Collage by Crumbled_Up


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why do u think everyone is pretending tho?
but why and would they pretend what if they do feel sad? I know it might feel sketchy cause u don't know them but still
but who is insulting you?
Yeah yeah I get it people want attention
.3. at my school one of my best friends caused all the drama and it was a drama tsunami
I'm sorry.
hey there, buddy. I've noticed something recently, that you'e been saying my friends are pretending to be depressed. They aren't, thank you, and I would sincerely ask that you do not continue this behavior. Some people express their sadness in different ways, this does not mean they're faking. You may have your opinion, but please, keep it to yourself. You don't know if they're faking. So please, keep your opinion to yourself.
fak off. like autumn said, people express sadness in different ways. i habe super duper crippling depression™ but you dont see me posting anout it all the time. i usually read or draw or listen to music.
I hate it too
Re: Who's a liar?
for all we know u could be faking depression
I agree with exactly what Autumn says. This needs to stop. You don't know what some of our friends our dealing with, and saying that they're faking doesn't help. They are not faking. So I would appreciate it if this behavior would cease, and, as Autumn said, keep your opinion to yourself please. Thank you.
some people could be faking. but I don't think the majority of people saying that they have depression are faking. but yeah I guess it's best if you just keep an opinion like this to yourself please. I hate it when people fake it too, but I don't think people on here are xx💜
I'm not trying to do that. I am defending my friends. I can't control other people here, and as long as you don't continue to say such things about my friends or me, then I will leave.
Defense is not ganging up on you. You are hurting people with your words: I are bringing this to your attention and asking you to stop. If you do stop, I won't say anything else.
no thanks. see you in court sweaty 😀
I get that. But I will continue to defend my position, and I'm sorry that means it seems like I'm ganging up on you.
Also, I'm not gossipping. Don't categorize me with everyone else, and pretty much no one else is either
re://I... don't see anything
I haven't seen anyone on here pretend to have depression, but some people at my school make fun of it and it's just sick. Sorry about your depression, keep fighting💕
I know this is off topic, but would you like me to make you an icon? If so, what would you like on it?
(In response to your other comment, which I didn't see until now) I have not gossiped. I haven't discussed this with anyone else, but I have noticed it. Before you accuse me of gossip, maybe you should find out. I'm sorry that you feel like I'm ganging up on you, but I'm not.
hiii can you like my pics😊