Dark: Who did it?!


Dark: Who did it?!

7 0
Nebula: It wasn't me!! I may have a hitlist, but Wilford wasn't on it.
Dark: I know...But he's gone! * tears up* ( in this rp Darkimin doesn't exist)
Dark: I'll kill code!! He killed my waifu!!
Nebula: I can try and save him, Dark.
Dark: * tackles Code*
Nebula: *walks over to Wilford and sits down next to him, Ambrosia appearing in her hand, and she gives it to Wilford* There. He'll live. And he'll be fully healed in about a day... i think.
Wilford: * coughs* * says weakly* D-Dark?
Nebula: Oh. That was a fast recovery.
Wilford: Dark!! Dark: Huh? Will?! Wilford: * falls back unconscious* Dark: Will!! * runs over to him*
Nebula: uh... Okay... The Ambrosia's still kicking in. Dark, he'll live. Trust me.
Dark: I trust you. Wilford: * blood bleeds from his mouth*
Nebula: *she wipes the blood away* C'mon Pinky. Don't die.
Dark: * throws a knife at Code*
Dark: What?! How?!
Nebula: *checks Wilford's pulse* ............
Wilford: * pulse is slower*
Dark: ?
*Sighs and puts arm out* Just wait a minute..
Nebula: Okay. Wilford's pulse is regular. He's just unconscious.
Dark: Good.
Nebula: *she stands up*
Dark: Code?!
Nebula: *walks over to Dark*
Dark: * sighs*
Nebula: Wilford will be fine.
Dark: I know.
Nebula: Oh, so this is the person who tried to kill Wilford?
Dark: * glares at Code* You're just lucky Wilfords gonna be ok!!
Nebula: Just try to touch them. *her scythe appears in her hand* I should send you to the fields of punishment for trying to kill Wilford...
Dark: * laughs* You're gonna kill a ruler of h룣?
Nebula: Do you want me to make it so he can't fight you?
Nebula: Okay.
Dark: * still glaring at Code*
Nebula: Well. That was great.
Dark: * sits next to Wilford*
Nebula: *sits next to Dark*
Dark: * holds Wilfords hand*
Nebula: *smiles* awww.
Wilford: * wakes up* Dark? Dark: * hugs him* Will!! Wilford: * hugs back*
Nebula: Awwww!!!
Dark: Don't ever scare me like that again kay? Wilford: Of course. I'd do anything for you.
Nebula: So cute!!! ^w^
Wilford: * stands up* Come on. Dry up baby. * says this playfully* Dark: * smiles and stands up* Okay Wuss.
Nebula: *smiles* You two are adorable.
Wilford: * blushes* Thx you. Dark: * smiles*
Nebula: You're welcome! 😁
Dark: Oh and thx for healing Will.
Nebula: No prob.
Dark: Will? Wilford: What? Dark: Aren't we engaged? Wilford: Nope. Dark: But.... Wilford: We're enGAYged! Dark: * facepalms* Seriously?
Nebula: Pfft... omg that was amazing. 😂
Dark: I guess....
Nebula: Seriously, Wilford, that was one of the best puns I've ever heard.
Wilford: Thx you!
Nebula: *smiles* You're welcome!! 😁
Wilford: You could say it was the purr-fect pun.
Nebula: Omg. 🤣
Wilford: * smiles* I'll stop. Dark looks likes he's internally screaming. Dark:....
Nebula: *giggles* 😂
Dark: Thx god your done.
Nebula: Dark, you have to admit, that was funny.
Dark: A little.
Nebula: Eh, good enough.
*that's the best answer we're gonna get out of him. (I hit enter too soon.)
Dark: ...
Nebula: What?
Dark: Nothing..
Nebula: Okay...? 😑
Dark: What?
Nebula: Nothing.
who killed markiplier?
sorry had to make that referanceeeeee