If I were given a genie and three wishes, I would wish for Rose and the real Doctor to be on Doctor Who forever and ever, David Tennant to be my dad, and for all of my fatness to be gone 😪


If I were given a genie and three wishes, I would wish for Rose and the real Doctor to be on Doctor Who forever and ever, David Tennant to be my dad, and for all of my fatness to be gone 😪

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lol that's mee too!!
NO! the last wish isn't worth it! You are amazing already! Like you said, you will never be good enough in the eyes of society. but you will ALWAYS be better than enough in the eyes of God. Real beauty is believing you are beautiful.
thanks :)
me to in wishes but david tenant, Matt smith , rose and Amy to be like changing each ep
same... 😂 don't say that!! you don't need to have your "fatness" gone! you're fine the way you are!! 😊💙💕✨
I would wish for Billie and Jenna be my best friends :D
OMG me too!
oh and I would theow in Davod too cuz he's awesome
whoah what is that/\ i meant to say " I would throw in David too cuz he's awesome"