Selena Gomez


Selena Gomez

20 3
We all have to make a collage of our hobbies for the olympics! you can start off! then send it to me! then ill send it to the next girl in our team so she can post it!! ok!?
unless you want to post it for us???
thank you
That's okay! 😊 Just sent it in! 😊
hi! this isn't advertising, so don't stop reading! I'm just wondering if you guys could tell me/vote what I should do for my next theme!☺️It is COMPLETELY your choice. I don't mind if you don't!! But I do have 2 themes in mind, PConly collages or tags/challenges! and you can tell me some tags to do too! sorry if this seemed like advertising, I really didn't intend it to be. XOXO, kawaiieditz_ 😘😘😘