Collage by im_a_terrible_person


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omg that’s terrible!!! My friend had an anxiety attack in the beginning of a presentation too, and the teacher still made her present, after that I met her in the bathroom, while we sat in silence.
Thx for following me
that’s terrible:(
also, I’m pretty sure if your friends would laugh at that they aren’t your real friends. I know I have anxiety and medication helps. People shouldn’t laugh at you. The teacher also shouldn’t make you keep going in a presentation. Teachers should be able to see their students and help them. It seems like transferring schools could be an option if you could. I wouldn’t say that it’s running away from your problems. It’s more like, this isn’t a good learning environment for me, so I’m going to move to one that is. If you need someone to talk to, I’m here.
now, I’m going to tell you this and I haven’t really talked about it with anyone maybe I feel safer since no one knows who I am behind a screen: Anyways, I’m going through a weird stage where I’m not completely sure who I love. I’m a girl who’s always likes boys, but also girls I think. That’s the thing. I’m not sure if I do, but I’m open to the idea of kissing one. Maybe it’s because I’m totally for LGBTQ+ I’m not sure. I know it doesn’t compare to your problem but I just really wanted to say that because whatever reason.
are you letting the enemies win?
oh and one thing when god does something like this to you get ready for something great to happen
don’t let the enemies win
oh god i’m so sorry, that’s awful. don’t worry everyone sucks in middle school and then it always gets better.
we must come together as the anxiety empire
I will be praying for you so so much!