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and the brief amount of time I’m on no one is here
someone’s flirting with me and i don’t like it
how do i get them to stop nicely
hola people
I’m actually on today hopefully
i’m gonna succumb to a panic attack
and ouu nice !
hi hi
hiya I’m here
hi hi
and i-
I’m trying to come up with fun field trip destinations even though this school is more like a home and less of a school😂
😹 I’m just chilling here and at Marvel High
Merp -what I say when I don’t know what to say
idk what to do
me neither
should we rp?
hi Kat
Maddy is outside in the forest, looking at the trees // Jessica is in the dorm, checking her phone for any text from her old friends
All:*is outside*
i’m like so uncomfortable rn
people are just weird
bippity bop
you’ve got to wiggle wine your body. wiggle and wine and you look sexy.
I’m sleepy
that’s a nice song there eyala
hola mi amigo
what’s poppin
Shoot Sorry bro I gotta eat I’ll be back after
I is here
school uses to much energy
luckily I only have three classes tmr:))))
woohoo :)))))
I’m bored kids
but I just realized that 2/3 those three classes I hate so freaking much
sorry ello
that moment when you start drawing but then remember that you can’t draw
why. is. hair. so. freakin. difficult 👏👏👏
Ugh I don’t want to draw this outfit anymore
okay I’m a little bit better now
hey Emily
usually when everyone’s rping it’s like 4am for me lol
hello me dude
hola señorita
sup dude
long time no see
I’m not dying. pshhh
why would you say that
what is happening😂
I’m dying. it’s simple.
you should help
w h a t?
me is confused
good. it’s all part of my master plan
love that
not the dying part
that’s the only part
please don’t joke about dying or stuff like that :(
it’s a sensitive topic :/
it’s ok logan 💓
I’m hosting a Roleplay if you want to join!
hi again
Mercy sat on a bench with her legs crossed and a Starbucks drink in hand// Collin sat in a tree swinging his legs
ivy ate some food in the kitchen.
Dylan was riding her bike around when she hit a rock and lost control, crashing into the end of the bench and going over her handlebars, knocking mercy’s drink onto the ground and landing in her lap. she grins up at her. “well hello there.” she says.
Elizabeth:*in a form of water singing*
Mercy’s mouth opens and she was about to say something but stopped herself. then she looked over at her now empty cup and pouted
Dylan grins still, now awkwardly. she kinda just stares at mercy.
Mercy tilts her head “well I can cross this off my bucket list” she joked then smirked
Dylan raises a brow. “What ever do you mean?” she asks. “Dylan hatter falling into your lap is on your bucket list? I’m honored.”
Elizabeth:*looking around*
“Don’t flatter yourself honey” she rolled her eyes but laughed a littl
Elizabeth:*looking for people*
Dylan sits up. “now I’m honey? wow mercy, you really are desperate.” she teases.
“I mean I am talking to you so...” she poked her cheek
Elizabeth:Ugh, I’m bored
“that was a low blow. it really hurt my self esteem.” dylan sighs dramatically. “I might just go cry now.”
Collin falls out of his tree...again
find Collin the monkey/cat. he’s in a tree I think,
what tree?
now he’s on the ground
because she is in the pond
“aww,” Mercy pouts “don’t do that. it’s so sad to watch other people suffer.” she says in an unconvincing tone
he can be near the pond. IMAGINATION IS ALL IT TAKES.
Dylan jokingly scoots away. “I think I just met a sociopath.”
hey guys 😛
Mercy frowns “aww but I’ll I want to do is-“ she reaches forward but then just tickles Dylan in the sides and laughs
Star have Collin talk to Elizabeth
um okay
Dylan laughs and glares at mercy. “That was very un-sociopath like. maybe your a normal human afterall.”
Collin fell next to the pond “oof..” he rubbed his head
“Normal people are too boring...I think I’d rather be a sociopath” she joked
Elizabeth:*swims next to where he fell*Hey kitty cat
Maddy went outside and into the forest // Jessica went into the kitchen and started to eat tubs of ice cream
Collin rolled over “oh-uh hey” he smiled
“I think I’d rather you not be a sociopath.” dylan says. “if you don’t want to be normal, than stop drinking Starbucks. it’s too...mainstream.” she says.
ivy looks up from her plate of food and waves at Jessica. “Hey there.”
Elizabeth:What are you doing?
Maddy got a little jumpy as she entered the forest, not really knowing what to do // Jessica got bored, so she took 3 big tubs of ice cream to her dorm and sat down on her bed
“it’s not my fault! I can’t resist it” she remembers her spilt cup “speaking of which, you owe me one”
Collin grins “ah kinda falling out of trees at the moment. how about you?”
Dylan sucks in her cheeks. “no can do. I’m broke.”
Elizabeth:Swimming and singing.
Mercy pursed her lips “what a shame. I was really looking forward to the idea of it” she winked in a cheesy manner and then giggled
“noice” Collin flipped over and sat down resting his head on his hands
Dylan shrugs. “Guess I’ll have to take you out to get a coffee when I get a job.” she Laughs. “on a different note, How’s school? met anyone yet?” she asks, wiggling her eyebrows and smirking.
Elizabeth:I guess it gets boring after a while Let’s go hang!
“only a few people here and there and yet you’ll be the first on to literally fall head over heals for me” Mercy smirked
Collin shrugged “sure why not”
Elizabeth:*pulls herself out of the water and gets her legs back*Yay!
Dylan rolls her eyes. “I fell head of bicycle bars, thank you. it’s okay though, because I almost used a pick up lien on you.” she laughs.
Mercy scrunched up her face “I probably would’ve tossed you off of me if you had” she said smiling at the fact that Dylan was still laying in her lap
Collin looks impressed “that’s so cool!”
Elizabeth:Yeah it is
Maddy picks a spot under a tree and closes her eyes, listening to nature // Jessica turned on Netflix and started to devour the tubs of ice cream (she’s seriously a mood👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼😂)
Dylan grins. “Would have been worth it.” she puts her hands behind her head, knowing fully well that she still on mercy’s lap, but not caring.
don’t we all😂
Mercy rolled her eyes trying to cover up a smile but eventually failed. “so...are you planning on laying on me all day?” she raised and eyebrow
Dylan shrugs. “That was the plan. why? does it make you...” she smirks. “uncomfortable?” she asks in a smug tone, biting her lip.
“well I wasn’t going to go that far, just the fact that my leg is half asleep” Mercy poked her again on the cheek
Dylan shakes her head. “Excuses, excuses.”
Elizabeth:Let’s go kitty!
Collin follows her
so Parker did whatever and so did winston
Mercy moved her arms which were in a very awkward position and ended up rapping/ laying them over Dylan.
ivy lived and lived more
Elizabeth:*goes to her favorite spot and there’s a picnic basket with food*
Parker sat in a corner of the room, bored as heck. “you gotta help me! I’m loosing my mind!” she sang // Winston wanted to be yeeted off the face of the earth.
Dylan looks at mercy. “Whatca doin there?” she asks.
Maddy was sits under a tree and looks at the sky // Jessica is still in her dorm, still eating the 3 tubs of ice cream and watching Netflix (anyone can join either of my characters if they want)
“trying to make myself a little more comfortable seeing as you don’t plan on leaving anytime soon”
aNyoNe cAn jOIN mY pEePs bC I don’t know how to join people without being awkward
Collin was walking around with Elizabeth and literally waving at everyone he saw to come join them
“Well, if your boyfriend come by, we’ll just pretend like I’m not here right?” dylan teases. “I don’t even have to know who you’ve met, to know that one of them is a cute boy.” she Laughs.
Parker smiled at Collin but didn’t get up.
Elizabeth:*smiles at Collin a kinda blushes a little*
“who said anything about a boy?” she smirked but then laughed “but no seriously I don’t have anyone at the moment luckily for you”
“so uh where are we going?” he asked Elizabeth
“can I join?” PArKeR overheard Collin and Elizabeth and jumped up.
Elizabeth:Up there *she points to the picnic basket*
“Your right, I am so lucky.” dylan sighs. “I have a nice squishy pillow, a person to talk to, and it wasn’t painful at all.” she says the last part sarcastically.
“don’t forget this promised coffee date!” she kicked the empty cup that was on the ground still
Collin smiles at Parker “sure!”
“oh your right! the coffee date.” dylan Laughs.
“YAYAYYAYAYAYAYAYAY!” she yelled and spin around.
Elizabeth:*gets on Collin’s back somehow*Yay
Mercy sticks her tongue out “don’t think you’re getting away that easily”
Collin yelps with surprise but then laughs at Elizabeth and Parker
Parker laughed so hard and then. “yeeeeeeeee.”
Dylan rolls off her lap. “I would love to stay and chat mercy, but I have places to be, bikes to crash.” she jokes, saluting mercy and getting back on her bike.
Elizabeth:*blushes a little bit*Collin? Can you please carry me? I’m not used to having feet
“till next time dyl” she says calling her by a nickname “can’t wait for you to fall over me again” she laughed
“dyl pickle” heheheh.
Collin shrugs “sure” then he hefts her up and continues on making sure parker was still following and not getting lost
aww oooo
Parker followed awkwardly. // Winston sat at a random park bench.
Elizabeth:Yay! (she is a small child)
Dylan rides around, passing Collin, Elizabeth, and parker. she does a double take and hits a pole, falling again, but quickly standing back up.
Collin walked around aimlessly because he still didn’t know where they were headed “so..what’s you’d name?” he asked parker
Dylan has skill
Dylan is skill.
She frowned... they had literally talked the other day. “you forgot already?”
Mercy repositions herself so she has her legs and arms crossed and is sitting like a queeeennn
skill is Dylan
Elizabeth:Kitty cat , you see the picnic basket? Go to it!
is mercy by herself?
Dylan continues her ride once again. she notices Winston on a bench and skillfully hits a trash can, falling into it.
Collin blushed with embarrassment “sorry! this whole half cat thing messes with my brain sometimes and my memory is horrible.” he remembered their conversation and such but names were always difficult for him. he walked over to where Elizabeth pointed
Mercy is acting like a queen😂
“it’s okay...” her frown turned into a half smile. // Winston wAlKeD to wherever Mercy was. “can we talk?”
Dylan tried riding with no hands. her mind says ‘you can do it’ the ground says ‘No you cannot. stop hitting me.”
Mercy glanced at him “I think I can fit you into my schedule” she joked then patted the bench next to her motioning for him to sit
poor ground☹️
Dylan is abusing the ground guysssd
Winston sat down but didn’t look at her. “can we forget the conversation we had the other day?”
how dare she!
Collin carefully dropped Elizabeth then he sat on the grass.
Dylan apologizes to the ground and gets back up, mounting the bike again. “I got this.” she starts riding, but a stupid tree gets in her way.
Mercy titled her head confused “I mean I get why you wouldn’t want me to know about it and all- but...” her voice trailed off as she lost her train of thought
Parker sat down near them but not too close.
ahem that’s Collins tree you are now beating up😂
Collin smiled then folded his legs under him “so...”
Collin will tackle you in a bear hug
Elizabeth:*looks at Collin blushing a little then looks away*
“can we just forget it, please?” he asked in a sassy tone. // Parker felt awkward. She looked at Elizabeth and controlled her mind for a split second. She made her do the chicken dance.
Mercy raised an eyebrow and looked at him. then after moment she pulled her gaze away “alright...”
(She wouldn’t know how to)
any random dance then
Dylan passes mercy again and smirks at her. she makes a kissy face and rides away.
she doesn’t know how to dance she’s a mermaid
Winston looked at Dlyan, very confused. “What was that?”
Mercy waves her off and rolls her eyes
MeRmAiDs cAn WiGgLe
Collin started humming to himself and then got an idea and jumped up with excitement. he pulled out his phone and started playing music “any suggestions girls?”
Actually not all can
Parker laughed quietly and Winston finally looked at Mercy. “so are we still going on that date?”
I dislike mermaids who can’t wiggle
wiggle wiggle
they are boring mermaids
then you dislike Elizabeth
Mercy smiled “yeah, but change of plans. she pulled out a piece of paper from her pocket and handed it to him. it was a flyer for a fair this week
Elizabeth:Oh! um something to do with the sea *giggles*
WiGgLe WiGgLe WiGgLe Doo doo doo dooo doo doo.
I meannnnn... Mercy only just met the two of them and in a way they were being unfair by not seeing or spending more time with her so what was she suppose to do. turn one person down because she had a short conversation with another? I think not🙃
He grinned looking at the flyer. “sounds fun!” // Parker have Elizabeth a confused look... “umm..”
Elizabeth:What? I like the sea
oh yeah so either Thursday or smt everyone is going to the fair for a day as a “field trip” cause why not
Dylan tries skidding like a cool person to the picnic, but she slides to far and on the ground she goes. she pops up and smiles. “room for one more?” she asks the group.
Collin shrugged and played songs from the little mermaid because he didn’t know any other water songs. then he started doing a goofy dance because that’s just him
“okayyyyy.” PArKeR wasn’t a big fan of Elizabeth ****drAmA***
love me some drama
Mercy smiled back “I know right,” she folded it back up, returning it to her pocket “so I guess I’ll just text you when- wait you don’t have my number yet” she frowned
Elizabeth:*looks at Collin and blushes like a lot*
oh me oh my
Collin sees Dylan and laughs at her “hey there”
“Oh it’s *says some random number*” he smiled // Parker frowned at Elizabeth. she was really annoying her. ****mOrE dRamA****
Elizabeth:DYLAN HIYA
Dylan salutes and sits down. “What’s up here?” she asks, opening the basket and taking an apple. “Hey Elizabeth. hello....” she turns to Parker. “Oh...I don’t think I know you...hi!”
My oc’s are more social than I am and it’s really just sad😂
Adrien:*appears at the picnic*Allo
Mercy quickly pulls out her phone to add it and then winks at him “cool thanks!”
Dylan waves absently.
Collin disappeared for a second from the picnic backing up into the forest and out of everyone’s sight. then he returned moments later hanging upside down from a tree overhead
I just realized something and now I feel stupid😶
Elizabeth:KITTY CAT
Parker was stressed from all these people. “ahhhhh oKaY.”
well Collin is the Cheshire cats son and he is always found in trees right. well I just made Collin like climbing trees and didn’t even think about connecting it to his dad but hey it all worked out in the end😂
I may or may not be like super tired but oh well
Winston looked at Mercy and his smile grew.
Dylan looks at Parker. “You okay?”
you should go to sleep then. health always comes first💞
yep 😹
😂I thought it was connected
you should sleep. sleep is needed.
“hah? yeah yeah.” she smiled strangely.
Elizabeth May or may not have scared Collin slightly which caused him to scream like a kid and fall on everyone
no just pure coincidence😂
“Are you sure?” dylan asks, ignoring the fallen Collin.
Parker looked at Collin and frowned. “yep.”
Mercy titled her head and looked at Winston “awww you’re so cute” she smirked hoping to hide a light blush making its way on her face
Elizabeth:Are you Okay?
Collin holds up a thumbs up “I’ll be fineeee”
“no, you are...” he said softly.
Dylan shrugs. “Okay. I’m dylan, by the way.”
“I’m parked.” she smiled. “Dylan is a cool name.”
Okay I’ll go to sleepppppp I mean it is 1:15 in the morning
Mercy turned her body away from him slightly “thanks...” she muttered with a smile
good nightttt
have a good nights!!!
Collin walked around like a cool cat
It’s morning though
well good morning
it’s afternoon for me
Elizabeth:*smiles at Collin*
“thanks. so is parker.” dylan grins. “who’s your parent?”
“oh... I must’ve gotten the wrong message.” he frowned. “sorry.”
it’s 2:17 in the morning for me and I’m wide awake
“it’s... complicated. what about you?” she asked
“the mad hatter.” dylan shrugs. “What do you mean it’s complicated? if you don’t mind me asking.”
Mercy frowns “what do you mean?”
“I don’t exactly know. I was left by myself in Neverland so yeet.” she frowned.
Collin made jokes about Dylan really being ‘mad’ behind their backs
“I thought... you might’ve... liked me? but that’s stupid...” he felt embarrassed
“ohh. that sucks. sorry.” dylan frowns. “on a positive note though, that girl Elizabeth seems nice right?” she asks, wanting drama out of it. she lives for drama.
Mercy blushes but did her best to not look so vulnerable “...I mean we’ve only just met and...well I don’t know that much about you. so I guess it’s just too soon to tell” she offered him a friendly gaze
wait it’s only the afternoon for you?
yee yee
I’m gonna head off. bye byeee
aight, I think ima go to sleep
byeeeee it’s only afternoon for me lol
I’m still on tho
iTs 4:33pm
yUp 4:39pm
Parker sat in the kitchen, shovelling ice cream into her mouth. // Winston sat in a tree.
okay so Isla walked into the school with a bag full of spray paints and a sassy looking style.
jasper stumbled into school merely missing getting hit by a bus, he was always like that. clueless and bad luck seemed to follow him around. his golden eyes searched around and spotted a girl he recognised as Isla who seemed to have an evil glint in her eyes.
Isla turned around looking at jasper. “what?” she asked in a rude tone
jasper looked taken back. he brushed his hands through his dark hair “uhm I didn’t say anything.” despite trying to act cool, he always seemed to sound like he was nervous.
Isla had an evil grin and opened her backpack to get a can of spray paint. she tossed one over to jasper and started spraying the walls.
jasper failed at catching and it shot to the floor with a clank. his cheeks turned bright red and he quickly picked it up “don’t you think this is wrong?” he glanced around him to see if anyone was watching
She laughed quietly. “oh, didn’t realise you were a wimp.” she teased.
he sighed “ugh fine. but if we get into trouble, I’m saying you forced me against my will got it?” he started spraying on the walls. he sprayed a picture of Donald trump.
She nodded and sprayed the lyrics to a Billie Eilish song. when she finished she looked at Jaspers work and laughed.
“what? you don’t think he’s spray worthy? with all that spray tan he has, he sure as hecc is, Isla.” he joked with a smirk. his dimples showed. the corner of his lip was curved in a weird smile.
She wiped the smile of her face. “whatever.” she kept on spraying, trying not to show any emotion.
just as he was about to get started on obama, the school bell rang indicating the start of first period. he checked the schedule which said “swimming”. despite being the son of Moana, the waves simply ignored him. he groaned
she shrugged and kept painting. “I don’t know or care what I have but you go be a good boy and get the teacher an apple, eh?”
he gave her a dirty look. “come on, you’re my first slight friend and I’m not letting you start the day like this.” he grabbed her hand and yeeted his spray can over his shoulder. he dragged her to the swimming gym.
“first of all, I’m not your friend and I probably never will be.” she tugged her arm but his grip was strong. “second of all, I don’t do swimming.” she moaned
grinning he said “girl trust me I’m doing u a huge favour. just as fun as spray painting but also super harmless...unless you drown. but I won’t let anything happen to you.” he paused. “bcz then I’d hv no friends. we’re totally friends what’re you talking about.” he continued to drag her to the swimming gym which was less then a few metres away
She rolled her eyes but had a slight smile on her face. “Fine... but only because I have nothing better to do.” Isla didn’t walk though, she let jasper drag her.
yeee I followed your wattpad btw
as he reached he placed Isla comfortably in front of the girls changing rooms. “now go in. don’t make me drag you into there too, I don’t think the ladies there will appreciate that.” he grinned and made a gesture pointing at the entrance of the changing rooms.
she giggled. ‘did that just come from me?’ she thought to herself. “wow you’re pushy!” she walked in and mAgIcAllY found a bathing suit. She put it on and walked back out, feeling uncomfortable. “I’m not used to seeing so much skin.”
he smirked “you look cute.” he cursed himself “uh-uh-uh I mean like..uhm...” he itched his head, tilting his head, blushing.
he quickly scrambled to the boys room before she could say anything. soon later he came out with a swimsuit tshirt and bathers shorts on
Isla went red when he said that but tried to cover it up. She stood awkwardly with a towel rapped around her, waiting for jasper. “well look who finally came out!! I was wondering if you bailed last second.” she smirked.
he rolled his eyes “as if. come on.” he gestured for her to come. he quickly jumped into the pool with magic heating and soon popped up to the surface again with a big grin on his face. his hair looked wacky all wet.
She threw the towel at a random girl and looked at him. “give me one good reason to jump in.”
using the powers of the ocean he inherited from his mothers (idkkk lol), a large hand made of water reached out and grabbed Isla by the waist. it pulled her into the swimming pool. “hahahahhaha” he grinned laughing
mother* not mother’s lol
“what!! no!!” she yelled. Isla pushes off the bottom of the pool trying to stay above water. Isla was short so she was struggling.
jasper grabs Islas shoulders and helps her to the edge of the pool where she could hold onto the floor. “u ok?”
She grinned and splashed him with water. “of course!” she laughed. “you worry too much.”
he rolled his eyes “pfft u had me worked there for a second lol I thought u were one of THOSE ppl that didn’t know how to swim.” he splashed her back, laughing.
“well I DO know how to swim! I’m not an idiot unlike some people.” she said pointing to him with a wicked grin:
jasper placed his hand over his chest and gave her a sHoCKed look “excuse me puh-lease girl my mother basically controls the ocean itself.”
“sURe.” she said sarcastically with an eye roll and began to swim to the other side.
oof gtg sos
nO pRoblemo
i get my schedule today
hey m going to cry if i’m in all classes where i don’t k know any body
also i turned my work in late so i probably have the worst schedule
oof rip
I literally have two hours of homeroom
I hate it
why do you hate it?
it’s just long and annoying
unless I can be on my phone then yeah😂
I don’t know if I can be on my phone or not but yeag😂
😂 okay
I cannnn
for like a hour
so if anyone wants to come rp
then YeE
no one is on
okay :)
hi hi
I’m exhausted
me too
should I keep the white squiggly lines on my collage or not
oh my goodness I’m still in hr and I’m dying
I don’t start school until next Monday
I start school in a month :)
I’m so bored
me too
I’m hot and hungry
hey 🙃🙆🏼♀️
and me too
hola mi amigos
should we rp (I’m on two rp’s rn😂)
Maddy was in the garden and tried to look for something interesting // Jessica went to the kitchen and got another tub of ice cream and walked around the school with it
laura trudged around, with a book in her hand
Jessica started to eat the ice cream, the. passed by Laura, “Sup”
“hi. is that a.. tub of ice cream?”
Jessica slowed her steps and curiously looked at Laura, “Yeeeeessss. Why?”
“that’s- are you going to eat the whole thing?”
oof. I just got a bad sunburn and my face burns
that’s tuFf
Jessica started to slowly back away, “Yeeeeesss. Nooooo.” She then yelled, “It’s mine!” and ran away
“i’m- alright.” laura shrugged
Jessica ran down all of the halls back and forth holding up the ice creams yelling, “MINE!” (she’s very bored at the moment and so she doesn’t care how she looks rn)
Mercy strutted around the halls// Collin was ridding his skateboard very carelessly
sven ate some carrots
“OKAY I GET IT-“ laura yelled (yo are we frozen 😎)
u knOW iT 👏🏼😂🤠
ok here
Maddy laid on a bench and looked up towards the sky
Lilith was bOredo
Maddy ran past Lilith and whispered to her, “My ice cream”. and did the same when she passed Mercy (she’s really bored so don’t think she’s usually like this😂)
Mercy made her way into an empty class and closed the door. she sat down on the floor infront of a large glass window and crossed her legs. with a deep breath she shut her eyes and focused
*Jessica ran past Lilith
teehee lilith. reminds me of me 😎😎
laura decided to be social so she went to find someone to go to a cafe with
Maddy got bored at the sky, so she started to float around the garden // Jessica ran past the room Mercy was and yelled again really loud, “MIIIINNNEEEEE!”
(Jessica has toooo much ice cream 😂)
“is that girl ok?” sven muttered to himself, looking at jessica his eyes widened.
Mercy’s eyes popped open as Jessica ruined the quietness. she glared at the wall infront of her but then walked out and after Jessica
hola kids
hey hey hey
Maddy just floated // Jessica looked back and saw Mercy so she ran faster. but when she looked forward again, she ran into Sven and they both fell
dids you have a good birthday?
yes I did :)
Sven fell back onto the floor, and shrieked. He stood up abruptly glaring at Jessica.
Jessica laid on the ground, laughing super hard
okie I’m bAcK
Anna played with her pet rock.
“and here i was thinking if you were ok or not,” sven said rolling his eyes, he offered his hand, and looked at his ice cream stained shirt and pant, “great.”
Mercy rolled her eyes but returned to the room she claimed as her own
I love Tate Mcrae (she’s the one that sings that)
Elizabeth:*is doing nothing*
Jessica who’s still giggling took his hand, but mainly pushed herself, “Awww you’re sooo charming. let me guess, with your manners you’re a royal kid huh?” She looked at his shirt and made a sad face, ” Oh come on! My ice cream dood.”
sven rolled his eyes, “mhm, yeah, sure whatever you say.” sven shrugged, “your fault,” he said, he dug through his backpack and pulled out a jar of vanilla ice cream and grinned, “guess you have no more ice cream,”
laura did stuff and waited for som thing to happen
Jessica rolled her eyes at him, then she stared at the ice cream with her eyes huge and moth open, “Is that... ice cream?”
(omgsh she’s seriously me on a sugar high. but instead of running I just sing a lot. and trust me when u say I’m no Ariana Grande😂)
i need to do something with my characters hELP
Maddy practices her flying skills outside
Collin has a pair of Harry Potter looking glasses on and stumbles around with his hands outstretched
laura made water animals in the middle of the hall. lol help this is what it’s come to-
sven shook the container, “yEP,” he smirked, “well, it’s mine cause yours is.. well all over the place,” sven said grinning, stifling his laugh, Jessica looked so funny being on a sugar high.
Collin ran into a couple walls and a pole before stumbling into Laura. the glasses basically made him blind
Jessica (who’s SUPER sugar high rn so she wouldn’t usually do this) looked at Sven with big eyes and a little pout, “Boy who’s name I don’t know..... can I pleeeaaaseeee have some ice cream?”
laura fell over and her water chicken collapsed. “whOoPs!” she screamed
dUCKS ARE 😤😤👏🏼👏🏼
sven raised his eyebrows, “i’m sven. and.. yOu can have soME ice cream.” sven said grinning, shrugging the container towards her
uwu ducky
laura: whoops *two seconds later* i aM gEtTiNg a dUcK
Jessica smiled so wide, “Hi! I’m Jessica Hook! Captain Hook’s daughter! ICE CREAM!” She took the countainer and sat on the ground using her original spoon to scoop the ice cream, “Thaaaannnkkksss Sveeennnn!”
gtg be back in 3 hours, I’m going to volleyball training😫 plz tell me what happens when I get back
“no problemo,” sven said, smiling slightly, “Captain Hook? oh my mother said some stuff about him, not all things pleasant.” sven laughed, and shrugged. “so when did you come here?”
wHoOp wHoOp thAtS tHe sOunD oF tHE pOliCe
He won’t tip his head down at all and walks backwards and flips over into things. My dead says he’s never seen anything like it and that he probably won’t make it through the night but I refuse to believe it. He was the runt and didn’t make it out of the nest when the rest of them left so we kept him.
I need to more characters in Camp EverHigh please
I feel like my eye bags are weighing down my face
ok michaels walking around he’s free & im just waiting w laura who just got aTtaCked
I am so freaking tired
Parker sat at a bench and coloured in some pictures of a duck
Lilith skated around around
Parker looked up from the colouring book and saw Michael. “well hello.”
I kind of am too tired to do her plot :(
Justin wandered around, his hands stuffed in his pockets.
:( goodness gracious
and I was actually excited about it
aw Kat 😢
michael is b o r e d
ok ig i’ll do smth else w laura
Lilith continued to skate, maybe I’ll do something interesting with her later
laura wandered yay
and skating
Justin accidentally teleported everyone to the forest,
laura fell onto a tree, fell off and landed on top of justin. michael landed on a rabbit. whoops
laura banged her head against the forest floor. “ow! um, sorry.” she said, rubbing her head
I’m bored
“Um—“ Lilith said, skating around her surroundings, “Who did this?!”
“the rabbit.” michael replied, rolling off the rabbit crushed.
“uh - someone?” Justin said answering Lilith question, he didn’t know how to control his power. “it’s okay,” he said to Laura, scrambling to get up.
awwwww Dawn the Duck keeps tripping over his feet💞😍
he is the cutest thing and he is my baby now
laura stood up too fast and then fell down, passed out 😎.
I’m bored and yeah
I just thought of something. when I get my hedgehog he and Dawn will be best buds
they are gonna be brothers
I’m a mother now🤗
dawn and dusk
Lilith pursed her lips, and scanned the area
michael picked up the half alive rabbit. “what do i do about this?”
save the rabbits
someone please do something with me
saved the turtles? no.
Collin walked around
Elizabeth:*is doing nothing*
oh right this rpppp
basically we all just landed in the middle of a forest thanks to justin lol
oh I missed that part oop
this app isn’t letting me delete my comments 😤
i’ll rp later i’m still playing the guitar i’ll just pop in wit some jokes every now and then
I ended up reporting my own comment on accident because it won’t let me just freakin delete it
oop nvm now it decides to cooperate
pc is a bûtt sometimes
that it is
hi hi
Collin flipped over a bench because his eyes were closed while walking. don’t ask my why though
hey eyala
i’m v bored
huh i would’ve that that would be censored
there’s a sign for this business by my house that says strippers really big but it’s like carpet tearing company thing but it’s really misleading
oh wow that’s a horrible name for a company😂
ikr it makes me laugh every time tho
lowkey in life with the guitar
Mercy slipped out a $5 bill as she in return took her coffee. walking out of Starbucks, her phone rang and she struggled for a second to juggle things around and grab it in an open hand. “hello...?” there was no caller ID “-Hellooooo??” she tried one more time before the person on the other end hung up. she rolled her eyes “people these days” then continued on her day
sorry everyone eyala is taken😂
so now that you are dating a guitar...
no now i’m dating Marcin Patrzalek idek how he’s such a fxckin g st playing the guitar
i cant stop listening to just straight guitar music like no vocals 😂
oh have you seen this guy named Alejandro Aranda. he played on American idol but he is freakin amazing.
i played the piano for seven years and i played the guitar for four hours and i have never been in as much love with the piano as i am with the guitar
i will check him out
his audition video is the best out of all his other performances tbh
hey iris
I know a way to add drama😁
okay and I’m also at Camp EverHigh if anyone wants to join me
Everyone welcome Kacey.
she is a lunatic
bruh the judge’s face has me deadddd i’m still laughing
Runs in the family (she’s Cinderella’s daughter)😂
I never liked Cinderella
me neither
or snow white
Snow White scared me as a kid
but idk why😂
dang really?? wait listen to Marcin Patrzalek his audition was just 🤯
honestly I felt bad for the villains in those stories
kk hold on
that’s why i said i was in love in the hp rp
Okay why do I keep getting these super cool ideas while I’m in my bathroom
Honestly the only Disney Princess I actually liked was Milan
Oh wait I’ve seen his audition before! yay he’s absolutely AMAZING
well like actually loved was Milan
hey kat
he mUrDeReD hIs GuItAr
Idk- Im behind in both😂
Then you’ll have to decide which one is more fun!
just not the hp rp
I feel like I’m wasting my life when I listen to these such talented people😂
well i would say hp is more fun but that makes me biased bc i’m not in the other rp
i’m next to my two reasons to live right now and i just feel like my heart is going to burst open
me neither. but more people are on the hp one because it’s been there longer I think
my sister is attempting to steal Dawn away from me and I sMaCked her
yeah it has been up longer I really should make a new Roleplay Page for it but haven’t yet
kill your sister
don’t do that jk i need to not scare people with my jokes
I’m on the verge of it
I mean...our backyard is literally a ditch so it would be easy to hide the body🤫
Anyways who wants to hear about my brilliant idea?
sure go ahead
i love my dog and my guitar so much I COULD SCREAM guys i need to shut up about the guitar. it’s just i haven’t felt this happy in like 6 months i just want to play and play and play for the rest of my life.
spill sis
Awww that’s great eyala. I’m happy that you’re happy :))
she. is. about. to. choke. Dawn.
thanks man :))
someone hold me back
Okay so I was thinking about doing a Hogwarts au thing where any kind of Fandom can just plus you can be Harry Potter characters too so it’s like Harry Potter and Fandoms Roleplay
naw nvm. too many eye witnesses ☹️
so like any fandom all in one
then hire ur local ninja friend :))
I could have my mole people fandom take over
yes lol
Yes you could
kat I need help...jk😂
hmm i probably wouldn’t join im in one hp related rp i don’t think my brain could handle another
👍🏻 or 👎🏻 on my idea.
I feel like if you only had one rp up at a time they would be more active instead of having two or more
yea i think two rps is enough
let’s just say...she’s not the next American idol with that voice
god dxmn 😂
my babyyyyyy Dawn😭 I feel bad he has to endure it all
mother knows best just popped into my head
talalala la la la la
Oh yeah you guys don’t really know me that well, I’m Iris Holt and have way too many Roleplays at one time. And I feel like at this point my first hp Roleplay isn’t really a hp Rp anymore it’s just a camping one at this point
‘tis the season toooo murder
talalala la la la la
fa lalalalalallalalalalla
he acts like his neck is broken (which it isn’t) and just flops his head over😂💞
oh poor babyyy
it’s been five hours of me playing this guitar i need a life aaaand here i go again talking about how in love i am with my guitar
but he’s doing better for the most part
you’ve been talking about your guitar and all and I’m over here rambling about Dawn
Anyways I was thinking what if I just replace my Harry Potter Roleplay with a new one because I personally really like the new idea. but I wanted to get other people opinion on it before I did
why does pc prevent us from having life’s? oh wait no. that’s just us
I like the one that’s up
yeah but honestly at this point it’s just Hogwarts at Camp
my brother and I have decided that Dawn is non-binary🙃🙃🙃
And I’m talking about how much I hate school and I’m tired- we all have things we talk about😂
so then make a new hp one but keep that one up🤷🏼♀️
I start next week☹️
some random lady came up to me and touched my face and was like “I love your freckles babbby” and stuff and hugging me. I was a little freaked out
i just love how my fingers start to hurt but like when i keep playing it goes away until i stop jesus i really tryna tell me something
turns out it was my friends mom
wow that’s scary
ohhh 😂
same I hope you guys realize I’m not making a new Roleplay Page for my hp Roleplay I’m too lazy instead I’m leaving it up and they are moving to the camp
The magic guitarrrtrr
it’s always funny to me when relatives are like i remember you when you came out the womb and i held you in my arms. DO YOU REMEMBER ME??
it’s like sorry UNCLE IVE NEVER MET WHILE I WAS CONSCIOUS i don’t remember you
I have a horrible memory especially with faces and such so people will come up to me all the time like “aww Ella how are you doing?” and I’m over here like please step away
oof i just hate when people come up to me
I hate hugs
they are not necessary to show affection and instead just make it uncomfortable
or maybe I just don’t like touching people
hi i just ate strawberries with a spoon
i like hugs but only from people who are taller than me or the same height and that’s usually adults
fun story 😂
ok whenever i feel like saying something about the guitar that’s totally unnecessary i’m just going to use the guitar emoji to get it out into the open
okay who wants to rp
ooo that seemed really desperate
let me try again
Before I post it could I have a estimate on who’s going to join because I don’t really want to be there by myself...
i sooo
*clears throat* uh yeah I guessss I will *in a really bxtchey voice.
could i use the same oc’s from the hp - draco
idk yet
Macey walked around
My family is bullying Dawn :(((
Collin flipped over some stuff
Aw poor baby dawn
Mercy sat somewhere else
Elizabeth:*is doing nothing*
kill your family
I don’t want to be an orphan... not yet😂
dxmn totally blanking on my ocs rn all i can think of rn is just guitar guitar guitar strum strum strummy strum strum
next thing you know you have an oc names Pick who loves playing the guitar an-...oh wait😂👌
shushy shush shush shush
shusharoo you kangaroo
you have been shushed
nopety nope nope
Macey walks up to someone and starts flirting with them
then she abducted them
then she was put in jail
but it’s okay because nothing really happened
then a body was found
but it wasn’t maceys
uhhh what hath i witnessed
or anyone she knew
in fact it wasn’t relevant at all
brb i’m gonna go watch some netflix comedy specials... as i play the guitar... this is my life now
wait before i go. my siblings hate whenever i play instruments especially the piano , for seven years they would yell at me and that’s part of why i was discouraged to play but i’m not going to let them do that TO MY PRECIOUS FXCKING GUITAR
it’s up
yeah you tell them eyala!😂
hi I’m back🙃
and I’m dead😵🏐
wanna rp???
Maddy walking around the building // Jessica looked up at Sven, still eating the ice-cream, and is feeling a sugar crash coming, “Yup! the big man who wears red, so I kind of have to too. *yawns* so ur mom talks about my dad... ew. so *yawns again* what does she say? and I got here not too long ago.”
it’s been awhile 🙃
hey jatttttttttttttt
Macey walks around looking for trouble
hi jat! missed ya :( <3
laura walked around not looking for trouble / michael also did that
I actually am signed up for this
before I went to campus
I’m glad to be back meh dudes :))
it’s been so longgggg
yay not much has happened and we aren’t rping that much so you can just jump innn
im glad your back <3
it’s been six weeks 😅😂👌🏼
Macey ran up to michael “are you a parking ticket? cause you got fine written all over you” she winked
wow it feels like forever
six weeks is a long time!
Please join my newest Roleplay guys please
eh 🤷♀️
low key it was nice not having my phone
now excuse me jat needs to watch stranger things
sal pal
oofda cya pal
wait yay
hOW wAS caMPP?
is Jeev still around
omg i have to go to sleep cause i have to wake up at 6 bUT noPE NOT TODAY
yo the squads kinda back together 😎
good good
yeah, jeev’s on & off
I’m still at camp
I’m leaving trmw so we got phones back night before
what about kat?
and Tyler?
yeah ik
I guess imma use the oc made before I left xD
& jackie i miss her
tyler’s gone..
wait what
kats still here but tyler left.. :(
omg really? why?
Tyler :(
wait r u lily?
turns out I had like 3 ocs I had no idea of having
what :(
and lyds too she check in every once in a while
hey jat!
i am lily . that i am
oh hey cc
I is bored if anyone wants to join my newest Roleplay feel free to
what happened to them??
hey Cc
ah coolio I follows u on Instagram
hey eyala
their parents found out about pc & made them deleted their account, they wrote a official goodbye on one of the rp posts :(
hello logannnn
lyds and tyler dated and then tyler’s parents found out and lyds felt guilty and sad and she hasn’t been on much since
awh 🥺 is that why tyler left?
heyyy loggan
hi logan
that’s so sad :/
awe lyds
I miss them all
how is she though lyds?
I miss all of them so much
I’m not sure I myself haven’t been as active as I was a while ago
lyds checks in every once in a while but for the most part isn’t on...
oof alright
yeah ^
she checked in earlier today I think...I dunno.
I just burped
sometimes i leave for like 2 months and then come back without telling anyone-
hey Emily
hi em
lyds did comment on my post yesterday or so
so imma be on a little later I have to catch up on insta so 👌🏼
bahahah hi emily
Ilysm bye 👋🏼✨💓
Okie bye jat!
love ya 💓
bye bye jattt
I haven’t rped at all on here
idk what’s happening in this rp
idk if I’ll be on much since I’m going into hs too
never too late to start😛
all I know is that my girl has a pet rock
bye jatttt <3
oof school :/
I just know Christopher was with Allison but :(
my fingers hurt. i just wrote a song.
eewwwwww school
school sucks
no one likes me on this rp it seems so i’m just falling everywhere and stuff
woah can we hear it? I mean not literally but you know what I mean
wait lily Macey came up to one of your oc’s a while ago I think
I don’t know why I’m so excited.
then rp🤷🏼♀️
oop i didn’t know that that’s swag
let’s rp dudes
laura was in the kitchen making an açai bowl / michael decided it would be a good idea to try to learn how to skateboard
johnny was a young boy. he know how the game played. johnny was a young boy. he had overdone his stay. i think he’s learned his lesson. at least that’s what johnny says.
Anna ties a rope around her pet rock and drags it around.
and then there’s a bunch of guitar stuff it’s mostly guitar stuff 😂
Dylan does this radical thing, it’s called “existing.” you might have heard of it.
Hadley wasn’t looking and turned around and saw Michael coming her way on the skateboard and clashed into him before she could jump out of the way. “AH!”
it’s beautiful
no Dylan I haven’t
it’s kinda cheesy but it’s really easy to rock out to
“Stop being so slow!” Anna scolds her pet rock and continues walking.
oooh Cool
wow eyala that’s actually really good 👏🏼👏🏼
ivy sits on a big rock and pokes an ant. he smacks her with his tiny ant hands. she is deeply offended.
well dam. I think that’s cool how you’ve not even had that guitar for a day and already a song and a cool one at that
why do I love all of Emily’s oc’s perosnalities am
michael flew over her, and landed on a flower pot. “mm.” he said, picking out some petals from his mouth. “tasty.”
aww thanks man. i told you i was in love with it 😂
justin wandered around the school, trying to stay levitated
sven ate.. carrots.
Macey ran up to ivy “hey I think I’m lost, could you give me directions to your heart” she winked
laura finished her healThY açai bowl and sat down, turned on the office on her computer and ate.
anya roasted marshmallows with her burning hand.
the sloppy joe fam
eyala has the skills to pay the bills. she is the 🎸M A S T E R G U I T A R I S T🎸
wow a lot of ppl are on
there was whole sloppy joe fammmm
Parker yeeted a pencil at the wall... again. // Winston sneezed. // Isla burped.
“I thought I told you to speed up!” Anna stops walking and yells at her rock.
*he. oh shush logie 😂
hi kattt
i’ve been playing guitar for like 3 years and i’m terrible
wait wasn’t there a sloppy joe in an rp and like all of the characters were on an island or something?
I’m gonna go..... I kinda feel invisible here so if anyone wants to join me I’ll be Roleplying on my account
Hadley rubbed her knee which was bleeding a bit and saw michael. “OMG!” she said and ran over to him. “I-I’m so sorry... A-Are you alright?”
ivy turns from the ant. “No, but I can give you directions to McDonald’s.” she says.
you can rp here iris you just need to make your character known🤷🏼♀️💞
it was chapters I think
“i’m fine.” he spat out soil. “i guess it’s healthy once in a while to have some yummy flowers.”
just have them fall on top of someone
Macey rolled her eyes “you’re no fun”
anyone free for my characters?
laura laughed out loud and her açai came out of her nose
Dylan. she’s just existing
laura is
Collin fell over a bench somewhere
“Oh, okay good,” Hadley laughs. “But I don’t think dirt cake is the best dessert.”
“FiNe. I’ll just carry you if that’s what you’re whining about.” Anna gives up and carries her pet Rock.
Liam and Christopher are
laura’s just here if anyone wants to yk
Anna’s always free and she comes with a rad pet rock
ivy shrugs. “The ant would agree.” she says, as the ant aggressively slaps her leg.
Parker stared at Collin. “wut?” // Isla pushed Laura over and laughed.
“oh no.” michael stood up. “oh dang, is your knee okay?”
there is so much happening i’m gonna go be back laterrr
yeah I know it’s just I don’t know I’ll be on my account if anyone wants me
aight bai bai
I thought I was done w Algebra I and I did the end of course test and everything and I did it like a full year ago, but what does my geometry/algebra II teacher decide to do? Give us a freaking test on Algebra I on the one unit THAT I WAS ABSOLUTELY AWFUL AT
Winston looked at Anna. “hi?”
laura tipped the bowl over isla by accident. “ouch.”
bye eyala
Anna throws a random rock (not the pet rock cause that’s mean) at Collin and runs away.
“Me?” Hadley looked at her knee. “Yeah that’s nothing pfft.” She laughed nervously and tried to cover it with her jacket.
I meant to never touch Algebra I ever again, but it just has to come back and smack me in the face
I back
Collin jumped up “I’m alright!” he said to no one in particular then looked at Parker and waved
hey hey
sven wandered around
is it night, morning, afternoon or what?
Parker waved but with a slight grin. // Isla frowned and swore.
Liam wandered as he threw bagels around. (idk)/ Cayden wandered. / Christopher shot arrows at a tree in the woods.
I will slap Algebra I in the face.
justin ate cookies
Macey frowns the turns to walk away and find another victim to fall for her terrible pick up lines
winston... was... himself
justin eyed macey and was immediately scared of her
mErCy!! hOw rUdE!
Mercy sat on her claimed bench like a qween
Allm*doing nothing*
Anna hides somewhere and throws non pet rocks at people.
ivy picks up the ant who continues to slap. “Stop that. your being a bully.” to which the ant crawls away.
wait what?!
what happened😂
lOoKing for a new victim to fall for her?
“are you sure? it’s kinda um, going down your leg.” michael said / “sorry!” laura tried to get up but slipped on açai and fell back down.
you have a mercy, And a macey...right?
I’m going to go insane
wait what
Or maybe I am insane
And I’ve already descended into the madness
Macy turned to see Justin and grinned. she skipped over “are you a parking ticket? cause you’ve got fine written all over you”
we’re all insane
is it mery or macey?😂
Isla swore again but laughed quietly
yeah. 😂
the names get confusing but oh well
Hadley looked down alarmed. “Oh my! I mean- I told you I’m completely fine,” she said as she was slightly embarrassed.
I is confused
Maybe my conscious is plugged into a virtual reality, but I don’t know that
Maddy was flying around the school and hiding in shadows, trying to find fun // Jessica went into the science room, locked the door, and started to create.....
my head hurts
Anna throws a rock at someone’s head. She has a strange obsession with rocks.
justin eyes widened, and a giant blush spread over his face. “uh - .. what?” he managed to say to keep from laughing
okay now I’m gonna go to my account all their by myself
Mercy is my sassy qween. Macey is my flirty and new girl
all my bois did what they do fully approachable
laura successfully got up this time. “sorry. i’m sorry. have you been infected?” she asked
SHE HAS TWO OC’S. ONE NAMED MERCY, ONE NAMED MACEY. (although on the sign up, it says her name is Kacey)
aw cc take some medicine if your head hurts really bad 💓
Collin grinned “hey parker!” he walked over to her
o h. s n a p.
“okay, well here.” he threw her a pack of tissues. “clean yourself up.”
I’m too lazy to sign up
I’m so sorry that I’m burdening you all with my issues of school when you guys still have summer left😂
I know and I changed it in comments because it was a typo 😬
Anna is approachable but watch out for flying rocks
don’t worry about it kat😤
Hadley caught the tissues and cleaned her wound. She took a band aid out of her pocket and washed her hands at the near by stream(??? idk sum water source). “Thanks... sorry again.”
cc who’s one of your bois that’s approachable.
And now I’m going to a make a dramatic entrance Poof
“what?” Isla asked. // Parker smiled, “Hey! you remembered my name!” she laughed
Liam our main boi Cayden hes always around and Christopher who is ya
it’s okay I have summer bridge 😂 I have to go to school anyways
Collin smiled sheepishly “just give me time and I’ll remember anything” he laughed
I go back to school the 29th
Dylan tried riding a unicycle, hoping to have more lick than she did with a bike, but unicycles are harder than clowns make them look. she crashes (what a surprise) into a wall, right next to Liam.)
Macey stepped closer to him and frowned as she thought “um are you an angel cause you- wait no that’s not right...”
“it’s okay, i am very strong. flower pots are nothing against me.” he smiled / “never mind.” laura shrugged. “what’s your name?”
I’m actually going to fail this tho
“c’mon my beautiful rock, it’s time to eat.” Anna walked with her pet rock to the place where rocks eat.
Maddy knocked on the science room door and waited for Jessica // Jessica opened the door, saw Maddy, and gave her 2 full bags of.... // Maddy took the bags and they both left to find some people. She turned into a shadow while Jessica was running/hiding as quite as a mouse
i go back the eighth of september-
Anya came in late and was on her phone cause...(okay I forgot how to rp w. t. frick
“hey... did I ever tell you I can fly?” she asked Collin. // “why do you want to know?” Isla said with sAsS.
justin raised his eyebrows, “go on,” Justin said, smirking.
Liam who was peacefully reading a book liked next to him and stepped back startled and asked. “ARW YOU OKAY?!”
I’m bored out of my mind so yay....
I’m already at school
imma spectate actually
Collins eyes widened “no! you can? that’s so cool” he started jumping up and down like an excited five year old
“Oh okay that’s cool. I mean I have no powers except like yeah I’m pretty boring,” Hadley smiles
mine is summer bridge so like where we got to just walk around and meet people before I start high school with a bunch o strangers
“I am doin great. hey...are you three triplets?” she asked dizzily, to the three versions of Liam she was seeing.
if you wanna join in you can 🤷🏼♀️ you don’t have to sit there and watch us 💞 join in
“walk faster or you will starve!” Anna screams at her rock and kicks it. this is abuse
Macy blushed furiously as she tried to redeem herself “um...is there an airport nearby or is my heart taking off?” she cracked up at her own pickup line
Merp Merp Merp
there are three versions of Liam 1. nerdy Liam (I’m here) 2. who knows Liam who is a player (pichigh) 3. receptionist Liam (the town)
ivy gasps at Anna. “I’m calling rock protective services.” she says.
idk how to rp or type cause anymoreee
“i have the um, plant repellent. yep. that’s me.” michael nodded. / “because i mean- well sorry. just go then if you aren’t iNtEreStEd in being fRiEnDs.” laura groaned
Liam saw her almost falling over and caught her. “I am not a triplet...” Liam laughs
my brother just called me the best sister ever and i said 🥺🥺💘💓💞💞💝💞❣️💕💖💗
Hadley laughed. “Seems like the best one of all.”
aW ur bro is so nice
I wanna hear someone say exactly that^😂
justin raised his eyebrows, “your heart can take off over there near the trash can,” Justin said, laughing. justin shrugged, “who!re you?”
but that’s so niceeee
meanwhile my sister is somewhere idk around the house doing smth
“you wanna see?” PArKeR aSkEd. // “I’m Isla... you are?” she felt slightly bad. slightly.
oop my sisters are the opposite lol
my sister is abusing a duck
“you would never!” Anna gasps and picks up her rock.
the rock needs a nice rocky name
Aw poor duck
“duh!” Collins face lit up
sven shrieked as a paint bomb fell on him.
idk what my sisters doing
also I is bored
my brother is nice but he wouldn’t say that
my sister is like rly weird
Dylan shakes her head. “your right. you aren’t a triplet. just like I’m not a unicyclist.” she grins.
“oh it is. very n-“ michael got hit with a paint bomb and fell into the stream and popped up laughing. paint bombs are powerful my friends.
she’s probably sleeping though she doesn’t stay up very late
“yay! i’m laura. cool name.”
there’s really back service aGh
Hadley gasped shocked. “Are you okay?!” Hadley asks from outside of the stream but not to far.
my brother is a smol precious bean who dresses up as freddie mercury & loves my dog
“I would! rock abuse is serious.” ivy says, crossing her arms.
“Makes sense,” Liam smiles helping her up. “I’m Liam.”
Macey frowned “dam well...” she smiled again as she responded with “I’m Macy but you can call me your girlfriend” she winked (she is so fun to rp😂)
moooooooooooooo I is cow no I’m not okay
Parker laughed. “sorry.” and grabbed his arm and fLeW! // Isla grinned evilly. “wanna do something fun?” dRAMA
michael nodded. “it’s actually really nice in here, seeing how hot it is.”
“please don’t, I’m begging you!” Anna is really scared that her rock will be taken away from her.
my sister is a weird kid who attacks her own foot but is still not as weird as me *dab
my little brother is Augh. and my older brother is at military school. so. that’s dope.
“Really?” Hadley asks. She puts her hand in the water and nods
“uh, i guess? like what?” laura said, standing up to make another açai bowl
michael grabbed her hand and pulled her in. #rebel 😎
“Be nicer to it. I’m watching.” ivy squints at Anna.
whatta rwbel
Collin shrieked and cautiously looked down “w-woah! how high are we”
I’m so bored
Me tooooo
my sisters boring
“AH!” Hadley yells falling into the water. “Gee thanks,” Hadley laughs. “You’re right it’s nice.”
justin backed away, “too fast ma’am tOO FAST,” Justin said putting his hands up, Justin facepalmed, “justin, i’m justin. yeah, uh huh, i’m justin.” just said, stumbling over his words.
“I will!” Anna pets her rocks head and scurries away.
imma go
also y’all I was at the grand central market and I remade nct’s vlog bc why not 😂 wanna see pics?
aw why?
jat don’t gooo
“I’m dylan.” dylan stands and pats liams shoulder. “Thanks for the help dude. what were you reading?”
“you’ll find out when we get there.” Isla started to walk out of the school waiting for Laura to follow. // “very!” she flew past Collins tree and up into the clouds. “yeeee hawwww.”
“I could get used to ‘Justin’” she said tapping her chin.
“I was reading Greek Myths,” Liam says
there’s tea going on in my cabin rn
I must see what’s going on
“I swear if you drop me Parker-!” he clung onto her for dear life
Anna whispers nonsense to her pet rock. This girl is crazy
I is now a duck
I need to name the rock
any suggestions?
“i told you. refreshing.” michael said. / laura followed. “what about my a- never mind. i’m scared.”
Winston was creeped out by Anna
get that tea. become the Myra within
oop and she’s crying and just ran out of the cabin ;-;
bob Duncan
“Veryyyy,” Hadley smiles and then splashed him with water. “Refreshing right?”
justin raised his eyebrows, “excuse me?” he said, “i uh just met you, if you haven’t realized. some people would get creeped out by you the moment you opened your mouth “ justin laughed at his own dry humor
Dylan thinks. “is that the boring old book about people and gods? there was this savage player named Zeus who got in a lot of trouble with his godly wife cause he kept getting mortal women pregnant. right? or am I thinking of a different dude?”
ahhhh Myra 🤧
If you can’t tell I’m bored and don’t know what to do
omg what happened-
“what are you staring at?” Anna asks Winston.
wait imma add her to this rp lol
michael grinned. “mhm.”
The rock will be named Bob Duncan. Thank you for participating in the Rock Naming Game.
i enjoyed it very much
Macey pretends to pout “aww but that’s no fun to act ‘normal’”
it’s a beautiful name for a beautiful rock
“Yeah something like that,” Liam laughs. “Well... my dad is Hades and he says I should know what to do when I ‘ rule the underworld’ but.... mmm I would rather study what I would do.”
i is confused
why? r u okay?
“the last time I promised I wouldn’t drop someone I did so I’m not saying anything.” PArKeR said. // “you should be.” Isla replied, getting into her car.
bob Duncan can help
he will exterminate the problem
although he is only a rock, he is very powerful
justin mimicked maceys look,he pouted, “aww but nobody wants to be creeped out by you do they?” justin said laughing, “do you flirt with everyone you meet? or am i supposed to be special or something?l
I love that rock
laura is very scared because isla seems scary
I wanna meet rock bob duncan
“does that mean you get to talk to dead people?” dylan asks. “that’s not creepy.”
he’s very cool
Myra poofs into existence
I’m okay I just have a major case of boredom
This only made Collin freak out more “PaRkeR!” he grabbed her hand and held on rather tightly
laura hopped into the passenger seat. “am i safe?” /
so uh this girl was just caught stealing a ton of makeup and now is somewhere else
“Let’s go Bob Duncan. People are staring.” Anna watches all the people as she walks.
so that’s fun
oh my
michael stared at hadley then realized that was creepy, blushed, and swam to the other side of the stream
“only to-“ she stopped herself from saying something else equally as cringe worthy. “I- uhh may have a problem” she said referring to her conversation starters
she also tried to steal my mascara that and I’m kinda mad now I guess
Anna sits down at a table for two and sets Bob Duncan at the opposite end of the table. “How was your day, Bob Duncan?”
Hadley didn’t see Michael staring but then saw him swim away. “Hey!Where you goin?” she swam over to him. “Don’t ditch me in the woods!”
dang. RuDe
“i can see that, clearly.” justin said laughing, “have you tried your uhm techniques with other people? they!d be interested, for sure.”
oh my
“I do... I only do it when I want to though. I don’t like talking to other dead people,” Liam says
Myra was looking around the school, “What the heck?”
Parker laughed. “you shouldn’t die... i think...” she flew even higher. // “get in.” Isla said to Laura.
Anna gives Bob Duncan a part of her sandwich and eats the rest. “If your sandwich good?”
my mascara is safe now so it’s okay
Winston sat next to Anna. “whatever you are having, stop right now.”
but like whatever
sven stole bob duncans sandwich
are you ok elizabeth??
“Hey! That’s Bob Duncan’s seat!” Anna stands up.
“well the last person told me to fxck off” she said referring to some random stander she met in town. “so maybe my techniques in just a slight way may not be the best method. maybe”
“i was getting you pumped. two laps or when you get out, you have to do six laps around the school.” / laura winced and slowly got in.
“other dead people? that’s not creepy.” dylan picks up her unicycle. “Hmmm. just a few scratches.” she observes. “at least you don’t like to do it. it would be worse if you did.”
did sven just steal from the legend? not cool.
sven looked at Anna, and ran, the sandwich in his mouth.
you good?
what happened?
of boredom
Winston was so confused. “stop it right now... do nugs, not drugs.”
“What?!” Hadley said panicking. “Okay okay.” Hadley swam two laps and came back. “There,” she smiles
oof i think i have to leave soon so if i suddenly go that’s why 💞
Anna gasped. “that’s my sandwich you sandwich thief!”
Collin glares at Parker but then after a minute he loosened up and began to enjoy himself. “flying is...so cool!”
justin laughed, “serves you right,” Justin said, picking up his stuff, as he started walking to the school, “who’s you parent anyway?”
“good. now do six more.” he paused. “i’m kidding.”
“I am not doing drugs.” Anna put her hands on her hips.
“Yeha I’m not a creepy jerk...” his voice faded(Liam). “So... are you okay?”
imma try Netflix again
okay :) pre-bye lily
i don’t have to leave for a bit but if i do suddenly disappear
my tooth hurts
bye lily then whenever you leave💞
ah okay
aw oof
sven shrugged, he ran back and stole the rock, bob Duncan.
aw bye lily
“I’m fine. I’ve crashed many times. yesterday, I landed on a girls lap. she was cool. I owe her a coffee. today, I almost hit you. so...what do I owe you?” she asks, raising a brow.
i’m still here my doods 😎
Isla didn’t even wait for her to close the door. She went well above the speed limit. // Winston nodded slowly. “sure...” // Parker landed on the roof of the school and laid down, exhausted.
Macy grinned “Cinderella (me internally barfing) can you see the resemblance” she joked
laura nearly fell out of the car. she slammed the door shut and put on her belt. “that, was way too intense. not cool.” /
take some ibuprofen or Advil or somthin if it hurts cc.
Mercy got up and walked to Starbucks
“BoB dUnCaN!” Anna screams and runs after sven.
i keep doing / because i think the other person i’m rping with had sent their message but they haven’t so i just look lame 😂
“Cinderella?” justin laughed, “you must be joking, there’s nothING alike. I heard Cinderella was kind and sweet, uh somewhat unlike you at the least,” Justin said grinning
agh it’s not working sksksks
my fingers are bleeding!
Collin walked over to the very edge off the roof and dangled his feet off breathing in the crisp air “the view is amazing...”
bc i’ve been playing the guitar for like four hours
Oof. maybe take a break
you must not have built up calluses. it happens eyalala
thanks Logan
major oof
i should probably but i just got the hang of this drumming strumming thingy
I’ll die if I want to die
wait I did respond???
you’re probably right logie
your welcome cc
ah eyala I can relate the feels I hate when that happens
Isla stopped at a 7/11. “Have you even robbed a shop before?” she asked, pulling out her ski masks. // “Ah huh.” PArKeR was still struggling.
I thought my sister was sleeping but then she walked into my house and I remember she went on a dAtE ahahahaha
yee yee. my little bro plays and he made his little fingers bleed when he first got his guitar too.
ok i should do something with my ocs
wait also did Dylan reply
Macey poked him “then you’ve clearly never met her” she made a face of disgust. “anyways, who’s your parents”
“no. and there is no way i am going to. plus, it’s 7/11. i can easily just buy stuff.”
aww poor lil bud
he survived.
btw michael replied lol
Anna couldn’t find Bob Duncan so she went somewhere and cried.
Hadley was about to start and then flared at him. “You loser,” she joked and splashed him.
anya decides she’s going to commit arson.
yay i’m glad 😂
“Seriously... are you okay?” winston aSkEd Anna
iris u good
I thought you said ‘Comment’ arson and I was confuzzled
sven cradled bob duncan, “it’ll be okay,” he whispered.
Collin glanced at Parker “what’s wrong?”
“bOb DuNcAn!” Anna screamed and cried some more.
michael grinned and swam under her and landed right next to her. “bOoo iM scArY.” he said
I’m not okay either. my foot tingles. it was asleep, and I woke it up.
“you are no fun.” iris frowned.
Mercy kicked some random stranger because she thought they were looking at her funny then walked off dumping her drink on another
*omg Isla
MeRcY. RuDe
justin poked macey back, “Alice. Alice from Alice in the wonderland and that sort of stuff.” justin said, “see the resemblance ?”
no SleEping Logans FoOt
oop it’s 12 am
“you go ahead. you rob that bank.” laura nodded.
Anna is sad because Bob Duncan has been kidnapped.
Hadley stunned screamed. “As you can tell I get scared very easily.”
sven wesled bob Duncan in his sweater and walked by Anna
“flying... is... exhausting.” PArKeR moaned.
anya gathered the proper supplies, she had found a small useless shed looking near the forest and began putting newspapers and logs around it.
“yeah you are both equally as crazy” she scoffed and shut her eyes looking away. then she popped one eye opened and looked back at him, smiling
Anna didn’t notice Sven because she was too busy crying.
oh iris what’s wrong :(
“I can’t by myself.” she did puppy dog eyes. “it’s easy.”
well what’s wrong
sven threw bob duncan on the grass near anna, “ma’AM a your rock is there.”
“you don’t say?” michael laughed
iris join in 💞
aw iris what happened?m
I’m bored to death
“bOb DuNcAn!” Anna jumped up and hugged Bob Duncan.
then do something
“how? how do you do it then?” laura groaned
Dylan hops on her unicycle and unicycles away.
Collin crawled over next to her “aw man I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have let you take me flying” he frowned looking at her
justin laughed, he winked at her. “well, I have to head to the school, unless your not going there, then I guess we say our goodbyes.” justin said, grinning
“no... it’s... fine...” she sat up.
anya lights her hand up and prepares to set the shed a fire, “this is gonna be awesome hehehe.”
I can’t really all my characters have like no friends or to shy to talk to someone
Mercy gets some guy arrested then arrests the cop. I don’t know how she managed to do it but she did
anya sounds like a cool person
“Wow,” Hadley said rolling her eyes. “So...”
ivy pops up behind anya. “Whatcha doin?”
“you walk in... tell them to give you money then you leave before the cops come.” Isla replied.
anya is oh so cool
“so! fun. exciting. mhm.” michael said
yEs ShE iS
I think I’m going to add another chat page to the town on Sunday if I don’t forget like I have been
no Anya is not cool. she is hot. hey it cause the fire-...and I’ll shut up now😂
“what?! no. there’s security cameras. they’ll remember the licence plate.
Dylan unicycles down the street
anya jumps back, almost setting ivy on fire, “jesus don’t scare me like that!” anya puts the fire on her hand out but they’re still glowing red like coals.
Anna is glad she has a friend like Bob Duncan. He is a good friend.
sven looked at Anna, “do you have another sandwich?”
That’s why I brought someone else’s car!” Isla replied
thank you for the dad joke ella
the town hasn’t been active in a while :/
“no, you took mine.” Anna glares at him.
“ah. what what?!” laura shouted
I keep forgetting about it 🤷🏻♀️
Collin raises an eyebrow not believing her “whatever you say parker”
“Totally. I haven’t talked to like anyone at all since I came to this school,” Hadley ya
no problem 😁
sven gave a awkward smile, “a good job i did. right?” sven said grinning
guess who’s still playing the guitar as we speak 😎
“no because Bob Duncan and I are hungry.” Anna says.
ivy jumps back too, “I didn’t realize you were on fire! Why are you on fire?!” ivy yelps.
“me either. espec- haha never mind. so who’s your parent?” he asked
Macey pursed her lips “I mean I think I have school...but I probably won’t go” she said like it was no big deal
“It is perfectly fine.” she put the ski mask on and handed one to Laura. // “I’m telling the t...truth.” she wobbled.
I’ll be on my account if anyone wants to come Roleplay with me..
50 years from now your fingers are gonna be so messed up and you are gonna blame your younger self😂
“w-WHAT?” justin said, “noPE NoPE NoPE. your going to school, that’s what your here for.” justin said shaking his head.
Dylan crashes into a store and bounces into the road.
laura put it on. “fantastic.” she mumbled. “wonderful.”
anya giggles and lights and puts her hand out over and over, “it’s my power, moron!”
“i’m hungrY tOo.” sven said frowning.
“then make your own sandwich.” Anna crosses her arms.
Macey frowns and crosses her arms being difficult “make me” she stuck out her tongue like a little kid
I WOULD NEVER I LOVE THE GUITAR i’ll just wear lotion like all the time and get pedicures a lot
“I’m never going to get on your bad side...I hate fire.” ivy shivers. “But cool power. I’m ivy.”
Collin held one arm out to steady her “no your really not” he said with a small laugh “ come on. you should sit and rest”
“oh right i’m anya,” anya turns away from ivy and goes back to her arsony.
Ewww pedicures🤮
Dylan quickly stands and runs into the sidewalk as a car goes by, crushing her unicycle. “Dang...” she mutters. “That could have been me.”
“let’s go.” Isla got out of the car and pulled out her crow bar. // “yes I am!!!” she stood up, “Wow the view is pretty!”
justin rolled his eyes, “your so difficult.” justin said, he slipped a paper with his phone number on it into her hand. “school will be fuN, c’moN.”
Hadley was confused but realized he prbly didn’t say anything for a good reason. “Oh my parent is Mulan.”
ivy looks over her shoulder. “I still wanna know what your doing.”
“You?” Badlry asks
“but I don’t know how too.” sven said simply, “i eat carrots.”
Mercy puts on some glasses and tucks in her shirt. in a swift motion she clips her hair up and throws away her coffee. she opened the door to a big fancy building and walked in
“then go eat carrots.” Anna says annoyed.
Collin kept on eye on her but nodded in agreement “I wish I could fly but alas I’ve never heard of flying cats” he joked
“but carrots are bOrinG. sandwiches have multiple condiments.” sven said sadly, “
“stupid hansel from hansel and gretel. out of all people.” michael groaned. / laura muttered something under her breath and follow isla
you don’t like pedicures?? i’m really bad at cutting my nails. i like chopped them off today to hit chords better and they look really bad. i just like the way clear coats of nail polish look too.
“What’s so bad about Hansel?” Hadley asks. “I think she’s pretty cool.”
anya turns back, starting to get annoyed, “well obviously i’m about to set this shed on fire!”
Dylan walks down the street, after tossing her unicycle into the dumpster. she looks at a toy store. “Heh. soon enough amazon will murder you as well.”
For a second Macey just stood there looking at the paper, then she made up her mind and followed him “fineeeeee. but if you lied I’m gonna-“ she tried thinking of something threatening
“and what condiments do you eat?” Anna raises an eyebrow.
ivys eyes widen. “Why? what did it ever do to you?”
“kinda stupid. but it’s okay, i love my parents all the same.” michael grinned.
oof I’m gonna go to bed it’s kind of late
night night
gn guys 💓
I don’t even cur my nails which is a whole different problem in itself. anyways, I hate people touching my hands and stuff and I think it’s too much work to do it myself if it’s something natural that doesn’t look half bad. if it isn’t broke don’t fix it
night sal
“flying cars would be awesome.” she sat at the edge of the roof and admired the view. // Isla walked into the store, feeling chocked up. “can I have your money.. please..” she whispered.
gnnn sal :(
“That’s nice, I love my brothers,” Hadley smiles
laura shuffled in behind her. “i hate this.” she muttered
oh ya i get that. i usually let them grow but now that i have my guitar i’m a bit more concerned.
good nightttt
yeah that makes sense
I should probably be going too
“i love laura too, except she’s kind of stupid.” michael splashed hadley again
I’ll be on tomorrow bye :)
“you do realize that people do things all the time without a motive right?” anya laughs, “ naïve..”
bye bye em
and then there were 5
“Does she go he-“ Hadley was about to ask but got cut off by his splashing. “You little-“ she laughed and splashed and swam away.
Collin laughed “flying cats would be terrifying! can you imagine at any point a cat falling on you”
night Emily
ivy sits on the grass. “Whatever you say. ima just sit here and watch then.”
Isla felt stupid. “Or we can go...” she turned around // Parker laughed. “so tell me about yourself.”
“yes!” he yelled, before diving under water and following her.
“not so tough.” laura yanked off the ski mask, bought a lemonade and two chocolate bars and left.
Dylan eventually walks into a fancy lookin building. “hey! does anyone here know where I can get a unicycle?!”
“well I’m part cat (NOT. A. FURRY) anddddddd I...um am a boy” he said satisfied with his answers
nope nope nopety nope nope
hee hee
“that’s... cool. part cat? more like part furry!” she said, not even knowing what she said. // “yeah yeah whatever.” Isla frowned.
anya smiles, “enjoy the show!” she whips back around and lights her hands afire, shoving them in the newspapers and logs and letting the fire spread. she quickly ran around to the back where she had a step stool and she climbed atop the shed as it began to burn.
hit o r m i s a
Dylan just walked into where ever mercy was working like a fancy person and yelled for a unicycle. hee hee
laura threw her the chocolate bar. “what got into you? you seem tough bro.”
Mercy turns to Dylan “excuse me but this is a high class resort...and you, well...” she trailed off. mercy was practically unrecognizable. she was in a jumpsuit and had a poker face on in place of her usual sassy smirk
“Glad we are friends,” Hadley smiles
ivy claps. “AMAZING. BRAVO! BRAVO!” she yells.
“I don’t know... I guess it just wasn’t the right day.” Isla shrugged
Collin stuck his tongue out and placed his hands on his hips “I’m not a furry!!”
Dylan rolls her eyes. “all I need is a unicycle. god lady. don’t be so uptight.” she mutters, not knowing it’s mercy.
michael nodded. “me too.” / “mm. sometimes wednesday just isn’t the perfect type of day to rob 7/11.”
anya makes a pose as the shed burns around her and the building collapses. she falls atop the rubble as it finishes burning, just laying there in the flames and enjoying the warmth.
ivy sits and watches. “You okay there?” she asks after a little. “I’m guessing your clothes aren’t exactly fire proof..so..be careful.”
Mercy finally looks up from her papers and into Dylan’s eyes “o-oh...!” she froze embarrassed anyone she knew saw her like this. “it’s you-“
“Wait do you want to follow hansel’s footsteps?” Hadley asks
“what?!” michael is dumb
“you sure?” PArKeR aSkEd. Parker was a lonely gAl. she didn’t have many friends.
I have a question
“so true.” Isla laughed
anya sits up grinning through the flames, “it’s alright my mum had made these before she died, they’re fireproof hehe!” she makes snow angles in the embers.
ask away
Dylan raises a brow. “uh...yeah...it’s me?” she asks confused. “sorry? do I know you...?” she looks at her name tag. “Mercy? hey! I have a friend named mercy. she’s hot, and a little spoicy. way better than...” realization dawns. “Holy fxck. it’s YoU?!” she yells.
Collin rolls his eyes “I think I would know. so how about you?”
Who likes She-ra?
“I don’t know... don’t you usually have to like follow your parents footsteps or something?” Hadley sighs
do what that is
i don’t know who or what that is
who what now
when where why
laura grinned. “so, what do we do now?”
“are you telling me you have worn the same clothes since your mom died. I find that sweet, but at the same time, unhygienic.”
She-ra and the princesses of power?
“true... me? I... well i’m a girl... and I like cheese...” Parker mumbled
I know the original from a long time ago. I remember He-Man more though.
anya sticks her tongue out, “no i just have to put her spell thingy on my clothes and they won’t burn.”
“we could rob a MacDonalds?” she suggested.
“oh, yeah. i’d prefer not to get cooked in an oven.” michael shrugged
no clue
oh that’s fine I really was just asking because I kinda need a Catra
“now I’m curious. who is this mother of yours?” ivy asks, moving to sit on her knees.
“Ah true,” Hadley smiles.
“no more- mcdonald’s?” laura asked
yes please someone go rob McDonald’s 😂
“so no. i wouldn’t like it to follow in my parents footsteps. what about you? are you gonna like, save the world?” michael asked
“yeah... it’s easier then 7/11.” she grinned
“wicked witch of the west,” anya beans stepping out of the rubble of the burnt shed.
Collin raises an eyebrow “as fascinating as that is, is there anything else about you? like who your parents are or something like that?” he asked curiously
“fabulous.” ivy says. “the one who melts? right?”
Dylan responded to mercy earlier
“nope.” PArKeR said awkwardly and avoided eye contact. “that cloud looks like a pig.” she said pointing to it.
“okay, i guess.” laura shrugged.
Mercy smirks “so you think I’m hot do you?”
anya sticks her tongue out, “yes my mother melted as her death, thank you.”
She started driving to Maccas and parked in the car park. “we don’t have to... we can do something else.”
guess whose still up trying to figure out this math stuff and it’s almost 1
aw oOf
I’m going to be a grump tmr
“No I would prefer not to. After that my mom had to live a hard life and she ran away. I would not like to be a coward,” Hadley says
aw kat
Dylan’s face turns red. “That’s besides the point.” she says quickly. “What are you wearing?” she asks, holding back a laugh. “and are those...glasses?” she asks.
“no it looks more like a turtle ridding a bike-“ he snapped out of it “wait! stop changing the subject”
“you- alright.” laura shook her head. / “oh, i mean. alrighty.”
yes maM
oh yeah definitely
ivy bites her lip. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to sound insensitive.”
hello adora
“I’m not... but it is totally a pig!” PArKeR frowned
Welcome to our lovely home.
“But I would like to be a hero if that’s what you meant sorry. I mean it isn’t what I am passionate about but certainly couldn’t hurt!” Hadley smiles
“what?” Isla aSkEd, looking at her strangely.
anya smiles sweetly, “it’s alright, everyone else already hates her what’s another person to the list!”
Mercy quickly realized she was still wearing them and yanked them off shaving them in a drawer “um...that’s nothing”
I decree tmr a sweatshirt day :)
“ah, i see.” michael splashed her again.
“nothing. let’s just, go back to school?”
^who are you?
and hi
“I just don’t see it!” collin said not budging
“you sure? there is nothing else you want to do?” Isla aSkEd.
“unless you want to.” she said
I mean I wear sweatshirts everyday just because. actually that’s a lie. it’s too dam hot to wear them☹️
“Really? it’s clearly right there!” she laughed
wE nEEd dRAmA
I am settling for about five hours of sleep, but of course I’ll probably stress out and be awake for another hour :)
Macey jumped on someone (not jumped someone. jumped ON someone)
^big difference
i wear other sweatshirts of the one floral button up shirt i own 😂
My school is freaking freezing even though it’s so hot outside
iT bE wiNteR so yEEt
Dylan laughs. “Oh my god. this is good. badxss mercy, in a PANTSUIT.” she wheezes.
Collin squinted “Nope. the turtle is just calling out to me”
wait did hadley reply or am i stupid
She nodded. “school is a waste of time.” Isla was finally being nice
ivy smiles. “I don’t hate your mom. I never met the lady.”
“agreed. okay, what do you want to do?”
“Seriously?” she shoved him lightly. “it’s a pig you idiôt!” she laughed
Mercy blushed but then glared at her “shut it. there’s a reason I don’t want you to see me wearing this” she rolled her eyes
...I just realized I have notes to do
oh hi adora
hi adora I’m Star :)
“Anything you want!” Isla smiled
why did my mind just go “Adora-ble. Ba-DuM cHa.”
anya shrugs, “whatever there’s a whole book and a musical about what a dxck she is.”
“Wow thank you sooo much!” Hadley says. She splashed him sry
oh right i’m eyala
hEy adora, I’m cHloE
oh kat. make sure you sleep though 💞
i have officially fxcked my fingers up! i have flusters on them 😤
hi adore i’m LiLy yEe
aw oOf
autocorrect wasn’t to switch it to adorable every time I type it
michael grinned. “you wanna go do something else?”
EyAla! 😤smh. just wait....50 years from now
“Mmm okay, any ideas?” Hadley asks
Collin laughed “no. way! I refuse to believe you see a pig over a turtle” he crossed his arms and shut his eyes titling his head up
awww oof
“nope. the soil really got to me.” he said
dylan looks at mercy’s coworker, who’s glaring at her. “did you know this girl leads a double life? I didn’t.” she says. the coworker glares more. Dylan pokes mercy’s cheek. “So, Mrs. Mercy. what do you do in this fancy place with your fancy clothes?”
i coulddd stop playing or i could just put bandaids on them and keep playing till 1
“Fine... you win!” PArKeR smiled.
you got me
“Wow, okay so NOW it gets to you,” Hadley laughs. “Well... we are in like the middle of the woods.”
oh aha
Mercy sighs and grabs Dylan’s hand to keep dorm poking her “I work. like a normal person would” she show a deathly glare over to the coworker “What Elise?! Never seen a two girls having a conversation before. take a picture it will last longer!”
oh ok
I nEEd dRAMA!!!!!
“i really did not no that. sTRanGe. is there anything to do here?”
ahh but you told us hehe
also you are so right logieeee
Collin grins with satisfaction and stands up but places his foot on the edge of the building causing him to slip
and fall
and die
“I don’t really know...” Hadley says
jk Collin isn’t dead...yet
“COLLIN!!” PArKeR screamed and jumped flew down, trying to save him.
laura turned to isla. “why are you scared to rob? i mean, you seemed fine.”
nOw dats dRamA
Dylan grins. “if she’s gonna do that, than I should get a matching pantsuit.” she sticks her tongue out at Elise. “yea Elise.” she says in a snotty tone.
“fun.” michael got out of the stream and dried himself off with his magical use of air 😎
wait if he’s part cat...then does that mean he has 9 lives?? he will just respawn every time he dies like in a video game
“I’m not... I just don’t want to be arrested...” Isla frowned
until he dies his last life
i asked you that before and you told me he already used 10 of his lives 😂
he’s at -1
what if he loses count of how many lives he has left because he’s so forgetful and uses his last one thinking he has 2 left😂 that sounds like him
“ah, okay. me either. we can do something better.” laura said
how about he doesn’t die bc that would be sad
ohhhhh right. okay so I’m just like Collin then. my memory sùçkś😂
“like what?” Isla aSkEd, curiously.
hey guys what’s going on?
Adora/Iris is here! I’m thinking about going by Adora now
Collin yells like a child as he plummets
All:*does something to bump into people*
welcome back to our weirdness
we’re sorry
“i don’t know, i’m not smart.” laura shrugged.
Macey walks around
Parker grabbed his arm just before he hit the ground
Dylan repsondedddddd
logan respond to anyaaa
“neither am I! come on... you pick!” Isla laughed.
I need to know what should I go by Adora or Iris?
Mercy groans and rolls her eyes. “can we not talk about this here?” she asked dragging Dylan to an empty room
I know sorry I was really late😂
whatever you want
ivy shrugs. “If you say so. but the real question is...is her daughter a dxck? I think it’s a no, but I could be wrong.”
“i really do not care. you pick, please.” laura said, grabbing her purse
Collins eyes were shut as he prepared himself for doom. he carefully opened one and then the other still screaming might I add.
anya giggles, “you don’t know me and frankly you shouldn’t try to get to know me either..”
But I don’t know what I want
(idk what to do!) “the last time I chose we nearly robbed a bank...” iris said
“What the heck,” Hadley said soaking wet. “How’d you do that.”
Dylan hops up on a table, sitting. “Why mercy? afraid your fancy coworkers won’t like me? are you...” she mock gasps. “Embarrassed? by me?”
I mean it’s your name and we shouldn’t decide for you. besides you could always change it later
I know but I’m terrible at deciding this
Mercy rolls her eyes “ha ha. not even close. well actually- you can be a little much” she laughs at her own joke
“magic.” michael dried her off. / “true. okay, we can go get dinner, go bowling...”
“yea well, I don’t think of people who giggle as particularly menacing, so I’ll take my chances.” ivy shrugs.
Parker accidentally stoped flying and fell onto Collin. “oOf sorry.”
Collin stopped yelling and groaned. “ouch.”
alright I’m finally going to bed- good night <3
anya’s eyes light on fire, “how about now!” she flicks her tongue out and it’s glowing red like embers.
night night kat
night katttttt
I’m just going stick with Iris and go by Adora on Adora-forthehonorofgrayskull-
“Wowza!” Hadley exclaimed surprised
yea like maybe I decide right this moment that I want to be called Jesus. I don’t need anyone else’s statement because in the end, I’m gonna have to live with it.
she rolled off and stared at the sky. “that scared the cràp out of me! don’t do it again!”
michael shrugged. “it’s nothing.”
of all names Logan-😂
“You sure about that?” Hadley asks
you are jesus now 😂
you mean jesus? not logan? who’s logan?
“i’m sure. shall we explore?”
“it scared you?! I was scared half to death literally” he took in deep breathes and let his arms flop to his side
“how about both.” Isla started driving around and parked at some food place.
can I be called crayon since we are doing this rn
goodnight 💚 (Dang sorry about the heart force of habit)
I’m just kidding guys no one call me that
Dylan raises a brow with a smirk. she leans in so her face is inches from mercy’s. “a bit much? no ma’am. I’m a handful and a half.” she Laughs.
nighty night
“coolio.” laura hopped out, grabbed her bag and her phone and walked towards the door.
sure crayon
“Let’s go!” Hadley announces
goodnighttt <3
I like the name Jesus. makes me feel S P E C I A L
“true... are you okay?” she asked
“forward mArCh.” michael exclaimed
ivy grins. “Looks cool. not scary.”
isla followed Laura.
everyoneeee wants to be a special snowflake huh pretty soon everyonesss gonna be jesus *nshakes head disapprovingly* tsk tsk
laura walked in. “hello. table for..” she gasped at the waitress and then cleared her throat. “table for two please.”
anya frowns her flames dying down, “really? it usually scares little kids..”
morgan freeman still gets to be god tho
“Follow through!” Hadley laughs as she marches behind him
michael saluted
Isla looked at her and the waitress and frowned. “what was that?” she asked as they both sat down.
“I’m not a little kid. thanks.” ivy says. “I know you won’t hurt me with it, BeCuAsE first of all, who would lick someone with fire, and second, your not that mean.”
that’s cool with me
“just- nothing.” she picked up the menu. “oo. steak.”
“tell me.” Isla said sternly.
where dids my girl Ella go?
never mind
found her
“my ex. whatever. do you wanna share a salad? they’re pretty big.” she continued flicking through the menu.
wait? did I?
I’m fighting pc rn😤
“ok first off i just committed arron so you don’t know how mean i can get and second off i could light my whole body on fire if i wanted to!” anya does so as if to say i told you so.
She looked at the waitress again. “sure...”
AHHHGH. I guess I’ll retype the whole thing
aw oOf
ivy feels a tiny bit proud because she managed to infuriate this girl. which is not a good idea but pshhh who cares. “Alright. whatever you say...at the end of the day, your just a girl, and it’s just fire. right?”
“cool. i’ll have a steak and a garden salad please. oh, and a pepsi.” she said
“I’ll get a Pepsi as well.” she gave the waitress and evil glare.
i’m watching marcin patrzalec interviews and his accent is just so skxhjsndjbdiddih perfect 😤
Mercy’s face flushed as the closeness “I’m sure you are.” she smirked before pulling away and taking off a fancy jacket she had on and trying it around her waist leaving her with a white undershirt. “back to my point,” she started taking off her shoes which were extremely high heels causing her to shrink a couple inches. “I’m only wearing all this s*** because I need this job and this stupid place requires it. also no one in here knows what I’m like outside of work and I would appreciate it if you would keep it that way.” she said sternly
I have a tip, copy it, so if it doesn’t work, you can just paste another copy and fix it.
yeah that’s what I ended up doing
laura chuckled
“you okay?” PArKeR aSkEd Collin.
“Where are we headed general?” Hadley asks in a low town voice
Collin glanced over at Parker “I’ll be fine. thank you for saving me...”
anya’s fire become’s blew, she half expected to find herself strangling this girl in two seconds, “well fire can burn and itll burn you if you wanna come a little closer.”
Dylan tilts her head. “me? I would never do anything to let anyone know who you are...” she grins mischievously.
wait is she hades kid
As the waitress left, Isla aSkEd, “So what happened?”
Mercy smiled happily “good. now why were you even here in the first place?”
“it’s fine...” she stared at the sun. “I can see the light... am I dead?”
ivy takes a step back. “Oooo. actually, I’m good, but thanks for the offer. hypothetical question though, would you melt if I dumped a bucket of water on you?”
“nowhere! just, onward!” michael said / “nothing. she’s just annoying, cheated and stuff. ugh.” laura rolled her eyes
“oh I’m sorry... she is such a b****.” Isla frowned
“i agree.” she nodded.
Collin leaned over and pinch ed her arm
“I already said, I need a unicycle. mine got hit by a car.” dylan says. “also, I saw this hot lady walk in, and I thought that I check her out, turn out it was only you, but that’s okay.” dylan shrugs.
“oW!” she squealed
“Is there anything I can do to... you know.. help?” isla aSkEd, not knowing what she was saying.
“nah. what do you mean, help?” she asked, when the waiter brought out the drinks she had a strong urge to punch her but resisted.
Mercy raised an eyebrow “only okay? oh sweetie I’m so much more than that” she smirked and sat on the table herself
“Uh- okay!” Hadley laughs and follows
“Like get her back?” she asked. “or comfort you... if that’s what people do...” she ignored the waitress.
anya’s flame instantly goes out, “no! frankly you would burn me, well only if i’m on fire while you poor water on me..” she backs up a bit herself, “you wouldn’t right?”
Collin smiled “sorry! just wanted to help. guess you aren’t dead after all. which means I’m still alive too”
michael found a shack. “sCaRY.”
laura choked on her pepsi. “i’m fine, thank you though.”
she piñched him back. “just to be sure.” she grinned
wow over 1,000 comments. that’s 1,000 more than I expected 😂
“Oof what is this place?” Hadley says looking through a damaged window
Dylan raises a brow. “That’s a lot of confidence for a lady in a pantsuit.” she says.
He rubbed his arm and pouted “hmm”
“Are you sure?” she asked. “or we can leave without paying!”
“the shrieking shack? i dunno. seems sketchy.”
ivy holds up hee pinky. “I promise. as long as you promise not to make a ivy-kabob out of me.”
Parker frowned. “sorry...”
“haha, no it’s fine. i’ll just, give her a lil punch on the way out.”
Mercy groaned “can we forget about this horrid piece of clothing for one second. but you have to admit I pull it off” she winked
Dylan nods. “you do. but Elise begs to differ.” she jokes.
“alright...” she sipped her drink and was very awkward.
Collin lays back down “I’m fine. I can’t believe I tripped off and over the side of a building. I mean I know I’m clumsy but that’s a whole new level”
“she’s just jealous’’ she waved the mention of her off
“so, where are you from?” laura asked
“yeah. I mean, you almost died! that is scary!” PArKeR looked at him.
anya reluctantly holds up her pinky and curls it around ivy’s to complete the promise, her eyes follow just a bit, “i promise.”
“Wanna go in?” Hadley asks
“France... but I don’t have an accent. it’s strange!” she smirked. “my mother is the ugly stepsister...” she was very embarrassed and hasn’t told anyone that before.
Collin laughed “that would’ve been a sad way to go out.” he held his hands up imagining a gravestone “imagine: death by clumsiness”
Dylan nods again. “ahh yes. jealous of the pantsuit. who wouldn’t be.” she says sarcastically.
ivy grins, looking into anyas eyes. “Good.”
“that would’ve been embarrassing!” she laughed. “and imagine if I tried to save you and was clumsy too! gosh...”
“it totally matches everything else she owns” mercy shrugged playing along
“oh, that’s lovely. mhm.” laura nodded
“naw I wouldn’t have allowed it!” he said stubbornly “my ghost would’ve come back and saved you”
Isla could tell she wasn’t listening and rolled her eyes.
“and you think I would’ve let you die! no way!” PArKeR sAiD
“it’s stuffy and annoying. yes, I get those vibes from Elise. say...what do you think would pxss her off the most?” dylan asks.
“I don’t know...being a ghost sounds pretty cool. then I could haunt you!” he jumped up suddenly with his arms extended trying to scare Parker
“sorry. i’m sorry, i blanked out. france is cool! i lived there for a little.”
“duh.” michael pushed open the door
“me working here for the rest of me life. but I don’t want that to happen so I would go with any thing childish from a prank to practical joke” mercy grinned
Parker just laughed. “It does... but I wouldn’t let you die. No way!!”
Isla nodded and ate some of the salad.
anya winks back, “don’t worry i keep my promises.”
laura face palmed. “so, uh, do you have any siblings?”
“does Elise give off any...homophobic vibes to you? just wondering here.” dylan says, crossing her legs.
“no...” Isla said quietly. She looked back at the waitress and was feeling frustrated.
ivy lets go and grins. “We shall see.” she says. “so, Anya, what do you do when your not burning things?”
“I mean I would believe it. she’s such a bxtch” mercy shook her head just thinking about her
“you okay? what’s wrong?” laura asked
Dylan claps. “than this will be fun. come on.” she gets up. “you have to get back to work.”
“I don’t know, being a ghost sounds pretty cool. plus the I could haunt you!” he jumped up with his arms extended scaring Parker
“The salad is cràppy...” Isla said staring at her fork.
Mercy moans “but I don’t want toooooo. I’d rather talk with you” she said but followed her out anyways
she shrugs, “little bit of this little bit of that,” anya enjoys the vague and mysterious life.
“oh, um, sorry. do you wanna- leave?” she asked
Hadley crept in. “The heck?” she whispered
Parker laughed so hard and sat up. “I would be laughing weirdly everywhere I go if you did that.”
Isla tried not to be rude and sat up. “no it’s fine.. I mean if you want to.”
“everyone would think you lost your mind” he laughed
“echo..?” michael said. no echo. “weird.” / “sure.” laura slapped a dollar bill on the table, got up and left
Dylan walks out with her and stands in the hallway. “all I need you to do is act like we’re dating. easy as pie.” she says.
“yes they would... it would be hilarious!” PArKeR smiled.
ivy rolls her eyes. “Yes, sure, but what specifically?”
Isla got up and gave the waitress the finger while sticking out her tongue. “where to now?”
“sometimes i do some this aaaand other times when it’s gettin wild i do a bit of that!” anya giggles at her own jokes.
laura laughed. “don’t care. i just picked, your turn.”
hesitant at first, Mercy nodded slowly “this- “ she changed her mood by smirking “should be fun” she grabbed Dylan’s hand and waltzed our into the main room
“your not funny. fine. keep your secrets. but let’s do ‘a little bit of that’ then. I’m bored.”
“Fine.” she got into the car. “how about we just talk...”
Collin laughed even more “I wonder if I could posses people. I could make them do my biding for me!” he said in a falsely deep and mean voice
Dylan allowed herself to be dragged out, a bit surprised. “Oh whoa, your actually agreeing. fxck.” she whispers.
“alright.” laura said. “about what?”
I just heard whistling coming from outside my window
“You would turn everyone into a furry.” she punched him lightly.
and it was freaky
umm that’s creepy
“Hm... is anyone there?” Hadley asks
it’s not me. Jesus isn’t outside your window
“what’s so wrong with that? I would have my own army!” he grinned
“anything... is there something on your mind?” she asked Laura.
“i don’t think anyone’s here. i’m creeped out.” michael shivered
thank you lOgAN for not being the one to scare me...?😂
laura had a lot on her mind. “not really, no.”
iT wAs mE
“everything is wrong with that.” she grinned. // “I don’t believe you.” isla replied.
Mercy walked infront of Elise’s desk and turned to face Dylan “Aww babe! that’s so nice of you to say,” she said pretending to be in the middle of a conversation.
anya laughs, “you don’t even know what a little bit of that is!”
“i’m fine. why?” laura asked, pulling out her gum from her bag
Collin just folded his arms “your just jealous cause you know I would make the best ghost emperor”
(*anya pulls out a fxckin guitar*) 😂
oof. well that’s even creepier😂
wow angus
“Me too,” Hadley says as she turns to get out the door is locked. “Uh... the door I locked from the outside?”
Dylan blinked once, before smiling, leaning into Elise’s desk. “Well I mean, I thought it looked good on you when I saw it, so I just had to tell you.” she grins.
“awesome. we could break a window?” michael asked. the windows were boarded up from the inside. “great.”
“Because I’ve learnt a lot about you this afternoon... you aren’t over that girl, are you?” isla aSkEd. // “hey!! I am not jealous! and you have no proof you’d be better!”
“You won’t tell me! how am I supposed to know.” ivy exclaims.
star, if you hear someone go ‘yee yeeeee’ it was definitely me.
“Oh gosh this is not good,” Hadley says looking around for any door or exit
“you’re too cute!” she said in a very happy and energetic voice. she leaned forward taking both of Dylan’s hands in hers and leaning her elbow on Elise’s desk. Elise blinked at them then glared “uh do you mind?!”
“welllllll a little bit of that is prêt t t t y crazy,” she goes over the logistics in her head.
gee thanks😂
you are very welcome
“i’m completely over her! in fact, i like someone else!” laura said. / “nope. really not good.” michael groaned
“And wHo is that?” she asked, not believing her.
“I don’t need proof cause we all know it’s true up here,” he tapped Parker’s head and smirked
“i canNot sAY! confidential.” laura huffed.
She frowned. “you are mean.” she couldn’t fake being mad and cracked up laughing again.
“HELP!” Hadley yelled
“because it’s her...” she rolled her eyes and buckled her seatbelt
Dylan looks at Elise. “Oh! sorry! didn’t see you there.” then she turns back to mercy and ignores her. “Babe, I know I’m cute, but do you know that you’re frickin adorable?” she asks in a sweet voice.
ivy raises a brow. “Oh yea? how crazy could it be?”
“no! it’s really not!” laura shouted / “that won’t do good. everyone’s at school.”’michael took a step and a floorboard dropped under him. “woah.”
“then who is it?!” she yelled
Dylan and mercy are acting like one of those lovey dovey couples that only last a week at most😂
“i cant say! okay?” she yelled back
“i don’t know if your,” she looks ivy up and down, “normal looking xss could take it.”
Collin leaned back and laughed too “nope! just truthful”
laura and isla fighting for 20 minutes straight
ivy blinks. “I’m sorry what did you just say?”
“Are you okay?” Hadley asks him. Then she crouches down and examines the floorboard
Mercy makes a weird Coo-ing sound and then turned to Elise “Can you believe someone like her ended up in my life?! I am the luckiest person ever!” she grinned then winked at Dylan making sure Elise couldn’t see
“yep. what’s down there?” he asked
Dylan bites her lip and pretends to wipe away tears. “that is literally the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me.” she says.
anya giggles, “i meanttt you seem like a normal person and frankly i can’t see you enjoying “that’s””
poppity scoOp
Parker crossed her arms. “sure...” // “why the bLeEp not? I’m your friend!” she screamed
I’m dying 😂 my friend *lesbian* just sent me a text saying “of your ever confused about your sexuality, type ‘destination unknown’ into YouTube and watch the music video. it’ll clear things up.”
Elise then reaches for the phone probably to call someone to kick them out. that’s when Mercy practically jumped on Dylan rapping her in a tight hug, her arm flailing and knocking Elise’s phone off the desk. “whoops! did I do that? my bad” she said in a rather high voice
“try me.” ivy challenges
“A bunch of old pictures, look,” Hadley says. “And candy...”
can I meet this friend😂
Dylan stumbles back in surprise, landing them on the floor. Dylan grins and looks up at mercy. “Guess you were desperate...” she whispers out of character to mercy, so Elise can’t hear it.
“yep! i know that! i just- yep!” laura wildly chewed her gum. / “don’t eat it. and what are the pictures?”
Isla started the car and drove with anger.
Collin sat down and crossed his legs then he looked up at Parker “ready?” without waiting for an answer he changed into his cat form because why not
I’m warning you though, the music video is...something else.
anya giggles and snaps her fingers, immediately from out of the forrest comes two flying monkeys, “meet gareth and keith, they’re my personal servants!” she smiles and pats their heads as they perch st each side of her baring their fangs at ivy.
oh that’s great😂
Parker’s mouth hung open. “wowwowoeowo!” she started the pet him. “wHo iS a cUtE fuRRy?! yOu aRe!”
i cant stop laughing at the video 😂😂
ivy hisses back at them. “coolio. what are they for?”
“Pictures of a woman but I’ve never seen her before. Have you?” Hadley says handing him a picture then examining the candy.
“fine! fine. let’s talk about something else. do you have a boyfriend?” laura asked
“no. weird, she looks creepy as heck.”
“why the heck would I have a boyfriend? I’m the ugly stepsisters daughter... remember?” she hissed
Mercy’s face reddened and she shushed Dylan by raising her finger to Dylan’s lips. she didn’t move but instead looked the other way towards Elise’s desk
Dylan blinked awkwardly with mercy’s finger pressed to her mouth.
“mhm, right. sorry. but you are pretty.” laura realized what she said and turned red. “but i mean, like- frick.”
“Oh, my gosh....” Hadley says. She flickers on a light. It was a map of every single student at Fairtytale High with a file under each of them and red X’s over some.
Collin Bite Parker after saying that. not hard but enough for her to notice then he sat down and tipped his head up like he was proud of himself
Isla went red also but continued to drive anyways.
omg logan i watched it. i’m deaddd why is she the only person and it’s just a bunch of clones. OMG THAT ONE XSS SHOT WAS JUST WTH who why what and this left me with more questions
“holy- what is that? and why is there a red x over peoples names?” michael leaned over hadley’s shoulder. / “um, so.” laura slid down in her seat
“So do Furries only date furries or do they date mermaids...” she asked, wondering if there was something between him and Elizabeth by the way she acted Yesterday.
anya mounts gareth like a lil pony, “well they’re for a little bit of that, duh.”
Isla parked at the school and opened her door.
Elise cusses under her breath and walked around the desk to retrieve her phone where Mercy and Dylan were. Mercy leaned her face close to Dylan’s to where she could feel her breath, then when she was sure Elise saw them, she pulled away. “woah babe! don’t you think we should wait till we get out of the public place?” she asked playing the part
the comments have me deddd
“We need to get out of here,” Hadley says. She looked at all the photos this person had. “Look...” Hadley lifted up a picture and showed him. It was a picture of them at the stream. “Someone is watching everyone at Fairtytale High.”
laura stayed there for a second. “thanks for the ride. and i’m sorry.”
Collin changed back and stood up “w-what are you talking about?” He furrowed his brow
“why are you sorry?” she asked, confused. “I’m the one that tried to force you into telling me something that you didn’t want to know.”
Dylan cups mercy’s face and secretly gives her a glare. “But babe...I couldn’t take it anymore. your just so...” she doesn’t finish and kisses her instead, making sure Elise sees.
“you know... Elizabeth? I thought you guys were dating or something.” she also stood up.
“i dunno. it’s whatever, i don’t care.” laura got out.
at least I’m not confused about my sexuality anymore.
Isla sighed. “I’ll see you around, I guess.”
Collin raises an eyebrow “what? no! I just met her and was being friendly” he smiled
“i don’t like that. at all.” michael found a window that wasn’t boarded up. “this is stupid. don’t forget the pictures and the map.”
if Dylan wasn’t busy, she would tease Collin about this said subject, but as it is, she’s a little busy, kissing on the floor.
“mhm.”julia muttered
ivy nods. “Will they let me actually ride them..or am I just gonna stand here?”
“Seriously? if it’s not Elizabeth... then who is it?” she asked out of curiousness. (idc if that’s right or not)
Mercy was taken aback at first and then eventually pulled away. for a second she forgot what she was doing and her face went beat red. She heard Elise mumble something like ‘that’s it! I quit’
Curiosity. boom. grammar knowledge.
“Oh... yeah...” Hadley said kind of shocked. She got the pictures and then couldn’t take down the huge wall mounted map but did manage to tear most of it down. “Hurry...” she said scurrying out the window after him. She looked behind to find a hooded figure following them. “RUN!”
I tried that but PC didn’t like it
or I spelt it wrong
Dylan’s eyes widened. she had temporarily forgot where they were. “my bad.” she mumbles, face also red.
pc is stupid
michael punched the window open and rolled out, holding his fist. “ouch.” he said, grabbing her arm.
anya says something to the monkey with a click and whistle and the monkey instantly becomes docile, “yes, you’ll be fine.” she smiles and taps gareth‘ aside with her foot and he shoots up into the air.
Collin blushes “what, n-no one! I’m a free man”
someone commented “my 14 year old son really likes this son and i don’t understand why” 😂
julia waved and started to walk off
Her heart racing, Hadley just ran behind Michael. The hooded figure got closer and threw a knife and barely missed. The school was only a few feet ahead. “Hurry!”
ivy shrugs. “Here goes nothin.” she mounts the monkey and before she’s even got a firm grip, the monkey shoots off. she grabs a fist full of fur and tries to climb back up.
wait what did Michael and Hadley get themselves into😂
“well okay...” she felt awkward. “can you go back to fuRRy form so it’s less awkward?”
“there’s something rising, and it ain’t Jesus” was a comment that I laughed out loud at.
Collin rolled his eyes but instead he walked over to the closest tree and started climbing up. he sat on the lowest limb and motioned for Parker to follow his lead
michael ran and almost tripped up. he grabbed hadley’s hand and yanked her into the school and slammed the doors.
laura wandered the school
anya laughs as gareth does a backflip in the air, “isn’t this awesome!” she turns around to see ivy slipping off of her monkey and laughs harder.
Hadley looked at Michael. “Thanks,” she blushed. “Are you okay?” she says looking at his bloody hand from punching the window. “Okay no you aren’t let’s go get some bandages”
“no problem, and yeah. that sounds like a plan.” / laura fell over someone but whO
Parker flew up because she was to lazy to do otherwise. “so...”
“cheater...” he mumbled
ivy thinks about flipping her off, but is more focused on not dying. she pulls her self on and sighs in relief, before glaring at anya.
Hadley got bandages and other stuff and a chair. “Sit,” she ordered. Then she carefully treated the wound. “Thanks again, that must’ve hurt...”
oops wait
Dylan responded to mercy a while back
sOmE wAnT to bE aTtacKed bY tHy clUsMy LauRa
“thank you.” michael said, rubbing his hand. “and yeah, a little”
Mercy trained her focus back on Dylan despite the temptation to watch Elise stomp out the door. she only then realized she was still on her and quickly scrambled off
“A little?” Hadley laughs. She stood back up. “So... what should I do with all this?” she asks showing him all the pictures she stole from the shack.
Macey walked into the halls and fumbled with a piece of paper
anya waves back and just like that she jumps off of gareth. her arms crossed over her chest like a mumxy as she plxmmets. the monkey flies after her and just before hitting the ground catches anya and they rise up into the air again.
ivy shakes her head. “YeaAaa. no. I have a feeling that this monkey would drop me if it had the option.”
She smirked. “I’m no cheater... I just want to win.”
Dylan blushes hardcore. “Sorrry. I just...uh...” she rubs the back of her neck.
“i dunno. here..” he stuffed it in his coat pocket. “i’ll put it in my dorm later.”
anya makes another whistle noise and the ivy’s monkey does a barrel roll, “it’s not keith’s fault he murdered one of our human servants before!”
“cheater cheater pumpkin eater-“ he began as he climbed higher
ivy grins tighter. “Thanks for telling me that, AFTER I got on the monkey.”
Mercy pursed her lips and calmed herself allowing her face to take on its normal shade “n-no need to apologize. I mean your plan worked” she pointed to the door that Elise left open in her hurried escape from them
She flew to the very top and grinned. “I am just faster!”
Dylan laughs a little. “Yeah it did. but I should...you know...go... you have to get back to work..” she coughs.
so idk what to do with laura so guess what she does
my brother just went “WHAT WAS THAT FOR” in his sleep. I jumped. it surprised me.
“Uh- okay then,” Hadley shrugs.
omg 😳 my mom just talked in her sleep
“no that’s half math. okay i’m going back to bed goodnight love you”’is what she said hahaha
“yea yea whatever..” anya hooks her legs around her monkey and does a barrel roll above ivy, tugging at her hair.
michael smiled. “so!”
wHat does Laura do?
Collin yanked on her foot causing her to fall back down to where he was “cheaters never win!” he grinned and then climbed the rest of the way up
ivy smacks her hand away. “If I die, I will haunt you for the rest of your life.”
hEy tHaTs coLLiNs lInE
Mercy pouted “but this place is so boringggg. don’t leave me here alone”
“Heyy! now that is cheating.” she frowned.
she makes an açai bowl again 😎
what’s Collins line?
“all is fair and love and war and this is WAR!” he called out and then the branch broke and he fell down a few
the ghost haunting thingy
anya laughs and starts to fly back to the ground, forgetting to command, ivy’s monkey too and leaving him circling around up there.
Dylan blinks. “But uh...I just...I thought...the floor...uh...” she mumbles.
haha jk she makes two #lonelytingz
Collin is heartbroken now. jk😂
ivy screams at anya. “GET ME THS FXCK DOWN. ANYA.”
he can come fight ivy.
after she gets back down to the ground
Mercy raised an eyebrow “what?” then she remembered “oh uh yeah! I just thought....” she trailed off
“What now?” Hadley asks
“i dunno.” michael said / laura yeetus herself around with her açai bowl
Dylan looks down and kicks the floor. “yea...uh...was it okay?” she asks.
ivy lands gracefully and goes looking for ivy, “huh, j wonder where she landed..”
now I’m confused?^
nothing i’m still reading destination unknown comments while i wait for replies and they are just gOaLs
oh yes
“gosh.. are you okay?” she asked, ignoring the war comment
ivy rolls off the monkey quickly. “fxck you keith.”
Mercy stuffed her hands in her pockets and looked at something off to the side “...yes...” she said quietly
yeet. laura gays. yeet
Collin held a thumbs up “I’m used to it by now”
“is it to late to make a trombxner joke” and “just got good at typing with one hand” are some of my favorites 😂 oh and all the ones about this being the military BC ITS OBVIOUSLY A FXCKIN MARCHING BAND
She climbed up to the top without flying. “I guess I won...” she grinned
Dylan breathes a sigh of relief. “good, cause like, I didn’t wanna make you uncomfortable...I wasn’t thinking an I..” she rambles.
“camera man was recording with one hand”
(idk i’m just gonna pretend you landed by anya i’m confused to) keith growls at ivy and trots back over to anya, “wasn’t that fun?”
classic 😂
“marching band is more arousing than cheerleaders.”
“Hm...” Hadley thinks. “Is there anything you wanna do?”
ivy glares. “I’m going to skin your monkey and throw the body off a cliff.”
wait i found one so brilliant i can’t even quote it tho
why nottttt?
michael thought. “not really. you?”
Collin sighs “Finneeeeee. I guesss”
bc of the big xss emodicon
I’m dying 😂
Parker smiled and offered her hand to help Collin back up. “we can make it a tie.”
Mercy quickly covers her mouth with her hand “stop. now you’re rambling” she laughed
anya gives keith and gareth affectionate pets and kisses, “aww but aren’t they just the cutest?”
Dylan crosses her eyes and stares at mercy’s hand. she decides to shut ups
He rolled his eyes and reached for her hand. only instead of her helping him up, he yanked and pulled her down again
“oh yea. the cutest future rugs I’ve ever seen.” ivy grits her teeth.
Mercy slowly removes her hand carefully. she raised an eyebrow almost questioningly “alright?”
She squealed, “woahhhh oKaY... it’s on!!”
anya scowls still petting the flying monkeys, “hey you said you wanted to do some of that!”
“Same,” Hadley shrugs
Dylan nods. “yea okay..alright. sorry for rambling, I was just nervous and when I’m nervous, sometimes I ramble and I know it’s annoying, sorry.” she rambles again. she’s not doing a good job here.
“I didn’t think some of that would include an xsshole monkey!”
Mercy rolled her eyes trying to cover up a smile. “come on already” she grabbed her hand and led them out of the building
michael was blushing lol. / help me i forget how to rp the chlorine is getting to me
Collin stuck his tongue out “good!”
Dylan follows. “But don’t you have to work?” she asks, pointing a finger toward her desk.
“well what did you think it would include!” anya’s eyes glow red, she feels slightly hurt but petting her monkeys is helping.
“A-Are you okay?” Hadley asks looking st his cheeks.
Parker grinned, grabbed his arm and flew very VERY high. “I’ll drop you...”
“who? me? fine. i’m.”
ivy shrugs. “I didn’t mean to offend you. I’m just an inexperienced flyer.”
“pfttt...nah. my job wasn’t even important anyways I just took calls.” she shrugged and led them to a park a block away
“y-you wouldn’t!” he said not half believing himself
anya snaps her fingers and the monkeys fly back to the forest, “no you’re fine, i’m just a bit much.”
Dylan nods. “okay...” she goes quiet until they’re at the park. “mercy...what are we doing?”
“no really your not. it’s fine. it was..fun.” ivy winces.
“oh yes I would.” she held his arm lightly.
“i realized i was gay after watching this”
i can now rest in peace.
Hadley laughs. “Cute,” she said unconciously. “Cuticlesssss,” she tried to cover up then she turned around got mad at herself and turned back normal.
you guys are still on that video?
eyalala was
michael raised an eyebrow. “cuticles, huh?”
box cats
fish bed
bread cats
dog fish
dog fish
fish dog?
anya smiles, “it’s alright you don’t have to lie for me, i think it’s best if you pick what we do next anyways.”
mercy fumbled with her phone as she got a call from work but hung up “hmm..? oh I couldn’t stand to be in that building any longer especially if Elise came back” she then looked up at Dylan
ivy looks at the ground. “Compared to that...my thing is boring.”
Collin yelps “a-alright!”
so we’re all in agreement
anya chuckles, “well it seems like you’ve had enough of excitingness for one day.”
Dylan smiles a tiny bit. “mercy? merrrcccyyy?” she says. “Hey. what did we come here for? it’s a pretty ‘public place’.” she says, teasing mercy for what she said earlier.
she let go of him and let him fall... but she eventually caught him. “so... you won’t cheat?”
“Yeah my cuticles are very out of shape,” Hadley says. “Very...”
i have an idea can you feel the love tonight kitty girls
ME TOO HADLEY fxckin guitar -.-
plans in action, hadley’s back 😎✌🏼
“oh shush you. I was actinggggg” she said smirking. “well sort of-“
ivy shrugs. “We could go swimming. or eat food. or I dunno.” ivy says.
Collin folded his arms “no promises”
michael nodded. then, leaned in and kissed her 😳👐🏼
“Seriously? gosh...” she dropped him into a tree and frowned.
boom by nct dream. go stream it guys. or just watch it and feel blessed.
Hadley was about to make up some way to cover up this whole dumb cuticle story until he kissed her. She was shocked but kissed back.
Dylan smirks. “Acting? which part? the part where you jumped into my arms? or when you said you were the luckiest person alive? cause I don’t think that was acting. you made us fall over on purpose.” she teases.
much love, much kiss. now all we need is Collin and Parker
michael stopped. “cool, cool.” / laura made a smoothie. yeet
“Fun. Fun,” Hadley says.
oH gOsH
“mhm. very nice.” michael said
and then tomorrow everyone will forget about all of this just like Collin and Dylan😂
anya giggles, “your ideas are boring.. what about a gay bar? those are fun (bruh which to did i first have that gay sushi bar??)”
Collin frowned “ouchhhhh” he rubbed his head and glared at Parker
oof there it is
there what is?
me it twas me
i need laura to find a gay person so they can mate yk like yo gays wya
ivy blinks. “A gay bar? we’re not old enough to drink...”
watch ivy. it’s probably sushi’s
I wish I was a little bit taller, I wish I was a baller.
mercy poked her cheek “uh huh. you were 100% the one that made us fall over. and let’s not forget about that kiss huh? so I wouldn’t be arguing with me right now” she smiled
“oh right i totally forgot, you don’t like taking risks,” she giggles and starts to walk off, “does this mean i’ll have to pick up some otherrrr more brave and interestinggg chick to come with me?”
Dylan grabbed her hand and held them down. “I was acting.” she says. “that kiss meant nothin.”
i’m so mad i missed seven minutes in heaven the other day lol
ivy frowns. “Fine. I’ll come.” she catches up. “I’m not excited though.”
it really was nothing. we had one round then went onto more stuff😂
“Totally Cool,” Hadley says
Mercy smirked and leaned her head in a little closer “that’s not how it looked”
“do you want to go get dinner?”
“and why ever not?” anya’s eyes sparkle with fire.
ok i’m gonna go it’s rly late & i gotta wake up early. ttyl 💞💞
night night
alright nightttttt
Dylan leans closer as well. “That’s exactly how it looked.” she says, willing herself not to break.
sorry I had to eat dinner
ivy wrinkles her nose. “Cause they weird me out.”
“heh sorry.” she sat down on the tree next to him and smiled at a butterfly.
“Yeah sure,” Hadley says awkwardly.
okay gn! imma go too
good night y’all!
night night
NiGhTy night
and then there were 4
hi :)
now there’s 5 again
anya stops walking for a sec, “aww why? i don’t wanna put you in another uncomfortable situation.” she smiles remember the flying monkeys.
ivy shrugs. “I dunno. but I’ll go.” she says.
Isla sat in the halls of the school, humming ‘bad guy’
Mercy slowly moved closer, teasing her, “only to you boo” she pulled back and booped her on the nose
night cc
gn bud
Dylan frowned. “Dxmn. though I was gonna be kissed.”
yee yeeeee?
anya frowns and lightly touches ivy’s cheek, “it’s fine we can swim or something else you wanna do.” she realizes she’s becoming the horrible tyrant her mother was which almost causes her to set on fire.
“awwww,” mercy made a cute face imitating Dylan “but I thought that was all ‘acting’”
“heh sorry.” PArKeR sat down next to Collin and smiled at a butterfly.
Collin sat up and repositioned himself “you better be” he muttered
she rolled her eyes.
bruh jesus is coming for me rn
sorry back
what did you do this time
i just got an add that said ”tired of masking your true emotions?” and my first thought was “hxll yea baby woop woop!”
it’s a sign.
ivy shakes her head. “No. it’s Fine. let’s go. well she’s a fun time I bet.” she smiles.
that was weird
do you know what the ad was for
online therapy
Dylan shrugs. “it was. I would like to be kissed though.”
I am your therapist, my name is Jesus. what’s been bothering you?
lol that reminds me when I made a therapy account on Pc
anya smiles, “okkk lets go”
hey jesus, big j, j dog, doggie doggie j j, that’s it that’s all i have to say
Mercy breaks into a big grin “your wish is my command-“ she leaned forward and instead of backing out, went right into the kiss
i remuer thattt
Collin sat up “so...”
as the end of the school bell rang, jasper practically pranced out and yeeted all his books over his shoulder. then paused and picked them up when he realised he needed them for the rest of the year. 😂
“so..? is it awkward for you too? maybe I need to become a furry.” Parker smiled softly.
I see...and how does that make you feel?
Isla laughed at Jasper. “you are still an Idiôt.”
ivy grins. “lead the way!”
Collin rolled his eyes “no need to change. I don’t think you could get any more obnoxious”
Dylan blinks in surprise at first, then kisses back, wrapping an arm around mercy’s waist.
it makes me feel sad bc i know that you have all the weeds and snoop doggy dog will never live up to you
jasper pretended to be offended “excuse me girl, I am so not an idiot. if anyone here is the idiot it’s u.” he pointed his nose at the ceiling, posh-like
Mercy smiles and hooks her fingers around Dylan’s belt loops pulling her closer
yea. I am pretty great. but it’s okay, you can has some weed. as long as you make responsible choices.
anya’s eyes dance as she takes ivy’s hand and leads her over to the bar, the bouncer happens to know anya and they get in for free.
you’re right big jj i always make brownies bc i like my lungs
Dylan pulls away first. “That...was not acting.” she says.
my iPad and phone badge app icon for iMessages is permanently stuck on 240 now😂
“wow okay!” Isla was surprised by the attitude. // “woah... maybe I should go then.” she frowned and started climbing down the tree.
good child
ivy blinks. “I’ve never been to a gay bar...” she whispers.
I found my old iPod today
it still thinks if 2016
Mercy smirks “says who? maybe I’m just a phenomenal actress” she said with a glint in her eyes. she turned on her heals and waved goodbye “call me if you ever get lonely”
actually no... now it thinks it’s 1970...
oof good night guys
anya squeezes ivy’s hand tighter, “all you gotta do is dance around and mention lady gaga every ten minutes.”
good nighttt
NiGhTy niGhT
Jesus boi that iPod is more modern than me
“wanna do something fun?” jasper asked with a great grin on his face
“umm depends...” she stood up.
oof. ima go too. I have to get up and run early. baiii
alrighty... bye!
yEeT cyaaa
jasper tilted his head. his messy hair lopsided to one side (if that makes sense lol) “we can do whatever u want, I just wanna get out of this damnn wicked school”
She laughed. “I’m tired of making decisions... please, you choose.” she wasn’t used to being nice.
jasper held a wide grin. “ahahahah u sure >:)”
Isla was concerned. “Shall we?” she asked
he took her hand pointed to a bus a few metres in front of them. “let’s just go where ever that bus takes us.”
She nodded. It was dark outside but that just made it even more fun. “an adventure... sounds like fun.”
he payed for both of them as they chose a seat on the bus. there was only one seat left. “here, you sit down. I’ll just hold onto one of the straps.” he smiled
“no it’s fine... you sit!” Wow she really wasn’t used to being nice.
jasper crossed his arms “no u sit.” he frowned in a childish way
“Fine.” she sat down and smiled at him. “you know, you are a very good influence on me... we need to hang out more often.” she said remembering how she almost robbed 7/11.
he grabbed one of the straps as the bus started to move forward. “ofc I am💁🏾♂️.” he looked around at where the bus was going. it passed a large building and set into a road with a clear view of the ocean.
Isla smiled. “wow that view is amazing! even from an old, smelly bus.” The bus driver gave her a look and she stuck her tongue out at him.
he laughed and nodded his apologies to the bus driver. “your bus rlly is splendid.” he flicked her hair. “Isla behave.” he said al the while giggling uncontrollably
She laughed quietly, “don’t lie! There is a questionable stain and it smells worse then the bathroom at school... at that is saying a LOT!”
yee yeeeee
i am officially dead 😤
my blisters hurt too much for me to play and the bandaids are making it harder to strum 😣 abdijsjxjsbdjd IM SO FRUSTRATED
*jat poofs into existence*
I’m driving home from camp now so 😎
have funnn
there’s bad service 🤦♀️
I’m so tired 😴
me too
am I have to got to volleyball practice for 2 hours again😫
there’s a severe thunderstorm warning here
the weather this week has been the worst
oh no😟 I hope you’ll be okay
haha yes I’ll be ok
my dog is barking at nothing thinking the thunder is something outside 😂
thunder feel the thunder
LiGhTnInG aNd ThE tHuNdEr
I- I give up with trying to rp😂
I’ve missed so freakibfbmucj
I have a sudden urge to get a pixie cut
I’m four hours away cjdjakenbcsm
my house is freezing
3.13159 this is pi followed by 2653589 circumference over diameter 79323 omg cant you see 8462643 and now we’re on a spree! 3832 now were blUe
i meant 3.14159
ew get that math away from me
I’m a zombie
I actually took some good pictures today :)
It happens only once a year
ok so i’m no longer playing the guitar but i’m doing a bunch of guitar related things atm bc it is now my life 😂 i have to use popsicle sticks as picks so i’m decorating them and than i’m gonna try and make a strap out of duct tape which is litty
is anyone here?
I am
anyone want to rp?
h i
let us rp
Macey started flirting with strangers// Collin sat in the rafters in the hall// Mercy walked around
Elizabeth:*in the hall singing*
laura walked around / michael fell asleep in the middle of the hall
hi hiiii
If anyone wants to join My all fandom Roleplay do it now and also the Roleplay Page is up)
Macey waved as she scared some stranger away “uh okay! talk to you later” she skipped off
hiya I is bored
same yeye
Macey skipped towards the school looking for her next target
michael woke up and banged his head on the wall. “oop.”
I’m also at my account if anyone wants to join me there
Collin climbed onto the lockers and sat up there swinging his legs
Lilith skated aimlessly cause YeE YeE fam
laura skipped around
don’t mind me I’m just sleep deprived
I have smile lines now just because I haven’t been sleeping enough
aww kat
Elizabeth:*gets up and finds Collin*KITTY HI
Collin waves from ontop of the lockers still “Hey,”
Elizabeth:What yo doing?
“nothing much,” he shrugged
whoop whoop
this is the 2nd time my artwork flew out the window whAT
Oh my Sal
yus gday mate
amEn gDaY maTey
anyone wanna rp?
sure :)
hi hi
oh wait brb
hey eyala
Myra walks in really really late with her suitcase behind her, she glanced around confused for what to do.
e y a l a
anya peeks out from around a pillar and looks at myra suspiciously. she creeps a bit closer in order to get a better look at the girl.
: )
“Hello?” Myra called out, and fully inspected the hall
anya giggled and threw her shoe across the hall then ducked down, hoping it would scare her.
Myra shrieked at the shoe nearly missing her head, “WHOS THEREE?” Myra yelled and picks up the shoe to use as a weapon
s a l
sal pal :)
anya pops out from behind the pillar, using her power to set her eyes on fire, “SURPRISE!”
“AHHH,” Myra screamed and runs for her life
hey kat 👋🏼
anya laughs, “wait give me my shoe back!” she runs after myra determined to get her precious vintage air force 1.
“n E v E r,” Myra sprints up a flight up stairs
anya yells in frustration, “don’t you dare crease my limited edition are forces!” she runs after myra still grinning out of amusement.
aww why
“I can’t make any promises,” She yelled back.
anya finds a burst of energy and tackles myra, “gimme my shoe, witch!” anya is half yelling half laughing.
Because I’m bored to death and I know I could Roleplay here but my characters don’t really like be social so
“Fine Fine,” Myra flings the show across the room
I’m trying to take a Instagram picture and it’s not working out ;-;
anya keeps myra pinned down, “how do i know you won’t run away before i can interrogate you?”
justin watched anya and Myra from afar, he concluded that they were weird, he stuffed some salad into his mouth
I have a really good idea for a Roleplay but I’m not so sure people would join
“A Pinky Promise?” Myra shrugged
anya extends her pinky, “okay.”
If anyone has questions just ask me!
my baby bird keeps rolling on his back and moving around like that
oof i’m glad you’re still talking about your bird bc i’m playing my bird rn and i’m probably going to end up talking about it 😂
Myra shakes her pinky, “Deal,”
just join the rp
Macey gets kidnapped
but it’s okay they gave her right back after they heard her scream like a child
Ethan was unpacking his stuff in his dorm
it’s really hard the app i got has either insanely easy songs or super novice songs and i know i’ll never get a novice song but i’m gonna get frusterated with beginner songs so if i ever yell in frustration someone just say, “you don’t wanna relive piano :)” and ill go back to playing the easy songs.
I can’t really Roleplay, kinda working on a huge high school Roleplay
anya blushes and stands up pulling up myra on her feet with her, “i’m anya btw.”
Collin walked into a store and bought a colorful turtle neck, slipping it over his T-shirt.
hi cc :)
“Myra,” Myra smiled
c c
So if anyone has questions about it please ask
about what
anya looks myra up and down and something in her brain clicks but she hold her tongue, “oh uh cool name..” she jogs over and grabs her shoe putting it on with her eyes on myra incase she tries to run again.
“Thanks,” Myra nodded and pulls out her phone and then looks up at Anya again
michael bublé just ended up in my playlist and i’m lowkey livin for it
Mercy flips off a driver who almost ran her over then proceeded in walking down the road like an idiot
anya smiles back innocently, “i’m guessing you’re new here?”
Ethan than sits down at a random piano and plays the wii theme song
anya is the wicked witch of the west’s daughter and all your ocs are from oz 😂 ahem that’s just drama waiting to happen
My super huge high school Roleplay idea
what is it
“Yeah,” Myra. “Pretty much,”
omg gasp
anya shrugs, “i could show you around if you like.”
You’ll have to wait and see, I’m making the information page right now as we speak
Macey skips around some more walking up to random people and giggling at their reaction to her horrible jokes
“That would be nice,” she replied
ella i’ll rp with you on hp :)
bc my other oc on here is hella useless
who is it😂
I’m bored
and my stomach hurts
anya smiles and gestures to the room they’re in, “welcome to the grand hallway, it leads to the dorms and most of the classrooms.”
damion he has such a cool story and i’ll probably use him in a story he just doesn’t have a purpose here
I 100% forgot this was a school rp😬
aww dang kat :(
me too 😂
rip Damien
“I see,” Myra says and looks around.
Macey sang some tune from a sappy love song as she walked around the sChOol
anya shrugs, “we haven’t had classes in a while, i hear the teachers are on strike <i thoroughly love making bxllshtt up>”
I think Lilith’s arc is pretty cool, but I’m prob to busy to even do it to an extend andddd no one in the rp actually cares/knows my oc so it would work out poorly
“That’s a rip,” Myra says and peeks into the art room.
who was that ONE teacher I made up?? Mr Q? yeah he quit after the first day😂
I’m rly tired
you should try and go to sleep earlier tonight💞
yea man go to bed, love
anya watches myra’s gaze, “that’s the art room, do you like it?” she wanders in flipping the light switch on.
Talalala. I wanna pet a llama. that sounds like fun
i wanna have more than two chords memorized 😤
“it’s cool,” Myra shrugged. “I’m not really into visual arts I couldn’t draw to save my life,” Myra laughs
anya chuckles, “what do you like to do?” she says, her eyes occupied by the paintings and drawings hanging on the walls.
Take me on a date I deserve a break and don’t forget the flowers every anniversary
^ oof I hate myself for that. that sound is complete rubbish
“Theater, what about you?” She asked
anya shrugs finally turning her head back to myra, “oh you know, revenge.”
I will if I can get through w everything
justin sat on the steps of school, scrolling through his phone, while reading a book simultaneously
“That’s a hobby?” Myra glances over to a painting of the emerald city
Macey skipped over to Justin and sat down next to him beaming
anya follows her gaze, her eyes lighting on fire just a tad. she lets out a tense laugh, “oh you’d find it’s very time consuming.”
“Oh I...understand,” Myra says and continued staring at the painting. “It’s pretty isn’t it?”
“yea, i wish i could live there,” anya grits her teeth behind myra’s back.
I’m trying to decide if I want to audition for my schools one act and musical...
one acts are lame do the musical
I mean I did both last year at the same time and while it was stressful it wasn’t unmanageable
sometimes it’s nice to be busy
“I bet you would love it...Where do you live?” Myra asked and turned around
but it’s like the second week of school and I’m already dying
although do the musical cause it’s funner
take me back to never land where us kids never grow up. dreams carried throughout the breeze, imagination of every variety. our only enemy the ones we made up. no reality can break through because it’s neverland where our dreams are suppose to come true
they both sound fun 🙃
anya looks around the room for inspiration on her lie, “i live in a.. paintbrush.. museum.. castle. »
I don’t know...I already know I’m not doing both, but I don’t know. Kind of leaning towards to one act because it’s the competition one act and the schedule is more flexible since the cast is smaller
oh than do the one act, comps are fun
I’m pretty sure there’s only like 9 parts?
I’m doing a roleplay if anyone wants to join
“Sounds Fancy, where is it?” Myra asked and sat down on a spiny stool
than go for it 🤷♀️
I am the globglogabgalab
“oh you know, that place with the.. uh.. giant chickens?” anya is a bad liar.
the shwibblegibblejdjsncijdnsick
hi em :)
“Are you lying?”
anya laughs nervously, “wha-what makes you say that?”
“Your hesitating,” Myra says.
justin looked at macey, his eyebrows raised, “why so happy?” he asked curiously, there must be something wrong at least.
laura wandered / michael made a chicken dinner for himself
anya sticks her tongue out, “so what if i am i’m not telling you where i’m from.”
me & my family were watching queer eye and my brother was getting on my nerves, so i told him if he kept it up i’d leave so here i am
“I am nothing of the sort!” Macey said curtly as she crossed her arms and put on a frown
my mom always cries when we watch quxer eye
me too eye-
“Why not?”
okay i gotta socialize. also on eyalas type of gays post i’m very proud of my comment
“why do you even care.”
huh huh huh
hey hey hey
hole a
julia ran down the halls and accidentally stormed into someone and toppled over them / michael finished his chicken dinner
Hiya, I have a really good Roleplay up if anyone wants to join
ion understand
Hi could you guys vote for a title? Smoke, then silence or Smoke and Silence
Smoke And Silencs.
it’s basically a Roleplay with three different schools
“I don’t know I’m curious,”
anya smiles sweetly, “well stay curious babes cuz i ain’t spillin the tea.”
smoke and silence
who bots to be attacked by laura
“Why not?” Myra raised an eyebrow.
“tell me where you’re from first,” anya hopes this will confirm her suspicions and she can get the assassination over in a jiffy.
Myra shakes her head, “I asked first,”
I replied to you Mistee
what’s happening
I’m doing a Roleplay the information is apparently confusing though
hey cc 👋🏼
hey hey
“can i guess?” anya knows she’s beyond correct that myra is from oz, she just has that annoying glow.
“Sure,but I doubt you’ll guess correctly,” Myra warns.
“oz? you’re from oz right your the bxstard glinda’s daughter, RIGHT?” anya’s eyes grow redder and more fiery with every word.
“Oh shoot,” Myra stumbled and fell off her chair, “W-Who are you?”
justin crosses his arms too, “is that so?” justin asked, chuckling.
“yes it is SOooo” she crossed her legs “so what have you been up to?”
hey guys🙃
anya almost becomes completely indulged in flames but she regained some slight control as her hair, i danced in the center seems to burn and billow around. “you know exactly where i’m from!”
Myra broke out into a sprint and ran out the room and into the hall.
anya whistles and her pet flying monkeys shoot out from around the corner. keith trails after myra and gareth gives anya a ride down the hall.
Myra grabs a pretty metal stick from her back pocket and waves it around to create a bubble around herself
keith the flying monkey crashes into the bubble in a screaming fit and squawks loudly as gareth and anya catch up, “AUGH!” anya yells out in frustration.
Myra sighed and sat down in her bubble, “Why are you trying to hurt me?”
anya huffed and sat down in her fire ball, “i told you revenge is time consuming..@
“Personally I haven’t done anything to you, why are you after me?”
“you’re the next best thing, besides wouldn’t you feel angry if- if you had your childhood ripped to pieces by a bucket of fxcking water..”
“It’s not my fault why your mom’s dead! It’s freaking Dorothy’s!” Myra protests.
“I DONT CARE WEVE ALL SEEN WICKED THE MUSICAL!” anya throws her hands up exasperated.
Myra sighs, “Okay Fine,”
“does this mean you’ll let me kill you?”
“No!” Myra face palmed
anya smiles, “you’re starting to grow on me, daughter of a bxtch.”
Myra rolled her eyes, “Do you still want to kill me?”
I is back and bored
anya smiles mischievously, “ask me in a couple days.”
Myra laughes, “Alright but just don’t kill me in my sleep at least,”
agh I gtg go
guess whose still awake?!
me :(
aw oof
me too
go to bed kattt
and cccc
and all of us sleep deprived chirrin
pftttt sleep? never heard of it
I swear if I wake up with more smile lines tmr tho
alright I think I’m going to bed now?
wait what are smile lines?
i havé scream lines and worry lines but tf are smile lines
like when you smile, and your skin creases?🤷🏼♀️
Good night kat :)
yep, but it can happen when you don’t get enough sleep bc something about something not being strong enough and you strengthen it through sleep
alright now I’m going to bed
hey hey
idk what to do
I don’t know either
I’m at I hop ;-;
I went to the store and bought a coke from mexico
ooo fancy
it taste Spanish-y
my one question is: what is Mexican coke doing in New York?
good question
My day is about to become either really really bad or really really good
it’ll be really really good i know iT
really really good
really really really good
rreeaallyy ggoooodd
that’s real good
hi hi hi hi
omg I just realized season four of escape the night came out
oof gotta binge that
oo season 4 is really good
the last episode made me real mad
is anyone hereeee
remember when I said my day was either going to be rly bad or rly good
yeah well it ended up being really bad
oof I’m going to be in a lot of trouble
that’s bad I’m sorry
I’m sorry kat
aw what happened? it’ll be okay 💞
aw I’m sorry kat
I hope your day is better tomorrow
I’m back kinda
Dawn is dying
he’s less active and it’s sad to watch him 😞
he’s never going to get a chance to meet the hedgehog I’m getting tomorrow which is sad because they were gonna be brotherssss ://
take him to the doctors.
don’t let him die
my parents won’t. they say he’s already bound to die and they don’t want waste money on it which is kinda morbid
I know I don’t want him to dieeee
he’s my baby
that is so mean. I’m going to cry.
no don’t cryyyy
cause then I’ll cry
I’m already crying
my eyes are sweating
that’s unhealthy
hi hi
my eyes are drowning.
that’s no good
no. no drowning allowed
hi hi
whoa i thought that said drooling
I’ve been listening to the same song for the past hour
oof been there
it’s not getting old though 🤔
jyhvyhcjvu i should post something
I guess 🤷♀️
you don’t have tooooo
it’s alright i’ll just choose from either a collage or a thing ive already written
aightttyyy mannn
now I’m mindlessly scrolling through tik tok 🤷♀️
I have eaten so many blueberries i think I’m turning blue
hi kat
blueberries are yummy :))
Kat, I hope your day is better tomorrow
oh imma respond to the hp rp
I wanna eat a whole bag of jelly beans
thank you💕
we love you kat 💞
I’m sorry today wasn’t great but I’m sure tomorrow will be at least a bit better ✨💓