Collage by basorexia


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Just been doing this and that, working and helping with my siblings kids-lots of little summer adventures, things of that nature. I’ve missed talking to you though, whether it be as friends or whatever the case may be.
Go right ahead
So… my turn to be honest, yeah?
I had a very strong feeling of that being the case. I didn’t want to bring it up and seem accusatory. But I figured that was the case, and I appreciate you trying more than you even know or could begin to comprehend.
I also stopped my HRT not long after one of the last few times we talked. Non-binary/fluid identifying rather than strictly female or male because neither seems quite right. Not that it necessarily matters, but I figured you deserve some kind of… explanation I guess? I don’t really know my reasoning for sharing that. But yeah, back to the original topic- I appreciate your effort and your willingness to be accepting and to adapt as best as you could. No feelings hurt, I swear
Don’t be sorry, it’s alright
And I know you loved me, you wouldn’t have tried if you didn’t, that’s evident.
I wanted to grow our family with you, but I could tell you weren’t fully there in it which is why I didn’t push the matter. There was a lot going on, and in a way it was selfish of me to make the changes when I did, making things harder on Jinae, Judah, and you.
Yeah, you’re my end-all be-all, Sierra. I don’t see myself loving anyone else the way I have loved you, and I’ll keep that close to my heart forever and always
No, I do believe there was a timing issue there, because as I’ve already stated, it’s slightly undone itself in a way. I wanted to feel more authentically myself, but ended up feeling less-so in the process.
But truly, there’s nobody else I would have ever chosen to be my partner, my best friend, or the mother of my children. You did it as perfectly as you could and made me into someone I never imagined I could be. So thank you for all of that
Luca.. it’s Luca, but thank you ❤️ and you’re right- hope for the best and move forward. And if it’s alright with you, I want to keep in contact? I get it if you don’t want to, believe me. Not trying to re-open wounds or cause unwanted stress, but it’s been shxxty not having the person I considered my best friend around.
Yeah, Luca is what feels best- guess my parents knew what they were doing when they named me that to begin with, hm? But good… I’m actually really relieved to hear that.
a big part of me thought we wouldn’t ever get to this kind of conversation or even be talking again period so… as dramatic as it may seem, I feel like a big weight has been lifted off my chest. I’ve said about 80% of what I’ve wanted to say for, what.. almost a year now?
yeah, it’s what feels best to use. neutral enough that it works in either situation, but also easy for everyone around me. it’s a win-win
yeah, im bordering on tears myself 🙂‍↕️definitely an interesting way to start my morning
i’m just glad you don’t hxte me or something because that’s pretty much what I’ve been telling myself this entire time
which I know now, buttt my mindset was assume the worst so it couldn’t be any more awful ❤️ my typical thought process