What grace. 

So I kinda dumped my old account for the time being so I'm chilling here for a while.


What grace. So I kinda dumped my old account for the time being so I'm chilling here for a while.

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holy shît, you're Sydney?
Ah, ok then.
But srsly, my chest hurts.
re// It's my dog, he got into an accident. I didn't know about until I got back home from school.
re// My parents go out every week to jog, in the morning, idk why, anyways, my dog hates being alone, and what he has been doing these days is escaping from home and chasing after them, so, he did it again, but he never got to them, the thing is that he went missing for a long while and my mom was so worried when she noticed, so she came out to look for him with my dad. When they found Bruno (that's his name) he was bleeding dangerously and had bite marks, the droll of another dog was still dripping from his fur, my mom thought he was dead, but he wasn't, so they quickly took him to a vet and left him so they could do a surgery.
When I came back from school, my mom told me, I cried because I thought it was something really bad, gladly, it wasn't, he's totally fine right now, he can walk.
re// I'm so glad nothing bad happened, thanks for the huggie.