Will u...?


Will u...?

4 0
huh? I am confused
will u go out with me...
No, sorry I just out of a relationship and I only like you as a friend, sorry
its ok. just another one to say no. if u ever do then tell me. ok?
im just lonely
I know how you feel, I am always lonely
i hate my life.
could you hook me up with someone?
I don't know, and just think about how some people have worse
A lot of people have worse, and I will always remember that, you should too
i do. i know. i have two dads and three moms. big custody battle. its been heck
I have one dad and mom, divorced. my dad hates me and my siblings always bully me. I just try to forget it all
boy do i know how that feels.
Life sucks and I try forgetting the bad stuff
i get you. what do i do. show me ur wisdom oh powerful emily.
ha. im just really really lonely. my life at home sucks. my life at school sucks. everything sucks.
I know that feeling way to well
we are alike u and me.
Yea we are
we are perfect for each other! (said in a sarcastic voice.)
yeah. i can be funny at times. i can also go overboard sometimes though.
im awkward
i do think we r perfect for each other tho.
But you know I only like you as a friend
I just do, I don't know
ok. i get it. i will leave u alone about it. i went overboard again...
It's fine
i cant stop ever. i pd lily off.
You will eventually learn when to stop
im one of those kids that do something dumb then do it over and over again and never get it.
I do things dumb over and over until I figure it out, which takes forever
ha... im such an idiot.
No your not
why do girls do that? they always say no ur not but you really are. im sorry im just realizing y lily broke up with me.
Because I am telling the truth you are not stupid
i had three fs and two ds the last quarter and i already have two fs and a d plus. im legit, an idiot.
I have all Ds and that's the lowest I can get, but just because your grades are bad doesn't mean you are stupid
if i wasnt stupid i wouldnt be getting those grades! plus i dont even care anymore! everybody bullies me, at school and home, even on here! im just sick of it! god! im on the verge of crying now.
ok... im sorry emily... im just really confused on what i feel right now...
I am sorry I didn't mean to snap
i shouldnt have either... i just... i dont... i dont even know.
I was just starting to get annoyed
if u want i will leave u alone.
and that is one of my "amazing" qualities. annoying.
I don't want you to leave me alone, I still wanna be friends and talk. I want you to stop bullying yourself
i...i dont...i...what do i do?
I don't know, you must decide that yourself
i need guidance.
I can't guide anyone, I barely know what to do with my own situations
i have serious problems.
Like what?
anger issues, persistence, sometimes i just snap. i need help. u are about the only person ive opened up to. u know that right?
No I didn't, and I have 3 disorders and a disease
what disease? and disorders?
i have asthma.
and adhd.
ADHD ADD and Anxiety, and I was born with Asthma, so we both have Asthma
i have found a way to beat asthma. i havnt had an attack in three years.
I hate asthma
yeah. i always wheeze.
I don't wheeze, I never have wheezed
could u hook me up?
I don't know
ok. im...lonely.
So am I, but I am used to the loneliness
im not.
You will over time
i just want to be happy again.
if i had a gf i wouldnt have a care in the world
I haven't been happy for so long
i could make u happy
Unlikely, very few people make me happy
what makes u happy?
hi lol interrupted conversation 😎😛
I don't know anymore
who are you mystery person. and how about we try it for a day?
and they are gone.
Sorry I was walking to the lunch room
im in lunch.
I am in lunch now
ok. and try it for a day? if u dont like it then we break up?
I don't know, maybe
i mean...would you like to try it?
I don't know
think about for a little bit ok?
ok to...
it spazzed.
I am confused
what did u say ok to?
Thinking about it for alittle
confusion over.
tell me ur answer in ten minutes ok?
I am always confused
arent we all?
Yea we are, I am confused and lost
tell me ur answer in ten minutes ok?
thank you.
I will try to think, but not to sure I can
i will watch the time on here. 9 minutes.
and ok.
and ok.
8 minutes
I can see that
if u say yes then we break up then it wouldnt even count.
5 mins. im getting excited........!!!
I am just trying to think
You here?
times up! ur answer is..............(please be yes please be yes)
I am sorry I can't do this, it doesn't feel right
ur answer is......
darn it.
i got my hopes up...
You will find that perfect person, but it isn't me
I am sorry
its ok
We will still be friends
sorry spnish.
It's ok
it sucks.
School Sucks
NO! said in sarcastic voive.
yeah. see, im funny.
Yea you are
I am bored
then keep emailing me.