24
pretty good
I’m telling you because you’re hot so I have to impress you
did it work are you impressed
I pretty much do and we’re going to eat so I can’t talk for a while I’m sorryyy you can go to bed if you want but you should stay up and did you write
love you miss you
I’m back hey hottie what’s good
same I’m glad you’re not asleep I would’ve died
so you do anything interesting today
I would’ve been disappointed and heyy I went to a bookstore thing books a million I think I don’t know I had to buy a charger so I could talk to you
did you get any more books and I want to come to the library with you
alright deal and yeah of course
true love right
I’m going to read this book we’re reading before the day before are you proud I went to a bookstore and I’m reading boom
you have no idea do you
and yeahh Im confident but probably because I haven’t started yet
still come over
nothing so wsp
yesssssss I’ll read so fast then
kiss me
and it’s nothing I was just saying you think it’s crazy I bought a charger to talk to you
you have no idea how much I’d do for you
great idea
and smh
I love you allie
you’d do anything for me
like send me a picture of your whole hot face
haha you shoulddddddd you love me don’t you
you called me jacob
I don’t know why that feels weird now
haha I love you so much you’re so cute
allison allie al alliers
wouldn’t you rather me pass out now then when I first meet you
yess love you hottie
I said I love you so much
bet and only sometimess
haha I like your name
I get a lot of nicknames too
becausee there was a reason but I’m not going into that
no and no and are you tired
I’m finally starting to read and since I played basketball today it’s easier to focus at least that’s what my doctor man tells me
alliee so wsp
I’m reading working hard three pages down
I love you so much too
how’s your mom
you said heck twice
whatta girlfriend 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
he’s good and asleep
whatta wife and I don’t know maybe thursdayy sorry love you
my badd allison I’ve been busy
but you do that
let’s do it
I need to come see you
I’d die too and suree tomorrow if you remind me
haha that’s funny sure but let’s hug
I want you in my arms
now that sounds weird
are you tied
you can gts if you wantt I have to go to church and play a game tomorrow so
hold on one second
noo but okay night hottie I love you a ton
morning hottie I love you and I just didn’t want you to be tired
smh allisoN
so wsp
finee I will but I’m at church now so after
haha I love you too you should write
and I hugged him because I have to check him out of his little church class thing so I did it then
the lady was like “you too are too precious”
two not too
he does that every year haha I love you
sure come hug him
and he wasn’t surprised he’s in his own world and he like hugs my legs all the time so
haha well that’s good and yeah you should come
I love you
me neither
I want to stay up and talk to you
can we talk
it’s cool how long was it and haha it wasn’t that but I don’t remember now
I agree with you and haha that made me smile you’re so cute and clever
my account keeps messing up
it won’t load anything and it’s not my service
I love you and I’m about to have to go to my game so yeah
I miss youu I love you
you’re cute and green tea is terrible smh
we lost I’m so pįssed we were up twENTY twenty and I fouled out when I didn’tttt even foul twice and then the other guard that can dribble on my team fouled out too and the other team came back and won
and one of our starting posts broke his ankle
so three starters couldn’t play
but come on
we were up twenty
so healthy and nah you didn’t jinx it
I’ve gotten second place in two tournaments
the only thing I’m winning at is you
mhm I love you so wsp
oh dāmn well that sucks I like kiwis
but I like cherries too
we should have cherry wedding cake
okay don’t get mad but you were fourteen when we first started dating right
I was kidding haha and wow
fourteen seems so much younger than fifteen doesn’t it
there’s eight graders who are fourteen
a lot of them
I’m nott haha I don’t care I’m just saying
haha I am I kind of like it
ha I should keep talking about it it’s funny
my girlfriend is 5’2 and could be in eighth grade when we first started dating😍😩👏🏼
you’re so hot
haha allie I love you I don’t care
you’re the best
and you should send me a picture
ilysm bæ xd
I don’t care haha I like messing with you
so how’s it going
“how’s it going” “nothing much” haha that’s my girl
I’m doing homework though
because you’re cute I’m good
you’re the greatest
and you should send me a picture I know I just asked but hey your face is worth it
noooooooo please I love you
don’t kill my dreams hottie
allison kimm I’m sorry can you do me a favor
when you tell me goodnight you need to look at my comments begging you to stay up
so thenn I get to talk to you a little bit more
send pics
love you
but it’s fine
and what you were super scared you never told me thatt
didn’t you tell me first
nahhh I love you more
and haha you’re cute
that was the greatest day ever
I literally flipped my shįt
because I was flipping outt
I’m telling you I needed a few minutes
because you love me
w h a t
my favorite person in the world loves me anddddd they told me first how fūcking awesome
I had to compose myself a little
I need to say something
I’m not going to keep you up I know it’s 10:30 and that’s 30 minutes more than usual yeah yeah
whatever you say and yeahh why do you think I loved you
I’m proud
and I just I don’t knoww I feel like writing you a paragraph but it’s too late but I love you so so so much and everything about you
I just wanted to say that
and now I miss you already
you’re the best
so perfect
I miss you
goodnight allie I love you more than anything
what was your dream and yeahh there’s like a million williams in history
morning hottie
don’t die
I’m sorry allie it’s okay you’re perfect
just ignore them it doesn’t matter you’re smarter anyway
are you alright
I’m sorry allie it’s okay you can’t help it there’s people like that in my classes it’s okay
if I can do something to make you feel better lmk
you’re perfect don’t worry about it
you don’t suck you’re amazing everyone has their weaknesses, it’s not your fault
it’s okay but I’ll come over I love you
you said please haha okay I will
and noo like I can talk all day but I can’t read
we should married allison
I love you
a what page but you should I’ll follow it
did you eat anything
whatt okay and that is crazy it’s april wth
oh yeahh tell me about it I’m bored
haha that sounds like a marvel movie
you have the funniest scary dreams haha
love you
smhh I want to hear it
I used to have this reoccurring like psychologically scary dream
it’s weird
yeahh tell me about yours and I don’t know it’s hard to explain
it’s like I’d be in this big field and the grass was as tall as me and it was really quiet and it wasn’t dark out but I knew something was there and I knew it was called yellow but I couldn’t see it I didn’t know where it was but like I knew it was close and it was coming
I don’t know why it was called yellow but whenever I woke up I would think yellow was there
now I don’t dream anymore that much
haha swiper scared you he was my favorite character but I usually watched diego so and that’s so funny but what he killed your dad that’s so extreme haha
your dreams are so funny though haha
but not
and yeah of course I care
haha that’s funny
okay so what’re those fruits that are like cantaloupes but they’re green
it’s like a green melon thing
I forgot what they’re called but I’m eating one
also I have drama and I know you like that
no she’s not in it
there’s this girl in my spanish class, she’s a junior and she’s likee she’s a scholarship kid she gets to go to our school for free but that’s besides the point anyway she always tells me about how she does drugs and stuff and I have her on sc and she’ll put it on her story and stuff ha but we were talking about rape or some girl at my table was and the girl was like “you know I used to have a sugar daddy” haha but yeah she really did he would pay her to do stuff and she showed me a picture of him he works at wherever she works
that’s not really drama but yeah it’s funny but not because he has a girlfriend and a kid
he’s like 40
yeah lol
I’ve got practice tonight
when you say it like thatt it sounds like you did it on purpose
what happened are you okay
what happened
howw did you get cut
okayy are you okay
I don’t knoww you wouldn’t answer
I knoww I know I love you too
so did your day get better after bio
you’re perfect I’m sorry and it was fine
just fine I love you too and I gtg I’ll talk to you after practice
j tpain and yeah the marriage part
it was good we didn’t have that many people so my coach just talked to us
he was the olympic coach for brazil like three times
and he coached at a lot of different colleges and stuff
he was making fun of me for being short so I told you I’m short
he said the entire quatar team could step on me
how nice
I think you think I’m taller than I am
if I was any taller I wouldn’t be able to hug you haha
you’re so cute
how was dinner or whatever you did while I was gone
yeah you are that’s my girl
no kiwis though
there’s a million things on the internet that’re like “when he calls you his girl😩😩😩😩”
and yeah sure haha go for it hottie
smh whatever you say so wsp
without me what and I’m doing hw
I love you too and I want to kiss you so bad
sorry I was doing hw love you lots night
hope your day is better tomorrow
some kid has his dog at school
morning I love you
a beagle I think and what’s it called ha
how could it not and wow impressive
it won’t load I’ll probably have to wait until I get home
after lacrosse I don’t know and sorry
J don’t know how your bladder hasn’t exploded yet
you’re hot so wsp
you should sue haha good thing you didn’t get hit and what’s the drama
oh dāmnnnn that sounds like stuff that happens here
I love you I gtg
yeahh lacrosse
I’m back hey hottie
so wsp
how healthy are you and nothing much
I have a private soon so I won’t be on
basketball private
yeah it sucks I miss
you should send me a picture
yess you’re the best and are you okay
you seemed different
I’m good I love you and miss you
so what’s up how’s maryalice
why were you confused and scared haha
david’s good and it’s not my real account
welllll I hope you don’t love you
and hey your pfp is carly
I do want it though and what episode
is it okay if I tag you in a post or something
my dream self sucks I’m telling you you actually hate me deep down
and oh yeahh I think I know that one
deep and whatta wife you are
you’re the one that rejects me all the time
bet and what
oh yeah and I don’t remember but you do
like when I say date me
I’m busy but maybe later
I have two quizzes two tests zero period and I have to talk to the lower school tomorrow
you said you’d send me a picture though
what’s wrong
you okay
okay whatever you say
I'm so stressed I know I'm going to bomb these tests
I love you too and I logged out of that account but I thinkk I know the password so it’s good
you’re acting so weirdd so wsp
so much homework
I just want to talk to you
I’m not even doing my work I’m just waiting for you to answer and I’m stressed smh I can’t
it’s okay I’m already doing bad in school so it won’t make that much of a difference
all I do is complain smh but I study and try and I still can’t do it and yeah just sucks
noooo I don’t remember that probably didn’t happen but whatever I’m fine
so how was school
it’s okay night love you a lot a lot
hope your anxiety is good and you have a great day tomorrow
morning hottie love you just got a 64 on my english quiz
nah you’re great it’s fine I’m sorry about that
and ha we do that in every class pretty much because it barely puts out smoke
what why do you hate that I like hearing about you
haha well good thing you didn’t get hurt, there’s never real fights at my school only like two girls ripping each other’s hair out in the bathroom
I can’t stop thinking about you I wish you went here or I went there
what’d you vote for allison and how disappointing is hat
you didn’t answer me and I’m sure you did great but yeah you should’ve beaten him up
I’ll come beat him up
so how was school and we do skits in spanish too we did a basketball one and got a really good grade on it because I have the girl in my group my jersey and it was huge on her so my teacher thought it was funny
you should better come one r
and I guess I don’t mind it but I suck at spanish so
I’ve got “drama” but I’ll tell you later I gtgAbout
gtg not about wth
but anyway yeah bye love you and the drama pįsses me off
whats drama drama and you’re so attractive but german is a good choice for yelling
you’re so hot
haha don’t hate yourself you’re perfect
tu es perfecto
nailed it
and I love you too
j tpain te amo
it was good except for all the tests what about you hottie
is that not weird to you and I’m at the gym still
you good
I’m chill
so wsp
are you salty or something and I’m walking
so yesterday was national sibling day and this girl names lauren put on her story “kid i babysit: lilly (lauren’s sister) is the prettiest sister by far. me: obviously you haven’t met elouise (their dog)” and then lauren was like “happy national siblings day to el” and then in smaller font was like “and also lilly but she isn’t a dog so she’s less important, so mostly just el” and then posted like three other pictures of her dog
that’s you
why just fine
what’s the deal what did I do
buuttt you’re not fine and I know it
haha you’re cute love you
that’s how david is
he definitely is not so wsp
don’ttt gts and I’m doing hw as always
you should look into that
that’d be cool
so how’s it goin
go ahead I like listening to you
I’m alright
why not and just stressed
you’re nott you’re perfect I love you too night
cool and I’m sorry do you feel any better now
can I help
love you
if you say so and did you get to eat yet
I didn’t eat breakfast either crazy
super crazy and dāmn at least you can do all that at home
are you home
a hot mess are you good now
why it doesn’t matter and okay I’m tired what about you
I’m at a signing thing right now
how was your day
okay sure I’ll come
you should stay up tomorrow
nah that doesn’t even make sense and no the tournament this weekend got canceled
yeahh didn’t you say you have a track meet this weekend
so I should come see hairspray or whatever it is with you and then go to the track meet
great idea
do your instagram notifications like pop up on your phone
does it like buzz
just wondering