☄Tap After Reading☄
QTOD: Ever touched an electric fence?


☄Tap After Reading☄ QTOD: Ever touched an electric fence?

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Oh wow what an experience! You guys just keep on being brave! I wish you the best of luck!😘
ohohohoh my gosh keep safe
yes I have and IT HURTS. our chickens r kept in electric fences and I accidentally touched it
no. how on earth could you miss a bunch of tombstones though?!
Nope I haven't. That actually sounded really exciting. That homeless man was really nice. Bless him. Also, I find your blogs very interesting and I LOVE to read them every day. Thank you for the amazing account and blogs. BTW don't forget to join my Christmas Games!
yes, because I wanted to be a rebel. and the funny thing is, that the electric fences were off so I thought I absorbed the energy and became like SAAANIC
oh, and this was when I was 5^
YES!!! luckly it was turned off!!!!
OH GOSH ARE YOU ALL OK?!??! that Kevin guy seems nice
No I've never touched an electric fence (fortunately) Stay safe you guys!💕