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how was it?
it was super fun we got on this really cool bus
I hate you kiarra I took photos and you didn't even post them
Cesia no offense to u, not trying to be mean but u shouldn't say u hate Kiarra cuz she didn't post a picture of u but just ask her can u post that picture. It's not that big of a deal. Natalie, I'm not talking to u at all, your fine.πŸ‘πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜ƒJust let's just calm down and just bring the drama down.
kiarra I took like a bijjilion of photos and not even post them it really looks like you really don't care about me and that was rude what you said about good start for drama pretty much it's just me always why doesn't the whole world just blame it on me I'm a Bch that's what I am
Thanks I really appreciate it
can we all plz calm down I'm not mad at anyone I know we all can't get along but can we plz be nice u guys I love all of you guys. ❀️
correction you and cause' are the proper words plus please