Me in my army uniform ready to sever my country🇬🇧


Me in my army uniform ready to sever my country🇬🇧

52 35
no pls don't go
why not
I like
I like what?
know what might happen
I no what will happen
what will happen?
I will loose a friend
how I will still be on once in a while
why can't u just back out
but they maybe once a year!
if that!
I can't I have the uniform and everything else
*starts to cry* when r u going
maybe tomoz
ok *wipes tears*
but that will only be for an hour or so
so when r u properly going😓
I don't know
*hugs u*
can u tell me what to do
about what
whether I should go
no u shouldn't
why not
because u could die and u will miss your family
because I love you 2 much
really guys there's no point no one really loves me
yes loads of people do I do
yeah but I have no boyfriend/girlfriend to love me
I do
really in what way..?
u don't need a boyfriend or a girlfriend u only need friends
as a friend
but I need someone to protect me
who's going to look after my little baby girl?
aww!!!!! 😔😪
I will protect u if u want
but your not my boyfriend or girlfriend
will u come and look after my daughter
really we live so far apart
in real life
oh ok bye
in real life I can't
wait u live in London right
yeah in London
why not?
London??? dang I live far away
yeah I know I'm a London girl
my dad goes back and for London
would she be aloud to use this
u say u love me then like u flirting nah man
that not you
how u know
yeah it is!
you have blonde hair
and you're also not 20
I have brown hair btw
no you don't
yeah I do have brown hair
cool I may see him! where he based?
wow what?
na I'm 16 and that is me
but I'm training for two years
but I'm allow to go to different countries
it's is me
that's me then cuz I have dark brown hair
he asked me out
good to know I'm single for life
no u r not u will find someone believe me
yeah sure been waiting my whole life
ok well I'm sorry but you will one day
no I never will in going to be a lonely old women
why did u say that to my bæ
that I'm 13 when im14
sorry I'm 15 and I'm going to
I'm going to bed and then I will be on tomorrow
Sorry but it's not you😒✨
I may not be on cuz I will be packing and I will be up at 7am so yeah!
yeah it is
ok bye Beth
have fun
I'm not going yet
in 5 mintues?!
That picture is from the internet😒✊🏻
go away
ok what?
u r going in 5 mins so this is good bye Beth
oh ok bye then
bye Beth try not to get hurt have fun and tell me when u r back
I'm here
hi tell Martin- to move on if he wants
what has happened?
he don't talk to me can u tell him to talk to me pls
he said he doesn't love u anymore
I don't know?
just talk to me let your feelings out
ok thx
is he gonna talk to me
no probs not
tell him to speak to me coz now he is going out with u
he is now going out with u
howu know
on ur remixes Beth I'm not stupid
oh ok he said it
I'm so sorry bye
why did u say bye I'm happy for u it is no problem
no I don't want to live I'm going to die
no u r not
yeah I am
no Beth pls *starts to cry* it won't make anything better
it will
no it won't Beth pls
Bethany it doesn't end pain it creates it for those who love u plz don't Beth plz
plz what?
don't go *wipes tears*
why not
go if u want
why u want me
maybe because she is you're friend!!!
seriously Beth cut the bull talk
hi Beth
hi Beth
I'm so sorry
hi Beth
what you up to
yeah it's be and I'm at school
hi how's life?
no not really
I'll and Charlotte dying
I'm sorry beth
it's ok