t o r i


t o r i

33 0
heyy im Cat:)💖
hey cat:)
How're you??
great hbu?
that's good:)
Heyy!! I'm Isabela💞
hii isabela:))
How are you?
I'm great hru??
Of course!! I'm tori:)
I'm good hbu?
aw I'm so sorry to hear that:( if you ever need to talk about I'm always here
probably The Weeknd hbu?
ooo she is really good
hi I'm Mercedes
hey! I'm tori:)
hey want to be friends tori my name is myla
sure:) I love your name
hey I'm Ryan
not much. you?
yea sure. ladies choice.
yea that sounds fun
*smiles and follows you
*gets in and starts driving
yes it truly is😍 I love Archie🤤
stealer you got this of my blog
but I like it