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am dhuha but am in my sis account
omg I saw the massage you send in my account
I missss you like so much
remember yara and lubna
I mean lubna is still with me
why did you move out 😭😭
i will come visit you
do you have insta
ad mabbey i will come back in 7 grade
i know were Aisha's school is its called Asas
do you have a phone because i have Aisha phone number
meeee miisssss youuuu
my name shamma.1286
pls follow
what in instagram ?
do you have iMessages so I’ll add u
My acountyes i do
u have messages am dhuha tell me ur username I’ll add you 😊
you tell me
so I can add you
but this is my 𝓰𝓶𝓪𝓲𝓵 fjdeusufurididfi9r@gmail.com